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Forked from abishur/my_sql_header.h
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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* File: my_sql_header.h
* This was written by Matthew Bennett
* (abishur on the raspberry pi forums -
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Builds a query in the acceptable const char* format with a variable
// int "x" it the end of the string i.e.
// "select * from pinID where pinNum = '" x "' ;";
// Builds a query in the acceptable const char* format with a variable
// int "x" it the end of the string i.e.
// "select * from pinID where pinNum = '" x "' ;";
const char* query_build(string str, int x)
const char* c;
string intHold;
intHold = '0'+x;
str += intHold;
str += "' ;";
c = str.c_str();
return c;
// Builds a query in the acceptable const char* format with a variable
// int "x" in the middle of the string i.e.
// "Select id = '" x "' from pinNum;"
const char* query_build(string str1, int x, string str2)
const char* c;
string intHold;
intHold = '0'+x;
str1 += intHold;
str1 += "' '";
str1 += str2;
str1 += "' ;";
c = str1.c_str();
return c;
#endif /* MY_SQL_HEADER_H */
* File: sprinkler.cpp
* Author: m.bennett
* This was written by Matthew Bennett
* (abishur on the raspberry pi forums -
// Includes
#include <wiringPi.h> // By Gordon
#include <mysql/mysql.h> //mysql connector library for C++
#include "my_sql_header.h" // customer header for making SQL queries
#include "time_calcs.h" // performs math operations on struct tm objects
using namespace std;
// change these to match your system
#define HOST "localhost" // PC hosting database
#define USER "SQL USERNAME HERE" // User authorized to connecto to database
#define PASSWD "SQL PASSWORD HERE" // User's password
#define DB "gpio" // Database name
#define waitTime 5 // time to wait between gpio reads
// ----------- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE -----------------------------
MYSQL *con, mysql; // Needed for mysql connections
MYSQL_RES *result; // Needed for mysql connections
MYSQL_ROW row, rowRes; // Needed for mysql connections
struct tm channelTimeStart[8]; // Time for sprinkler to turn on
struct tm channelTimeEnd[8]; // Time for sprinkler to turn off
struct tm* theTime; // holds the "current" time
int gpio_status[8]; // Reads current status of the physical GPIO
int pinStart[8]; // User request to turn GPIO on or off
bool dayRun[8]; // Is today one of the days it's supposed to run
bool garageUpdate;
// Functions
struct tm getTime(int x); // gets start time from mysql
int compTimes(struct tm &time1, struct tm &time2);// compares two times
void init (); // initializes system
struct tm * UpdateTime(); // Gets current time
int query_result(const char* query1); // returns SQL query as an integer
void gpioUpdate(int x); // updates current status of GPIO
void autoRun(struct tm &start, struct tm &end, int x);
void gpioInit();
//string direction_result(const char* query1);
void garage();
int main ()
mysql_init(&mysql); //initialize mysql connection library
try {
con = mysql_real_connect(&mysql,HOST,USER,PASSWD,DB,0,0,0); //connect to mysql database
while (con==NULL)
con = mysql_real_connect(&mysql,HOST,USER,PASSWD,DB,0,0,0); //connect to mysql database
int needUpdate[8];
int x; // Every program has to have an int x for loop control
int y; // If you need more than one loop control, the second one has to be y. It's a rule
int loop = 1; // controls loop
const char* query; // holds query to SQL database
int pinManMode[8]; // Is the pin being controlled manual?
int pinAutoMode[8]; // What auto mode is it in?
