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Created August 2, 2017 22:20
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Euclidean buffer - distortions
# Generate a random grid-points for a (almost) global bounding box <- as(raster::extent(120, -120, -60, 60), "SpatialPolygons")
proj4string( <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
pts <- sp::spsample(, n=100, type="regular")
# Project to Mollweide projection to be able to apply buffer with `gBuffer`
# (one could use other projection)
pts.moll <- sp::spTransform(pts, CRSobj = "+proj=moll")
# create 1000 km buffers around the points
buf1000km.moll <- rgeos::gBuffer(spgeom = pts.moll, byid = TRUE, width = 10^6)
# convert back to WGS84 unprojected
buf1000km.WGS84 <- sp::spTransform(buf1000km.moll, CRSobj = proj4string(pts))
plot(buf1000km.WGS84) # distorsions are present
# save as KML to visualize distorted Euclidian buffers on Google Earth
plotKML::kml(buf1000km.WGS84, = "buf1000km.WGS84.kml")
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