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Created January 12, 2018 20:57
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My first and, quite frankly, rubbish attempt at an RPG.
@echo off
title RPG
color 0a
set health=500
set dmg=15
set coins=50
set kills=0
set xp=0
set lv=0
set ForgeShards=0
set woodsword=0
set ironsword=0
set steelsword=0
set goldsword=0
set darksword=0
set manastaff=0
set ghoststaff=0
set magicpike=0
set firecaster=0
set implosionsword=0
set InfusedCsword=0
set StarHammer=0
goto Name
set /p name=What is your name:
if %name%==%name% goto Intro
echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@
echo @@@@...........@@@@
echo @@....000000000....@@
echo =======================
echo - RPG -
echo =======================
echo @@....000000000....@@
echo @@@@...........@@@@
echo @@@@@@@@@@@@@
goto Main
set bunnyhp=100
set ravenhp=250
set elfhp=750
set livingrockhp=1300
set fireycorehp=1825
set boss1hp=2000
set dragonhp=2300
echo ------------------------------
echo Welcome to RPG
echo ------------------------------
echo CHAPTER 1 Health=%health%
echo 1=Southern hills Damage=%dmg%
echo 2=Southern cliff Coins=%coins%
echo 3=Grimey forest Kills=%kills%
echo 4=Volcano EXP=%xp%/10
echo 5=Top of Volcano Level=%lv%
echo 6=BOSS 1 Forge Shards=%ForgeShards%
echo 7=The western entrance
echo 8=Echo cavern
echo 9=Hell Land
echo 10=BOSS 2
echo 11=Basic shop
echo 12=Advanced shop
echo 13=Legend shop
echo 14=Tool shop
echo 15=Healing center
echo 16=Exchange
echo 17=Forge
echo 96=Cheat code
echo 97=Inventory
echo 98=Instructions
echo 99=Exit
echo n=Page 2
set /p answer=What would you like to do?
if %answer%==1 goto 1
if %answer%==2 goto 2
if %answer%==3 goto 3
if %answer%==4 goto 4
if %answer%==5 goto 5
if %answer%==6 goto 6
if %answer%==7 goto 7
if %answer%==8 goto 8
if %answer%==9 goto 9
if %answer%==10 goto 10
if %answer%==11 goto Basicshop
if %answer%==12 goto Advancedshop
if %answer%==13 goto Legendshop
if %answer%==14 goto Toolshop
if %answer%==15 goto Healingcenter
if %answer%==16 goto Exchange
if %answer%==17 goto Forge
if %answer%==96 goto Codes
if %answer%==97 goto Inventory
if %answer%==98 goto Instructions
if %answer%==99 goto Exit
if %answer%==n goto Main2
echo ------------------------------
echo Welcome to RPG
echo ------------------------------
echo CHAPTER 2 Health=%health%
echo 11=Jungle tombs Damage=%dmg%
echo 12=Forbidden shrine Coins=%coins%
echo 13=BOSS 3 Kills=%kills%
echo 14=Dead castle Exp=%xp%/10
echo 15=Palace core Level=%lv%
echo 16=BOSS 4 Forge Shards=%ForgeShards%
echo 17=Northen cliffs
echo 18=MINIGAME 1
echo 19=Desert
echo 20=The cold forest
echo b=Page 1
set /p answer=What would you like to do?
if %answer%==b goto Main
if %answer%==11 goto 11
if %answer%==11 goto 12
if %answer%==11 goto 13
if %answer%==11 goto 14
if %answer%==11 goto 15
if %answer%==11 goto 16
if %answer%==11 goto 17
if %answer%==11 goto 18
if %answer%==11 goto 19
if %answer%==11 goto 20
echo Thanks for playing!
echo Type the option of your desired choise and see the outcome.
echo Type 'exit' to exit a shop
echo There are 10 rounds in each level (except lv1 which is 7) and if you do not complete the level by then you will die.
