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Last active January 13, 2017 19:34
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Automatically add notes to an OmniOutliner notes file
on run {}
set noteData to "A note!" --the noteData variable hold the text of the note
set fileName to "notes.oo3" --The name of the notes outliner file
tell application "OmniOutliner"
set oDocs to name of documents of windows
set openState to (oDocs contains fileName)
open "[path to file]"
set doc to document of front window
--set date to result of my getDate()
set today to my getDate()
set ltr to rows of doc where level is 1
set lst to cells of last item of ltr
if value of item 2 of lst is not today then
set li to value of item 3 of lst
--log (li as text)
tell its document (name of doc)
set nw to make new row with properties {topic:today}
end tell
set topDoc to nw
set cls to cells of nw
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in cls
set tc to item i of cls
--log (name of column of tc as text)
if name of column of tc is "Index" then
--set visible of column of tc to false
set value of tc to (li + 1) as text
end if
end repeat
set topDoc to last item of ltr
end if
tell topDoc
make new row with properties {topic:noteData}
end tell
save document (name of doc)
if not openState then
close document (name of doc)
end if
end tell
end run
on getDate()
set mth to month of (current date)
set dy to day of (current date)
set yr to year of (current date)
return mth & " " & (dy as text) & ", " & yr as text
end getDate
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