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Last active January 22, 2020 15:46
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import cats.syntax.functor._
sealed trait Foo
case class Bar(a: Int) extends Foo
case class Qux(b: String) extends Foo
object Foo {
implicit val fooDecoder: ElementDecoder[Foo] = ElementDecoder[Foo] {
def decodeAsElement(c: Cursor, localName: String, namespaceUri: Option[String]): ElementDecoder[Foo] = {
if (c.isStartElement) {
ElementDecoder.errorIfWrongName[String](c, localName, namespaceUri).getOrElse {
val idx = c.getAttributeIndex("", "type")
if (idx > -1) {
c.getAttributeValue(idx) match {
case "bar" => ElementDecoder[Bar].decodeAsElement(c, localName, namespaceUri).widen
case "qux" => ElementDecoder[Qux].decodeAsElement(c, localName, namespaceUri).widen
case _ => new FailedDecoder(c.error("Unexpected 'type' value"))
} else {
new FailedDecoder(c.error("Missing 'type' attribute"))
} else {
new FailedDecoder(c.error("Wrong state"))
def result(history: List[String]): Either[DecodingError, Foo] =
Left(DecodingError("Decoding not complete", history))
val isCompleted: Boolean = false
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