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Pacific centered world map with ggplot (change central/prime meridian)
# ======================================================================================
# Pacific centered world map with ggplot
# Enhanced aspect with graticules and labels
# The central/prime meridian can be shifted with any positive value towards west
# Can use any project of known PROJ.4 string
# ======================================================================================
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Load needed libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Download shapefile from ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# Download countries data
download.file(url = "",
destfile = "")
# unzip the shapefile in the directory mentioned with "exdir" argument
unzip(zipfile="", exdir = "ne_110m_admin_0_countries")
# delete the zip file
# read the shapefile with readOGR from rgdal package
NE_countries <- readOGR(dsn = "ne_110m_admin_0_countries", layer = "ne_110m_admin_0_countries")
class(NE_countries) # is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Split world map by "split line" ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# inspired from:
# shift central/prime meridian towards west – positive values only
shift <- 180+30
# create "split line" to split country polygons
WGS84 <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
split.line = SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(cbind(180-shift,c(-90,90)))), ID="line")),
# NOTE - in case of TopologyException' errors when intersecting line with country polygons,
# apply the gBuffer solution suggested at:
# NE_countries <- gBuffer(NE_countries, byid=TRUE, width=0)
# intersecting line with country polygons
line.gInt <- gIntersection(split.line, NE_countries)
# create a very thin polygon (buffer) out of the intersecting "split line"
bf <- gBuffer(line.gInt, byid=TRUE, width=0.000001)
# split country polygons using intersecting thin polygon (buffer)
NE_countries.split <- gDifference(NE_countries, bf, byid=TRUE)
# plot(NE_countries.split) # check map
class(NE_countries.split) # is a SpatialPolygons object
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Create graticules ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# create a bounding box - world extent <- as(raster::extent(180, -180, -90, 90), "SpatialPolygons")
# assign CRS to box
proj4string( <- WGS84
# create graticules/grid lines from box
grid <- gridlines(,
easts = seq(from=-180, to=180, by=20),
norths = seq(from=-90, to=90, by=10))
# create labels for graticules
grid.lbl <- labels(grid, side = 1:4)
# transform labels from SpatialPointsDataFrame to a data table that ggplot can use
grid.lbl.DT <- data.table(grid.lbl@coords, grid.lbl@data)
# prepare labels with regular expression:
# - delete unwanted labels
grid.lbl.DT[, labels := gsub(pattern="180\\*degree|90\\*degree\\*N|90\\*degree\\*S", replacement="", x=labels)]
# - replace pattern "*degree" with "°" (* needs to be escaped with \\)
grid.lbl.DT[, lbl := gsub(pattern="\\*degree", replacement="°", x=labels)]
# - delete any remaining "*"
grid.lbl.DT[, lbl := gsub(pattern="*\\*", replacement="", x=lbl)]
# adjust coordinates of labels so that they fit inside the globe
grid.lbl.DT[, long := ifelse(coords.x1 %in% c(-180,180), coords.x1*175/180, coords.x1)]
grid.lbl.DT[, lat := ifelse(coords.x2 %in% c(-90,90), coords.x2*82/90, coords.x2)]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepare data for ggplot, shift & project coordinates ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# give the PORJ.4 string for Eckert IV projection
PROJ <- "+proj=eck4 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
# transform graticules from SpatialLines to a data table that ggplot can use
grid.DT <- data.table(map_data(SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl=grid,
match.ID = FALSE)))
# project coordinates
# assign matrix of projected coordinates as two columns in data table
grid.DT[, c("X","Y") := data.table(project(cbind(long, lat), proj=PROJ))]
# project coordinates of labels
grid.lbl.DT[, c("X","Y") := data.table(project(cbind(long, lat), proj=PROJ))]
# transform split country polygons in a data table that ggplot can use
Country.DT <- data.table(map_data(as(NE_countries.split, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")))
# Shift coordinates
Country.DT[, := long + shift]
Country.DT[, := ifelse( > 180,,]
# project coordinates
Country.DT[, c("X","Y") := data.table(project(cbind(, lat), proj=PROJ))]
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Plot map ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
ggplot() +
# add projected countries
geom_polygon(data = Country.DT,
aes(x = X, y = Y, group = group),
colour = "gray70",
fill = "gray90",
size = 0.25) +
# add graticules
geom_path(data = grid.DT,
aes(x = X, y = Y, group = group),
linetype = "dotted", colour = "grey50", size = .25) +
# add a bounding box (select graticules at edges)
geom_path(data = grid.DT[(long %in% c(-180,180) & region == "NS")
|(long %in% c(-180,180) & lat %in% c(-90,90) & region == "EW")],
aes(x = X, y = Y, group = group),
linetype = "solid", colour = "black", size = .3) +
# add graticule labels
geom_text(data = grid.lbl.DT, # latitude
aes(x = X, y = Y, label = lbl),
colour = "grey50", size = 2) +
# ensures that one unit on the x-axis is the same length as one unit on the y-axis
coord_equal() + # same as coord_fixed(ratio = 1)
# set empty theme
# ~~~~~~~~~~~ Save to pdf and png file ~~~~~~~~~~~ #
ggsave("World_map_shift.pdf", width=29.7, height=14, units="cm")
ggsave("World_map_shift.png", width=29.7, height=14, units="cm", dpi=300)
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@corch884 , I do not have time to maintain this anymore (my free time is limited), and it looks like many of the packages will be deprecated soon. Maintaining code is almost a full time job in a ever changing world.

At a first look, I would check the coordinates in grid.lbl.DT or adjust the label values there.

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