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Created September 29, 2015 21:24
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The Game of Text Life from DailyProgrammer
# the game of text life from daily programmer
# by Anjana and Alicia
import random
def gridafy(inputString):
""" INPUT: a string with new line returns,
OUTPUT: a list of strings that each fit on one line, with shorter lines padded with spaces """
splitted = inputString.split("\n")
longest = max(splitted, key=lambda x: len(x))
gridWidth = len(longest)
# print (longest, gridWidth)
grid = []
for row in splitted:
extraSpaces = gridWidth - len(row)
# print extraSpaces
newRow = row + " " * extraSpaces
# print newRow
return grid
def findNeighbors(inputList, (row,col)):
""" INPUT: a list of strings (that make a grid) and a row, column tuple specifying a point
OUTPUT: a list of all neighbor characters of that point """
neighborList = []
deltaList = [(-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1),
(0,-1), (0,1),
(1,-1), (1,0), (1,1)]
for (delR, delC) in deltaList:
#print (delR, delC)
#print (row+delR, col+delC)
if row+delR >= 0 and col+delC >= 0:
except IndexError:
# print "exception"
return neighborList
def countAliveNeighbors(neighborList):
"""INPUT: list of neighbor strings, OUTPUT: integer of number of alive neighbors"""
counter = 0
for neighbor in neighborList:
if neighbor != " ":
counter += 1
return counter
def getBornCell(neighborList):
"""INPUT: list of neighbors (strings)
OUTPUT: randomly selected new string to put in the cell (not a space)"""
aliveNeighbors = [n for n in neighborList if n != " "]
return random.choice(aliveNeighbors)
def updateStatus(cellString, neighborList):
"""INPUT: contents (string) of the cell, list of strings of neighbors
OUTPUT: new contents of the cell (string)"""
isAlive = (cellString != " ")
numAliveNeighbors = countAliveNeighbors(neighborList)
if isAlive:
if numAliveNeighbors > 1 and numAliveNeighbors < 4:
# cell stays alive
newString = cellString
# cell dies
newString = " "
if numAliveNeighbors == 3:
newString = getBornCell(neighborList)
newString = " " #same as cellString
return newString
def transition(inputString):
"""INPUT: string containing newlines, representing a grid
OUTPUT: string containing newlines, representing grid updated according to game of life"""
grid = gridafy(inputString)
newGrid = []
for (r, row) in enumerate(grid):
newRow = ""
for (c, char) in enumerate(row):
neighborList = findNeighbors(grid, (r,c))
newChar = updateStatus(char, neighborList)
newRow += newChar
outputString = "\n".join(newGrid)
return outputString
# print "TESTS"
# print gridafy("first line \n second line")
# print ""
# #testString = "A C\n EF\nGH "
# testString = " *\n****\n *"
# print "expecting 5: " + str(countAliveNeighbors(findNeighbors(gridafy(testString), (1,1))))
# print "expecting 1: " + str(countAliveNeighbors(findNeighbors(gridafy(testString), (0,0))))
# print "expecting 3: " + str(countAliveNeighbors(findNeighbors(gridafy(testString), (2,2))))
# print ""
# print testString
# print gridafy(testString)
# print transition(testString)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Welcome to game of life"
currentString = "What?\nThis is exceedingly silly.\n\nReally, we would like some ACTUAL programming challenges around here."
while True:
print ""
newString = transition(currentString)
print newString
currentString = newString
x = raw_input("type something: ")
if x == "quit":
print "Goodbye"
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