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Created September 30, 2010 04:43
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Save valda/604040 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
任意の esp/m に含まれる武器の性能を FWE 準拠に調整する esp を生成するスクリプ㌧
# -*- coding: utf-8-dos; mode: python -*-
# requires: Wrye Flash 29 BETA or later.
import sys
import time
from optparse import OptionParser
from bash import bosh
from bash.bosh import formatInteger,formatDate
from bash.bolt import GPath
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] FILENAME(esm/p, without directory path)")
parser.add_option("-o", dest="outfile", help="output file", default="a.esp", metavar="FILE")
parser.add_option("-q", dest="quiet", help="quiet mode", default=False)
(opts, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
if len(args) != 2:
# init subsystem
bosh.modInfos = bosh.ModInfos()
# create patch
patchInfo = bosh.ModInfo(bosh.modInfos.dir, GPath(opts.outfile))
patchInfo.mtime = max([time.time()]+[info.mtime for info in bosh.modInfos.values()])
loadFactory = bosh.LoadFactory(True,bosh.MreWeap)
patchFile = bosh.ModFile(patchInfo,loadFactory) = ''
patchFile.tes4.masters = [GPath('Fallout3.esm')]
patchFile.tes4.version = 0.85
patchFile.longFids = True
# source mod
fileInfo = bosh.ModInfo(bosh.modInfos.dir, GPath(args[1]))
readFactory = bosh.LoadFactory(False,bosh.MreWeap)
modFile = bosh.ModFile(fileInfo,readFactory)
# scanModFile
mapper = modFile.getLongMapper()
patchRecords = patchFile.WEAP
for record in modFile.WEAP.getActiveRecords():
record = record.getTypeCopy(mapper)
# buildPatch
weaponType= (
animationType = {
0:'Hand to Hand',
1:'Melee (1 Hand)',
2:'Melee (2 Hand)',
3:'Pistol - Balistic (1 Hand)',
4:'Pistol - Energy (1 Hand)',
5:'Rifle - Balistic (2 Hand)',
6:'Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)',
7:'Rifle - Energy (2 Hand)',
8:'Handle (2 Hand)',
9:'Launcher (2 Hand)',
10:'Grenade Throw (1 Hand)',
11:'Land Mine (1 Hand)',
12:'Mine Drop (1 Hand)',
registType = {
19:'Poison Resistance',
52:'Fire Resistance',
60:'Energy Resistance',
61:'EMP Resistance',
def update_attribute(record, attr, multiplier):
oldValue = record.__getattribute__(attr)
if isinstance(oldValue, int):
newValue = int(oldValue * multiplier + 0.5)
print(" %s: %d (* %f) -> %d" % (attr, oldValue, multiplier, newValue))
newValue = oldValue * multiplier
print(" %s: %f (* %f) -> %f" % (attr, oldValue, multiplier, newValue))
record.__setattr__(attr, newValue)
def biggun(record):
if record.animationType == 8 or record.animationType == 9: # Handle (2 Hand) / Launcher (2 Hand)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
if 52 == record.resistType: # fire resist
# Flamer
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.5625)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "health", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "value", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "projectileCount", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "fireRate", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "attackShotsPerSec", 1)
return True
elif 60 == record.resistType: # energy resist
# Gat Las
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.875)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 2)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 2.75)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.6666)
return True
elif 4294967295 == record.resistType: # no resist
# Minigan
update_attribute(record, "damage", 4.2)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 1.1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.3333)
return True
# Rock-it
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.1)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.5)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.6)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.6666)
return True
elif record.animationType == 5 or record.animationType == 6: # Rifle - Balistic (2 Hand) / Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)
## The same multipliers as Smallgun/rifle. (temporarily)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
# Assault Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 3.25)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.4666)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.916)
return True
if record.projectileCount > 1:
# Combat Shotgun
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.3091)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.6)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.4583)
update_attribute(record, "projectileCount", 1.3333)
return True
elif 4294967295 == record.resistType: # no resist
if record.damage > 30:
# Sniper Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.875)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 3)
elif record.damage > 10:
# Med. Rifle (Hunting Rifle)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.6)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.5)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 3.3333)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.8)
# Light Rifle (BB Gun)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6666)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.3333)
#update_attribute(record, "health", 1)
return True
return False
def energy(record):
if record.animationType == 3 or record.animationType == 4: # Pistol - Balistic (1 Hand) / Pistol - Energy (1 Hand)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
if record.projectileCount > 1:
elif 60 == record.resistType: # energy resist
