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Last active December 15, 2015 02:59
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Save valenso/5191305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Как только будет загружен API и готов DOM, выполняем инициализацию
function init() {
var myMap = new ymaps.Map("map", {
center: [55.739, 37.628],
zoom: 14
var result = [];
var data = [
{ 'lat': 55.745175,
'lng': 37.638674,
'price': 9400000 / 33.4
{ 'lat': 55.747872,
'lng': 37.631198,
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{ 'lat': 55.731618,
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{ 'lat': 55.736930,
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'price': 8990000 / 40
{ 'lat': 55.735574,
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'price': 9800000 / 37.2
{ 'lat': 55.734881,
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'price': 11600000 / 43.3
{ 'lat': 55.734001,
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'price': 11950000 / 46
{ 'lat': 55.739215,
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'price': 13500000 / 47.6
{ 'lat': 55.735261,
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{ 'lat': 55.738824,
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'price': 15750000 / 57
{ 'lat': 55.741908,
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'price': 14500000 / 55
{ 'lat': 55.732729,
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'price': 18100000 / 72.8
{ 'lat': 55.740814,
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'price': 14550000 / 60
{ 'lat': 55.734639,
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{ 'lat': 55.744616,
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{ 'lat': 55.737146,
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'price': 19500000 / 81
{ 'lat': 55.738009,
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'price': 20000000 / 72
{ 'lat': 55.729654,
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'price': 20000000 / 90
{ 'lat': 55.734719,
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'price': 23000000 / 90
{ 'lat': 55.730179,
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'price': 25000000 / 73
{ 'lat': 55.746983,
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{ 'lat': 55.737261,
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'price': 29000000 / 99.1
{ 'lat': 55.731486,
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'price': 30000000 / 96
{ 'lat': 55.741687,
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'price': 1300000 * 30 / 106
{ 'lat': 55.744284,
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'price': 1530000 * 30 / 113
{ 'lat': 55.739275,
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{ 'lat': 55.739992,
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'price': 30700000 / 110
{ 'lat': 55.735342,
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{ 'lat': 55.733019,
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'price': 10400000 / 51
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var continu = false;
// console.log(continu);
if (!continu) {
myRect = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1, x1],
[y2, x2]
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hintContent: i + '' + ',' + j + '',
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// Опции
// Цвет и прозрачность заливки
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// Цвет и прозрачность границ
strokeColor: '#7df90070',
// Ширина линии
strokeWidth: 0
x1 = x2;
x2 += 0.0025;
y1 = y2;
y2 -= 0.0015;
x1 = 37.603;
x2 = 37.6055;
for (var key in data) {
var num_y = ~ ~(((y1 - data[key]['lat']) * 10000) / 15);
var num_x = ~ ~(((data[key]['lng'] - x1) * 10000) / 25);
var color = ~ ~((data[key]['price'] - 200000) / 1000 * 2.5);
var color_num;
if (color < 250) {
color_num = color.toString(16);
while (color_num.length < 2)
color_num = '0' + color_num;
color_num = color_num + 'ff00';
else if (color < 500) {
color = color - 250;
color_num = color.toString(16);
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color_num = '0' + color_num;
color_num = 'ff' + color_num + '00';
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[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025]
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hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num,
strokeColor: '#' + color_num,
strokeWidth: 0
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var downleft = true, downright = true, upleft = true, upright = true;
for (var test in result) {
if (result[test]['x'] == num_x + 1 && result[test]['y'] == num_y)
down = false;
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up = false;
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upleft = false;
if (result[test]['x'] == num_x - 1 && result[test]['y'] == num_y + 1)
upright = false;
if (result[test]['x'] == num_x && result[test]['y'] == num_y - 1)
left = false;
if (result[test]['x'] == num_x && result[test]['y'] == num_y + 1)
right = false;
if (down) {
myRectDown = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 - 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025]
], {
hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y, 'x': num_x + 1 });
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myRectDownLeft = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 - 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 - 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025 - 0.0025]
], {
hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y - 1, 'x': num_x + 1 });
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myRectDownRight = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 - 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025 + 0.0025]
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hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y + 1, 'x': num_x + 1 });
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myRectUp = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 2 * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025]
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hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y, 'x': num_x - 1 });
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myRectUpLeft = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 - 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 2 * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025 - 0.0025]
], {
hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y - 1, 'x': num_x - 1 });
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myRectUpRight = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 2 * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025 + 0.0025]
], {
hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y + 1, 'x': num_x - 1 });
if (left) {
myRectLeft = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 - 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025]
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hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y - 1, 'x': num_x });
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myRectRight = new ymaps.Rectangle([
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 0.0025],
[y1 - num_y * 0.0015 + 0.0015, x1 + num_x * 0.0025 + 2 * 0.0025]
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hintContent: ~ ~data[key]['price'] + " р/м.кв."
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fillColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeColor: '#' + color_num + '50',
strokeWidth: 0
result.push({ 'y': num_y + 1, 'x': num_x });
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