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Created May 18, 2016 21:08
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Basic Clustering of Svoboda Lab Data
% This script performs clustering of the trials by first reducing the
% dimension with classical multidimensional scaling, and then running
% kmeans clustering. The clustered trials are visualized by plotting
% the first two (MDS) dimensions.
% read the data
load an197522_2013_03_08_session.mat
% select volume to process
volume = 3;
trials = s.timeSeriesArrayHash.value{volume+1}.trial;
times = s.timeSeriesArrayHash.value{volume+1}.time;
rel_dF = s.timeSeriesArrayHash.value{volume+1}.valueMatrix;
trial_ids = unique(trials);
% extract the data for each trial (data is cells x times)
res = {};
for i=1:length(unique(trials))
% calculate relative times for individual trials (divide by 1000 since in miliseconds)
rel_times = (times(trials == trial_ids(i))-s.trialStartTimes(trial_ids(i)))/1000;
% interpolate at a fixed time grid
res{i} = interp1(rel_times,rel_dF(:,trials == trial_ids(i))',0:0.01:12,'linear',0);
%plot(rel_times,rel_dF(:,trials == trials(i))')
%xlim([0 12])
% extracting the dimensions
[nofCells timePoints] = size(res{1});
nofTrials = length(res);
% reshaping the data
a = (reshape(cell2mat(res),nofCells,timePoints,nofTrials));
b = permute(a,[2,1,3]);
c = reshape(b,nofCells*timePoints,nofTrials);
% drop NAs
idx_NAs = sum(isnan(c),1)>0;
c = c(:,~idx_NAs);
% calculating the distance
D = pdist(c','euclidean');
[Y,e] = cmdscale(D);
% calculate the number of clusters
[m,trialTypes] = max(s.trialTypeMat(:,trial_ids));
nofClusters = length(unique(trialTypes));
% do kmeans clustering
clusters = kmeans(Y,nofClusters);
% create color labels for the k-means clusters
colors = colormap(lines(6));
color_labels = zeros(length(clusters),3);
for i=1:length(clusters)
color_labels(i,:) = colors(clusters(i),:)';
% plot the k-means clusters
title('K-means Clusters')
% create color labels for the trial types
colors = colormap(lines(6));
color_labels = zeros(length(clusters),3);
for i=1:length(clusters)
color_labels(i,:) = colors(trialTypes(i),:)';
% plot the trial types
title('Trial Types')
% add the type names
textLabels = s.trialTypeStr(trialTypes);
for ii = 1:numel(Y(:,1))
text(Y(ii,1)+2, Y(ii,2)+4,textLabels(ii),'FontSize',8)
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