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Last active April 8, 2017 16:34
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Read <div> HTML tag with {rvest} using CSS selector
# Read <div> HTML tag with {rvest} using CSS selector
# ====================================================
# Load library
# -----------------------
# Read the web page
# -----------------------
link <- ""
# NOTE: is ethical to store the page and not read it unnecessarily too many times,
# overloading their server
link.scrap <- read_html(link)
# -----------------------
# Read division
# -----------------------
div.location <-
html_nodes(x = link.scrap,
css = '#historic_report_location') %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE) %>% # note the trim = TRUE to trim leading and trailing spaces
strsplit(split = '\n') %>% # split by \n (new line), will return a list
unlist() %>% # or use .[[1]] or `[[`(1) to select only the first element [[1]] of the list
trimws() # remove leading and trailing whitespaces
# If the `trim = TRUE` is not used in `html_text(trim = TRUE)` above,
# then an alternative for skipping unwanted empty values would be to subset:
# .[. != ""] # skip empty values, where . (dot) symbolize data as inherited
# from the operations above.
# If doing so, then don’t forget the `%>%` operator after `trimws()` above.
## [1] "Location/General" "Pond Name: ALLEGANY BROOK POND" "Pond #: 020225B"
## [4] "Town: Black Brook" "County: Clinton" "USGS Quad: Redford"
## [7] "Watershed: Champlain" "In the Adk park?: Y" "Part of the ALTM program?: N"
## [10] "Ownership: Private" "Primitive Area: None" "Wilderness Area: None"
## [13] "Wild Forest Area: None"
# To understand why the need of splitting by \n (new line) was needed,
# run only the html_nodes() and html_text() part:
div.location <-
html_nodes(x = link.scrap,
css = '#historic_report_location') %>%
html_text(trim = TRUE)
# Now, print div.location with print() and cat()
# note that cat() knows how to interpret \n (new line)
# All in all, the wanted information is separated by \n (new line)
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