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Last active October 7, 2017 06:48
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losp filter in C
#define ERR1(i,l,c) fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d:%d Indent Err\n",i,l,c),exit(1)
//enum { D='{', U='}', R='<', L='>' };
enum { D='(', U=')', R='(', L=')' };
int prvn=0,nxtn=0,prvs=0,nxts=0,arr[99]={0},len=1,cnt=0,X=0;
char*has(char*a,char*b){while(*b)if((_=index(a,*b++)))break;return _;}
void process(int n){if(!*prv) return; c=D,d=';';
for(prvs=nxts,nxts=0;nxt[nxts]==' ';nxts++);
if (prvs<nxts) arr[len++]=nxts; else c=R,d=L;
for(cnt=0; len>=0 && nxts<arr[len-1]; len--) cnt++;
for(int n=0; n<cnt; n++) endb[n]=U; endb[cnt]=0;
if ((has(prv,"'`:;\"0123456789")) && _-prv == prvs) c=d=' ';
if (len<0||nxts!=arr[len-1]) ERR1(I?I:"-",nxtn,arr[len-1]);
int main (int c,char*v[]){ (v[1]?stdin =fopen(I=v[1], "r"),
v[2]?stdout=fopen(O=v[2], "w"),
v[3]?stderr=fopen(E=v[3], "a"):0:0:0);
setbuf(stdout,0); setbuf(stderr,0);
if (nxt[0]!='\n' && !(nxt[strlen(nxt)-1]=0) && *nxt)
process(0), prvn=nxtn, _=prv, prv=nxt, nxt=_;
{strcpy(nxt,";"); process(0); if (X&&O) unlink(O);}}
defvar _ nil
defvar arr (list 0 )
defvar cnt 0
defvar prvn 0
defvar nxtn 0
defvar prvs 0
defvar nxts 0
defvar pfxt ""
defvar sfxt ""
defvar prvt ""
defun ne (a b)
not (eq a b)
defun empty (s)
eq (length s) 0
defun nonempty (s)
> (length s) 0
defun c (s)
elt s 0
defun clip (s)
string-right-trim (format nil " ~%") s
defun read-next-line ()
read-line *standard-input* nil nil
defun concats (rest)
concatenate 'string rest
defun replaces (prvt ss s2)
if (search (concats ss) prvt)
format nil "~a~a~a"
subseq prvt 0 (search ss prvt)
values s2
subseq prvt (+ (search ss prvt) 2)
values prvt
defmacro _nfx (&rest rest)
if (eq (length rest) 1) ` ,(car rest)
if (eq (length rest) 2) ` ( ,@rest )
if t ` ( ,(cadr rest) ,(car rest) ,@(cadr rest) )
defvar listx (concats (list (c "(") (c "l") (c "i") (c "s") (c "t") (c " ") ))
defvar nfx (concats (list (c "(") (c "_") (c "n") (c "f") (c "x") (c " ") ))
defvar end1 (concats (list (c " ") (c ")") ))
defvar end2 (concats (list (c " ") (c " ") (c ")") ))
defvar sep (concats (list (c ")") (c "(") ))
defun proc (nxtt)
when (nonempty prvt)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c " ") (c "]") ) end1)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c "[") (c " ") ) listx)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c "{") (c " ") ) nfx)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c " ") (c "]") ) end2)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c ";") (c ";") ) sep)
:initially (setf prvs nxts)
:initially (setf nxts 0)
:while (eq (elt nxtt nxts) (c " "))
:do (incf nxts)
setf pfxt "("
when (< prvs nxts)
push nxts arr
:initially (setf cnt 0)
:while (< nxts (car arr))
:do (pop arr)
:do (incf cnt)
:initially (setf sfxt nil)
:for n from 0 below cnt
:do (push (c ")") sfxt)
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c ":")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c ";")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c "`")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c "\"")
