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Last active January 1, 2025 04:12
# ======================================================================================
# Create a simple world map in Robinson projection with labeled graticules using ggplot
# ======================================================================================
# Set a working directory with setwd() or work with an RStudio project
# __________ Set libraries
library(rgdal) # for spTransform() & project()
library(ggplot2) # for ggplot()
# __________ Load ready to use data from GitHub
# This will load 6 objects:
# xbl.X & lbl.Y are two data.frames that contain labels for graticule lines
# They can be created with the code at this link:
# NE_box is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object and represents a bounding box for Earth
# NE_countries is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object representing countries
# NE_graticules is a SpatialLinesDataFrame object that represents 10 dg latitude lines and 20 dg longitude lines
# (for creating graticules check also the graticule package or gridlines fun. from sp package)
# (or check this gist:
# NE_places - SpatialPointsDataFrame with city and town points
# NOTE: data downloaded from
# here is a sample script how to download, unzip and read such shapefiles:
# __________ Project from long-lat (unprojected data) to Robinson projection
# spTransform() is used for shapefiles and project() in the case of data frames
# for more PROJ.4 strings check the followings
PROJ <- "+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
# or use the short form "+proj=robin"
NE_countries_rob <- spTransform(NE_countries, CRSobj = PROJ)
NE_graticules_rob <- spTransform(NE_graticules, CRSobj = PROJ)
NE_box_rob <- spTransform(NE_box, CRSobj = PROJ)
# project long-lat coordinates for graticule label data frames
# (two extra columns with projected XY are created)
prj.coord <- project(cbind(lbl.Y$lon, lbl.Y$lat), proj=PROJ)
lbl.Y.prj <- cbind(prj.coord, lbl.Y)
names(lbl.Y.prj)[1:2] <- c("X.prj","Y.prj")
prj.coord <- project(cbind(lbl.X$lon, lbl.X$lat), proj=PROJ)
lbl.X.prj <- cbind(prj.coord, lbl.X)
names(lbl.X.prj)[1:2] <- c("X.prj","Y.prj")
# __________ Plot layers
ggplot() +
# add Natural Earth countries projected to Robinson, give black border and fill with gray
geom_polygon(data=NE_countries_rob, aes(long,lat, group=group), colour="black", fill="gray80", size = 0.25) +
# Note: "Regions defined for each Polygons" warning has to do with fortify transformation. Might get deprecated in future!
# alternatively, use use map_data(NE_countries) to transform to data frame and then use project() to change to desired projection.
# add Natural Earth box projected to Robinson
geom_polygon(data=NE_box_rob, aes(x=long, y=lat), colour="black", fill="transparent", size = 0.25) +
# add graticules projected to Robinson
geom_path(data=NE_graticules_rob, aes(long, lat, group=group), linetype="dotted", color="grey50", size = 0.25) +
# add graticule labels - latitude and longitude
geom_text(data = lbl.Y.prj, aes(x = X.prj, y = Y.prj, label = lbl), color="grey50", size=2) +
geom_text(data = lbl.X.prj, aes(x = X.prj, y = Y.prj, label = lbl), color="grey50", size=2) +
# the default, ratio = 1 in coord_fixed ensures that one unit on the x-axis is the same length as one unit on the y-axis
coord_fixed(ratio = 1) +
# remove the background and default gridlines
# save to pdf and png file
ggsave("map_draft_1.pdf", width=28, height=13.5, units="cm")
ggsave("map_draft_1.png", width=28, height=13.5, units="cm", dpi=600)
# This link was useful for graticule idea
# Working with shapefiles, projections and world maps in ggplot
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