goto Main
echo =========
echo Wooden sword=%woodsword%
echo Iron sword=%ironsword%
echo Steel sword=%steelsword%
echo Gold sword=%goldsword%
echo Dark sword=%darksword%
echo Mana staff=%manastaff%
echo Ghost staff=%ghoststaff%
echo Magic pike=%magicpike%
echo Fire caster=%firecaster%
echo Implosion sword=%implosionsword%
echo Infused Crystal Sword=%InfusedCsword%
echo Star Hammer=%StarHammer%
echo ============
echo Health=%health%
echo Damage=%dmg%
echo Coins=%coins%
echo Forge Shards=%ForgeShards%
echo Kills=%kills%
echo EXP=%xp%
echo Level=%lv%
goto Main
echo Type 'exit' to exit.
set /p answer=Enter a cheat code:
if %answer%==7777 goto cheat777
if %answer%==exit goto Main
else if goto wrong
echo This is not a valid cheat code!
goto Main
set /a health=health +50000
set /a dmg=dmg +10000
set /a coins=coins +99999
set /a lv=lv +100
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +5000
goto Main
set /a health=500
echo Alexa: All patched up %name%!
goto Main
echo 1=1000 coins to get 1 DMG
echo 2=1 DMG to get 1000 coins
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a coins=coins -1000 & set /a dmg=dmg +10 && goto Main
if %answer%==2 set /a dmg=dmg -1 & set /a coins=coins +1000 && goto Main
if %answer%==exit goto Main
goto Main
echo Jorge: Welcome to me forge, %name%.
echo You have %ForgeShards% Forge Shards
echo i=Information
echo 1=Infused Crystal sword (25 FS, 26 DMG)
echo 2=Star Hammer (50 FS, 53 DMG)
set /p answer=What would you like to do?
if %answer%==exit goto Main
if %answer%==i goto ForgeInfo
if %answer%==1 goto bIFCS
if %answer%==2 goto bSTHM
echo After defeating an enemy, you get a forge shard.
echo Forge shards (or FS) can be used to forge weapons.
goto Forge
set /a InfusedCsword=InfusedCsword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +26
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards -25
goto Main
set /a StarHammer=StarHammer +1
set /a dmg=dmg +53
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards -50
goto Main
echo Borris: Welcome to my shop...friend.
echo Coins:%coins%
echo 1=Wooden sword (100 coins,2 DMG)
echo 2=Iron sword (250 coins,3 DMG)
echo 3=Steel sword (500 coins,4 DMG)
set /p answer=What would you like to buy?
if %answer%==1 goto bWDSD
if %answer%==2 goto bIRNS
if %answer%==3 goto bSLSD
if %answer%==exit goto Main
set /a woodsword=woodsword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +2
set /a coins=coins -100
goto Main
set /a ironsword=ironsword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +3
set /a coins=coins -250
goto Main
set /a steelsword=steelsword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +4
set /a coins=coins -500
goto Main
echo Mary: Hello %name%! What would you like dear?
echo Coins:%Coins%
echo 1=Gold Sword (750 coins,5 DMG)
echo 2=Dark Sword (1001 coins,7 DMG)
echo 3=Mana Staff (1290 coins,9 DMG)
set /p answer=What would you like to buy?
if %answer%==exit goto Main
if %answer%==1 goto bGDSD
if %answer%==2 goto bDKSD
if %answer%==3 goto bMAST
set /a goldsword=goldsword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +5
set /a coins=coins -750
goto Main
set /a darksword=darksword +1
set /a dmg=dmg +7
set /a coins=coins -1001
goto Main
set /a manastaff=manastaff +1
set /a dmg=dmg +9
set /a coins=coins -750
goto Main
echo You got away safely!
goto Main
echo You beat the Cursed Bunny
echo You get: 75 coins, 1 EXP, 1 Forge Shard
set /a coins=coins +75
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +1
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo You died!