setq pfxt " "
push (c " ") sfxt
if (>= prvs nxts)
push (c ")") sfxt
push (c ";") sfxt
if (ne nxts (car arr))
ferror "Indent Err~%" nxtn (car arr)
format t "~a~a~a~%" pfxt prvt (concats sfxt)
defun main ()
:while (setf nxtt (read-next-line))
:do (incf nxtn)
:do (clip nxtt)
:when (nonempty nxtt) :do (proc nxtt)(setf prvn nxtn)(rotatef prvt nxtt)
:finally (proc ";")
all: clean losp_filter losp_filter.diff q.zzz ; diff q.zzz losp_filter.lsp
diff: all losp_filter.diff
%.diff: %.lsp %.zzz; diff $^
%.zzz: %.losp ; clisp losp_filter.lsp <$< >$@
clean: ; rm -fr losp_filter *~ *.o *.lsp ? *~ .*~ \#* .\#* *.num *.zzz *.lzp
%.num: % ; cat -n <$< >$@
%.lsp: %.losp; ./losp_filter $< $@
qq.losp: losp_filter.losp
perl -npe 's/\(list /[ /g; s/ \)/ ]/g; s/\)\(/ -->> /g;' $<>$@
defvar _ nil
defvar arr (list 0 )
defvar cnt 0
defvar prvn 0
defvar nxtn 0
defvar prvs 0
defvar nxts 0
defvar pfxt ""
defvar sfxt ""
defvar prvt ""
defun ne (a b)
not (eq a b)
defun empty (s)
eq (length s) 0
defun nonempty (s)
> (length s) 0
defun c (s)
elt s 0
defun clip (s)
string-right-trim (format nil " ~%") s
defun read-next-line ()
read-line *standard-input* nil nil
defun concats (rest)
concatenate 'string rest
defun replaces (prvt ss s2)
if (search (concats ss) prvt)
format nil "~a~a~a"
subseq prvt 0 (search ss prvt)
values s2
subseq prvt (+ (search ss prvt) 2)
values prvt
defmacro _nfx (&rest rest)
if (eq (length rest) 1) ` ,(car rest)
if (eq (length rest) 2) ` ( ,@rest )
if t ` ( ,(cadr rest) ,(car rest) ,@(cadr rest) )
defvar listx (concats (list (c "(") (c "l") (c "i") (c "s") (c "t") (c " ") ))
defvar nfx (concats (list (c "(") (c "_") (c "n") (c "f") (c "x") (c " ") ))
defvar end1 (concats (list (c " ") (c ")") ))
defvar end2 (concats (list (c " ") (c " ") (c ")") ))
defvar sep (concats (list (c ")") (c "(") ))
defun proc (nxtt)
when (nonempty prvt)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c " ") (c "]") ) end1)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c "[") (c " ") ) listx)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c "{") (c " ") ) nfx)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c " ") (c "]") ) end2)
setf prvt (replaces prvt (list (c ";") (c ";") ) sep)
:initially (setf prvs nxts)
:initially (setf nxts 0)
:while (eq (elt nxtt nxts) (c " "))
:do (incf nxts)
setf pfxt "("
when (< prvs nxts)
push nxts arr
:initially (setf cnt 0)
:while (< nxts (car arr))
:do (pop arr)
:do (incf cnt)
:initially (setf sfxt nil)
:for n from 0 below cnt
:do (push (c ")") sfxt)
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c ":")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c ";")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c "`")
eq (elt prvt prvs) (c "\"")
setq pfxt " "
push (c " ") sfxt
if (>= prvs nxts)
push (c ")") sfxt
push (c ";") sfxt
if (ne nxts (car arr))
ferror "Indent Err~%" nxtn (car arr)
format t "~a~a~a~%" pfxt prvt (concats sfxt)
defun main ()
:while (setf nxtt (read-next-line))
:do (incf nxtn)
:do (clip nxtt)
:when (nonempty nxtt) :do (proc nxtt)(setf prvn nxtn)(rotatef prvt nxtt)
:finally (proc ";")
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