if record.damage > 20:
# Plasma Pistol
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.8)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.6818)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.375)
# Laser Pistol
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.9166)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.5)
return True
elif record.animationType == 6 or record.animationType == 7: # Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand) / Rifle - Energy (2 Hand)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
if record.projectileCount > 1:
elif 60 == record.resistType: # energy resist
if record.damage > 40:
# Plasma Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.5555)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 7.5)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.2222)
# Laser Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.4782)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 8.3333)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.225)
return True
return False
def smallgun(record):
if record.animationType == 3: # Pistol - Balistic (1 Hand)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.8571)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.5)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.8)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.9)
return True
if record.projectileCount > 1:
# Sawnoff
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.68)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6428)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.3)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.6)
update_attribute(record, "projectileCount", 1.3333)
return True
elif 4294967295 == record.resistType: # no resist
if record.damage > 25:
# Heavy Pistol
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.2857)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6666)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.4583)
elif record.damage > 7:
# Med. Pistol
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.2222)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 6)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.6666)
# Light Pistol
update_attribute(record, "damage", 4.6666)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 3.25)
return True
elif record.animationType == 5 or record.animationType == 6: # Rifle - Balistic (2 Hand) / Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
# Assault Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 3.25)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.4666)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.916)
return True
if record.projectileCount > 1:
# Combat Shotgun
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.3091)
#update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.6)
update_attribute(record, "health", 1.4583)
update_attribute(record, "projectileCount", 1.3333)
return True
elif 4294967295 == record.resistType: # no resist
if record.damage > 30:
# Sniper Rifle
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.875)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0)
#update_attribute(record, "spread", 1)
update_attribute(record, "health", 3)
elif record.damage > 10:
# Med. Rifle (Hunting Rifle)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.6)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.5)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 3.3333)
update_attribute(record, "health", 0.8)
# Light Rifle (BB Gun)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
update_attribute(record, "minSpread", 0.6666)
update_attribute(record, "spread", 0.3333)
#update_attribute(record, "health", 1)
return True
return False
def melee(record):
if record.dnamFlags1.isAutomatic:
# Ripper
record.damage = int(record.damage * 1.5 + 0.5)
return True
if record.animationType == 1: # Melee (1 Hand)
if record.damage > 20:
# Shishkebab
#update_attribute(record, "damage", 1)
return False
elif record.damage >= 10:
# Sword
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
elif record.damage > 5:
# Blade
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.1428)
# Improvised (Knife)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
return True
elif record.animationType == 2: # Melee (2 Hand)
if record.damage >= 20:
# Hammer
update_attribute(record, "damage", 1.5)
elif record.damage > 5:
# Club
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
# Improvised (Pool Cue)
update_attribute(record, "damage", 5)
return True
return False
def unarmed(record):
if record.animationType == 0: # Hand to Hand
if record.damage > 15:
# Power Fist
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.25)
# Knuckles
update_attribute(record, "damage", 2.5)
return True
return False
def thrown(record):
return False
def mine(record):
return False
def put_stats(record):
print(" weaponType: %s\n animationType: %s\n damage: %d\n isAutomatic: %d\n projectileCount: %d\n resistType: %s" %
for record in patchFile.WEAP.records:
name = record.full
print "%s:%s" % (name, bosh.strFid(record.fid))
func = (biggun,energy,smallgun,melee,unarmed,thrown,mine)[record.etype]
if func(record):
print " >> patched!!"
print " >> skip"
# postprocess
patchFile.tes4.masters = patchFile.getMastersUsed()
numRecords = sum([x.getNumRecords(False) for x in patchFile.tops.values()])
patchFile.tes4.description = "{{BASH:NoMerge,Stats}}\nUpdated: %s\n\nRecords Changed: %d" % (formatDate(time.time()),numRecords)
print "\nWrote to '%s'..." % opts.outfile
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