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Eclipse Foundation Donation Slider

Eclipse Foundation Donation Slider

Say what you want about the Eclipse IDE, they have a pretty website. Here is a slider styled after the Eclipse Foundation's donation request dialogue. Works in webkit, gecko, and trident.

The slider is stumping me. It should have an upwards caret that nestles into the carets below the icons, but since slider thumbs don't support pseudo-elements, I can't think of a way to do this short of using an image. Anyone have any ideas?

A Pen by Woodrow Barlow on CodePen.


<form action="javascript:void(0)">
<h2>Thank you for downloading Eclipse</h2>
<p>If the download doesn't start in a few seconds, please <a href="#">click here</a> to start the download.</p>
<div id="donationmessage">
<h3>Participate in our success and together let's make Eclipse even better.</h3>
<div id="donationicons">
<span title="$5">$5</span>
<p>A <span>$5</span> donation will contribute to our ongoing success.</p>
<span title="$10">$10</span>
<p>A <span>$10</span> donation helps make the Eclipse community rock.</p>
<span title="$35" class="selected">$35</span>
<p>A <span>$35</span> donation lets you enjoy the benefits of being a Friend of Eclipse.</p>
<span title="$50">$50</span>
<p>A <span>$50</span> donation helps us buy 6GB of RAM for our servers!</p>
<span title="$100">$100</span>
<p>A <span>$100</span> donation gets you a t-shirt and other Best Friend of Eclipse benefits.</p>
<span title="$300">$300</span>
<p>A <span>$300</span> donation will be used to sponsor an Eclipse DemoCamp!</p>
<span title="$500">$500</span>
<p>A <span>$500</span> donation helps us buy more networking gear!</p>
<input type="range" min="0" max="6" step="1" value="2" list="donations" id="donationvalue">
<div id="submission">
<input type="submit" value="Donate">
<output for="donationvalue" id="donationoutput">35</output>
$('#donationvalue').on('input change', function() {
var vals = [5, 10, 35, 50, 100, 300, 500];
var val = $('#donationvalue').val();
var rval = parseInt(val, 10) + 1;
$('#donationicons span').removeClass('selected');
$('#donationicons span:nth-of-type(' + rval + ')').addClass('selected');
$('#donationicons span').click(function() {
var val = $('#donationicons span').index(this) / 2;
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