echo you lose 25 percent of your coins
set /a loscoins=coins / 4
set /a coins=coins -loscoins
set health=150
goto Main
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p2
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p3
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p4
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p5
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p6
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto 1p7
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Hills
echo ------------------
echo Cursed Bunny
echo It has %bunnyhp% health and 12 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a bunnyhp=bunnyhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -12
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %bunnyhp% LEQ 0 goto winbunny
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %bunnyhp% GEQ 1 goto dead
goto dead
echo You beat the Posessed Raven
echo You get: 125 coins, 1 EXP, 1 Forge Shard
set /a coins=coins +125
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +1
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p2
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p3
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p4
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p5
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p6
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p7
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p8
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p9
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto 2p10
echo ------------------
echo The Southern Cliff
echo ------------------
echo Posessed Raven
echo It has %ravenhp% health and 19 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a ravenhp=ravenhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -19
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %ravenhp% LEQ 0 goto winraven
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %ravenhp% GEQ 1 goto dead
goto dead
echo You beat the Dark Elf
echo You get: 200 coins, 1 EXP, 1 Forge Shard
set /a coins=coins +200
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +1
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p2
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p3
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p4
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p5
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p6
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p7
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p8
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p9
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto 3p10
echo -------------
echo Grimey Forest
echo -------------
echo Dark Elf
echo It has %elfhp% health and 50 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a elfhp=elfhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -50
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %elfhp% LEQ 0 goto winelf
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %elfhp% GEQ 1 goto dead
goto dead
echo You beat the Living Rock
echo You get: 350 coins, 1 EXP, 1 Forge Shard
set /a coins=coins +350
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +1
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p2
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p3
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p4
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p5
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p6
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p7
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p8
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p9
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto 4p10
echo -------------
echo Volcano
echo -------------
echo Living Rock
echo It has %livingrockhp% health and 72 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a livingrockhp=livingrockhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -72
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %livingrockhp% LEQ 0 goto winlivingrock
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %livingrockhp% GEQ 1 goto dead
goto dead
echo You beat the Firey Core
echo You get: 475 coins, 1 EXP, 1 Forge Shard
set /a coins=coins +475
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +1
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p2
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p3
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p4
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p5
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p6
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p7
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p8
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p9
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto 5p10
echo --------------------
echo Top of Volcano
echo --------------------
echo Firey Core
echo It has %fireycorehp% health and 83 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a fireycorehp=fireycorehp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -83
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %fireycorehp% LEQ 0 goto winfireycore
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %fireycorehp% GEQ 1 goto dead
goto dead
echo You beat the First Boss
echo You get: 500 coins, 3 EXP, 2 Forge Shards, 1 dmg
set /a coins=coins +500
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +3
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +2
set /a dmg=dmg +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo %name%, you must die!
goto 6p1
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p2
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p3
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p4
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p5
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p6
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p7
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p8
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p9
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 100 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -100
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 6p10
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %boss1hp% health and 300 dmg!
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a boss1hp=boss1hp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -300
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %boss1hp% LEQ 0 goto winboss1
if %health
% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto dead
echo You beat the Dragon
echo You get: 450 coins, 2 EXP, 1 Forge Shards
set /a coins=coins +450
set /a kills=kills +1
set /a xp=xp +2
set /a ForgeShards=ForgeShards +1
if %xp%==10 set /a lv=lv +1 & set xp=0
goto Main
echo ----------
echo Boss 1
echo ----------
echo The Lava
echo It has %dragonhp% health and 85 dmg
echo You have %health% health
echo what would you like to do?
echo 1=Attack (%dmg%dmg)
echo 2=Heal
echo 3=Flee
set /p answer=Input:
if %answer%==1 set /a dragonhp=dragonhp -%dmg% & set /a health=health -85
if %answer%==2 set health=500
if %answer%==3 goto Flee
if %dragonhp% LEQ 0 goto windragon
if %health% LEQ 0 goto dead
else if %boss1hp% GEQ 1 goto 7p2
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