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Last active August 2, 2023 12:41
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Some haystack test
from haystack.utils import *
from haystack.nodes import *
from haystack.nodes.retriever import *
from haystack.nodes.reader import FARMReader
from haystack.pipelines import *
doc_dir = "."
from haystack.document_stores import InMemoryDocumentStore
document_store = InMemoryDocumentStore(use_bm25=True)
# Clean & load your documents into the DocumentStore
dicts = convert_files_to_docs(doc_dir, clean_func=clean_wiki_text)
# Retriever: A Fast and simple algo to identify the most promising candidate documents
retriever = BM25Retriever(document_store)
# Reader: Powerful but slower neural network trained for QA
model_name = "deepset/roberta-base-squad2"
reader = FARMReader(model_name)
# Pipeline: Combines all the components
pipe = ExtractiveQAPipeline(reader, retriever)
# Voilà! Ask a question!
question = "Which is you best python file ?"
prediction =
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