int channelDuration[8]; // Activation time in minutes
string channelstr[8];
bool firstRun = true;
while (1){
while (loop == 1) {
x = 0;
do {
theTime = UpdateTime();
gpio_status[x] = digitalRead(x);
pinManMode[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinMode FROM `pinMode` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
if (pinManMode[x] == 1) {
pinStart[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinStart FROM `manual_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
channelDuration[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT manualDuration FROM `manual_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
needUpdate[x] = 1;
if ((pinStart[x] == 1) && (gpio_status[x] != pinStart[x])) {
cout << pinStart[x] << endl;
while (digitalRead(x) != 1) {
digitalWrite(x, 1);
gpio_status[x] = digitalRead(x);
channelTimeStart[x] = *theTime;
channelTimeEnd[x] = calc_end(channelTimeStart[x], channelDuration[x]);
if ((compTimes(*theTime, channelTimeEnd[x]) != -1) || (pinStart[x] == 0)){
while (digitalRead(x) != 0) {
digitalWrite(x, 0);
mysql_query(con,query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`manual_start` SET `pinStart` = '0' WHERE `manual_start`.`pinNumber` = '", x));
else { // Pin is in auto mode
pinAutoMode[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinAutoMode FROM `pinAutoMode` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
if ((needUpdate[x] == 1)||(firstRun)) {
channelTimeStart[x] = getTime(x); // Gets auto run start time
channelDuration[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT autoDuration FROM `auto_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
channelTimeEnd[x] = calc_end(channelTimeStart[x], channelDuration[x]);
channelstr[x] = countDays(query_result(query_build("SELECT pinDays FROM `pinDays` WHERE pinNumber = '", x)));
mysql_query(con,query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`auto_start` SET `needUpdate` = '0' WHERE `auto_start`.`pinNumber` = '", x));
switch (pinAutoMode[x]){
case 0: // Runs on even numbered days
if (theTime->tm_mday%2 == 0){
autoRun(channelTimeStart[x], channelTimeEnd[x], x);
case 1: // Runs on odd numbered days
if (theTime->tm_mday %2 != 0){
autoRun(channelTimeStart[x], channelTimeEnd[x], x);
case 2: // Runs on user defined days days are defined as day_num^2 (sunday = 1, monday = 2; etc)
if (((theTime->tm_hour == 0) && (theTime->tm_min == 0)) || (firstRun)|| (needUpdate[x] == 1)){
dayRun[x] = isDay(theTime->tm_wday, channelstr[x]);
if (dayRun[x]){
autoRun(channelTimeStart[x], channelTimeEnd[x], x);
needUpdate[x] = query_result(query_build("SELECT needUpdate FROM `auto_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
if (digitalRead(x) == 1){
mysql_query(con,query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`pinStatus` SET `pinStatus` = '1' WHERE `pinStatus`.`pinNumber` = '", x));
} else mysql_query(con,query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`pinStatus` SET `pinStatus` = '0' WHERE `pinStatus`.`pinNumber` = '", x));
} while (x<8);
firstRun = false;
loop = query_result(query_build("SELECT doLoop FROM `doLoop` WHERE numbers = '", 1));
sleep (waitTime);
cout << "What? How did you get here?" << endl;
return 0;
void garage(){
if ((digitalRead(10) == 0) && (garageUpdate)) {
mysql_query(con, query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`garage` SET `isOpen` = '1' WHERE `garage`.`pinID` = '", 1));
garageUpdate = false;
if ((digitalRead(10) == 1) && (garageUpdate==false)){
mysql_query(con,query_build("UPDATE `gpio`.`garage` SET `isOpen` = '0' WHERE `garage`.`pinID` = '", 1));
garageUpdate = true;
void autoRun(struct tm &start, struct tm &end, int x){
if ((compTimes(start, *theTime) == -1) and (compTimes(*theTime, end) == -1)) {
digitalWrite(x, 1);
while (digitalRead(x) != 1) {
digitalWrite(x, 1);
else {
digitalWrite(x, 0);
while (digitalRead(x) != 0) {
digitalWrite(x, 0);
// compares two times to see value between them, returns -1 if time2 is greater than time1
// otherwise returns difference between time1 and time 2 in minutes
int compTimes(struct tm &time1, struct tm &time2)
int diffTime = 0; // value in difference of minutes between time1 minus time 2
int time1day, time2day, dayDiff;
time1day = time2day = dayDiff = 0; //day of the month (1-31)
int time1hour, time2hour, hourDiff;
time1hour = time2hour = hourDiff = 0; // hours since midnight (0-23)
int time1min, time2min, minDiff;
time1min = time2min = minDiff = 0; // minutes after the hour (0-59)
time1day = time1.tm_mday;
time2day = time2.tm_mday;
time1hour = time1.tm_hour;
time2hour = time2.tm_hour;
time1min = time1.tm_min;
time2min = time2.tm_min;
if (time1day >= time2day) {
dayDiff = time1day-time2day;
diffTime += dayDiff*24*60;
if (time1hour >= time2hour){
hourDiff = time1hour-time2hour;
diffTime += hourDiff*60;
if (time1min >= time2min){
minDiff = time1min - time2min;
diffTime += minDiff;
if (diffTime <= 0) diffTime = -1;
return diffTime;
struct tm getTime(int x)
struct tm get;
get = *theTime;
get.tm_hour = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinHours FROM `auto_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
get.tm_min = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinMins FROM `auto_start` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
return get;
void gpioUpdate(int x) {
int temp;
temp = 0;
temp = query_result(query_build("SELECT pinDirection FROM `pinDirection` WHERE pinNumber = '", x));
if (temp == 1) pinMode(x, INPUT);
else pinMode(x, OUTPUT);
void init ()
for (int x=0;x<8;x++){
dayRun[x] =0;
pinMode(10, INPUT);
if (digitalRead(10) == 0) {
garageUpdate = true;
else {
garageUpdate =false;
int query_result(const char* query1)
int query_state=-2; // Needed for mysql connections
int rowInt;
query_state = mysql_query(con, query1);
if (query_state != -2){
result = mysql_store_result(con);
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
rowInt = atoi(row[0]);
return rowInt;
return -1;
struct tm* UpdateTime()
struct tm *theCurrentTime;
time_t long_time;
time ( &long_time );
theCurrentTime = localtime ( &long_time);
return theCurrentTime;
* File: time_calcs.h
* Author: m.bennett
* This was written by Matthew Bennett
* (abishur on the raspberry pi forums -
#include <cmath>
#include <time.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifndef TIME_CALCS_H
#define TIME_CALCS_H
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int findDays(int month, int year);
struct tm calc_end(struct tm startEnd, int duration);
string countDays (int days);
bool isDay (int day);
struct tm calc_end(struct tm startEnd, int duration)
int inc=0;
int remainder = 0;
int days = 0;
startEnd.tm_min += duration;
if (startEnd.tm_min > 59 ) {
remainder = (startEnd.tm_min + 1)%60; // tm_min is a range of 0-59, I want 1-60 for division
inc = (startEnd.tm_min + 1)/60;
startEnd.tm_min = remainder - 1; // store it back a range of 0-59
startEnd.tm_hour += inc; // increase hours by the amount of additional hours
if (inc == 0) return startEnd; // If it's in the same hour there's no need to go further
inc = remainder = 0; // housekeeping
if (startEnd.tm_hour > 23) {
remainder = (startEnd.tm_hour + 1)%24; //tm_hour is a range of 0-23, I want 1-24 for division
inc = (startEnd.tm_hour + 1)/24;
startEnd.tm_hour = remainder - 1;
startEnd.tm_mday += inc;
if (inc == 0) return startEnd; // if it's the same day there's no need to go further
inc = remainder = 0; // housekeeping
days = findDays((startEnd.tm_mon+1), (startEnd.tm_year+1900));
if (startEnd.tm_mday > days) {
remainder = startEnd.tm_mday - days;
inc = 1;
startEnd.tm_mday = remainder;
startEnd.tm_mon += 1;
if (inc == 0) return startEnd;
inc = remainder = 0;
if (startEnd.tm_mon > 11){
startEnd.tm_mon = 0;
startEnd.tm_year += 1;
return startEnd;
int findDays(int month, int year)
int Days;
if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) Days = 30;
else if (month == 2) {
bool isLeapYear = (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0);
if (isLeapYear) Days = 29;
else Days = 28;
else Days = 31;
return Days;
string countDays (int days) {
int x;
int y;
int dayArr[7];
for (x=0;x<7;x++){
dayArr[x] = 0;
if ((days % 2) == 1) {
dayArr[0] = 1;
days = days - 1;
while (days != 0) {
x = 0;
y = days;
while (y != 1){
if (y%2 == 1) {
else {
y = y / 2;
dayArr[x] = 1;
days = (days-(pow(2,x)));
std::ostringstream stm ;
stm << '[' ;
for( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) stm << dayArr[i] << ", " ;
std::string result = stm.str() ;
// remove the last ", " and add a ']'
return result.substr( 0, result.size()-2 ) + ']' ;
bool isDay (int day, string channelString){
int y, x;
int channelDays[7];
bool boolDay = false;
for (x=0;x<7;x++){
for (x=1;x<21;x+=3){ // only works for single int values, first int is in position 1, every 3 char is the next int
stringstream str;
str << channelString[x];
str >> channelDays[y];
switch (day){
case 0:
if (channelDays[0] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 1:
if (channelDays[1] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 2:
if (channelDays[2] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 3:
if (channelDays[3] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 4:
if (channelDays[4] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 5:
if (channelDays[5] == 1) boolDay = true;
case 6:
if (channelDays[6] == 1) boolDay = true;
return boolDay;
#endif /* TIME_CALCS_H */
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