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Forked from luetkemj/style.css
Created March 14, 2012 01:25
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WP-CSS: Wordpress classes
/* =============================================================================
WordPress WYSIWYG Editor Styles
========================================================================== */
.entry-content img {
margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
.alignleft, img.alignleft {
margin-right: 1.5em;
display: inline;
float: left;
.alignright, img.alignright {
margin-left: 1.5em;
display: inline;
float: right;
.aligncenter, img.aligncenter {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
display: block;
clear: both;
.wp-caption {
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
padding-top: 5px;
.wp-caption img {
border: 0 none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.wp-caption p.wp-caption-text {
line-height: 1.5;
font-size: 10px;
margin: 0;
.wp-smiley {
margin: 0 !important;
max-height: 1em;
blockquote.left {
margin-right: 20px;
text-align: right;
margin-left: 0;
width: 33%;
float: left;
blockquote.right {
margin-left: 20px;
text-align: left;
margin-right: 0;
width: 33%;
float: right;
.gallery dl {}
.gallery dt {}
.gallery dd {}
.gallery dl a {}
.gallery dl img {}
.gallery-caption {}
.size-full {}
.size-large {}
.size-medium {}
.size-thumbnail {}
/* =============================================================================
WordPress CSS - Miscellaneous Styles
========================================================================== */
/* ==|== category links ===================================================== */
li.categories {} {}{id} {}
li.current-cat {}
li.current-cat-parent {}
ul.children {}
/* ==|== blogroll links ===================================================== */
.linkcat {}
.blogroll {}
/* ==|== readmore links ===================================================== */
.more-link {}
/* =============================================================================
WP CSS - Page Listings
========================================================================== */
.pagenav {} /* outermost list item */
.page_item {} /* any page item */
.page-item-{id} {} /* specific page id */
.current_page_item {} /* current page */
.current_page_parent {} /* parent of current page */
.current_page_ancestor {} /* any ancestor of current page */
.pagenav ul,
.pagenav .current_page_item ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_item ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor .current_page_item ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor ul {}
.pagenav ul ul,
.pagenav .current_page_item ul ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor ul ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_item ul ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor ul ul {}
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor .current_page_item ul ul,
.pagenav .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor .current_page_ancestor ul ul {}
/* =============================================================================
WordPress CSS - Default WordPress Widgets
========================================================================== */
.widget {}
/* ==|== links widget ======================================================= */
.widget_links {}
.widget_links ul {}
.widget_links ul li {}
.widget_links ul li a {}
/* ==|== meta widget ======================================================== */
.widget_meta {}
.widget_meta ul {}
.widget_meta ul li {}
.widget_meta ul li a {}
/* ==|== pages widget ======================================================= */
.widget_pages {}
.widget_pages ul {}
.widget_pages ul li {}
.widget_pages ul li a {}
/* ==|== recent-posts widget ================================================ */
.widget_recent_entries {}
.widget_recent_entries ul {}
.widget_recent_entries ul li {}
.widget_recent_entries ul li a {}
/* ==|== archives widget ==================================================== */
.widget_archive {}
.widget_archive ul {}
.widget_archive ul li {}
.widget_archive ul li a {}
.widget_archive select {}
.widget_archive option {}
/* ==|== tag-cloud widget =================================================== */
.widget_links {}
.widget_links li:after {}
.widget_links li:before {}
.widget_tag_cloud {}
.widget_tag_cloud a {}
.widget_tag_cloud a:after {}
.widget_tag_cloud a:before {}
/* ==|== calendar widget ==================================================== */
.widget_calendar {}
#calendar_wrap {}
#calendar_wrap th {}
#calendar_wrap td {}
#wp-calendar tr td {}
#wp-calendar caption {}
#wp-calendar a {}
#wp-calendar #today {}
#wp-calendar #prev {}
#wp-calendar #next {}
#wp-calendar #next a {}
#wp-calendar #prev a {}
/* ==|== category widget ==================================================== */
.widget_categories {}
.widget_categories ul {}
.widget_categories ul li {}
.widget_categories ul ul.children {}
.widget_categories a {}
.widget_categories select{}
.widget_categories select#cat {}
.widget_categories select.postform {}
.widget_categories option {}
.widget_categories .level-0 {}
.widget_categories .level-1 {}
.widget_categories .level-2 {}
.widget_categories .level-3 {}
/* ==|== recent-commments widget ============================================ */
.recentcomments {}
#recentcomments {}
#recentcomments li {}
#recentcomments li a {}
.widget_recent_comments {}
/* ==|== search widget ====================================================== */
#searchform {}
.widget_search {}
.screen-reader-text {}
/* ==|== text widget ======================================================== */
.textwidget {}
.widget_text {}
.textwidget p {}
/* =============================================================================
WP CSS - Comment Styles
========================================================================== */
.commentlist .reply {}
.commentlist .reply a {}
.commentlist .alt {}
.commentlist .odd {}
.commentlist .even {}
.commentlist .thread-alt {}
.commentlist .thread-odd {}
.commentlist .thread-even {}
.commentlist li ul.children .alt {}
.commentlist li ul.children .odd {}
.commentlist li ul.children .even {}
.commentlist .vcard {}
.commentlist .vcard cite.fn {}
.commentlist .vcard span.says {}
.commentlist .vcard {}
.commentlist .vcard img.avatar {}
.commentlist .vcard cite.fn a.url {}
.commentlist .comment-meta {}
.commentlist .comment-meta a {}
.commentlist .commentmetadata {}
.commentlist .commentmetadata a {}
.commentlist .parent {}
.commentlist .comment {}
.commentlist .children {}
.commentlist .pingback {}
.commentlist .bypostauthor {}
.commentlist .comment-author {}
.commentlist .comment-author-admin {}
.commentlist {}
.commentlist li {}
.commentlist li p {}
.commentlist li ul {}
.commentlist li ul.children li {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.alt {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.byuser {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.comment {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.depth-{id} {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.bypostauthor {}
.commentlist li ul.children li.comment-author-admin {}
#cancel-comment-reply {}
#cancel-comment-reply a {}
/* =============================================================================
WP CSS - body_class()
========================================================================== */
.rtl {}
.home {}
.blog {}
.archive {}
.date {}
.search {}
.paged {}
.attachment {}
.error404 {}
.single postid-(id) {}
.attachmentid-(id) {}
.attachment-(mime-type) {}
.author {}
.author-(user_nicename) {}
.category {}
.category-(slug) {}
.tag {}
.tag-(slug) {}
.page-parent {}
.page-child parent-pageid-(id) {}
.page-template page-template-(template file name) {}
.search-results {}
.search-no-results {}
.logged-in {}
.paged-(page number) {}
.single-paged-(page number) {}
.page-paged-(page number) {}
.category-paged-(page number) {}
.tag-paged-(page number) {}
.date-paged-(page number) {}
.author-paged-(page number) {}
.search-paged-(page number) {}
/* =============================================================================
WP CSS - post_class()
========================================================================== */
.post-id {}
.post {}
.page {}
.attachment {}
.sticky {}
.hentry {}
.category-misc {}
.category-example {}
.tag-news {}
.tag-wordpress {}
.tag-markup {}
.format-aside {}
.format-gallery {}
.format-link {}
.format-image {}
.format-quote {}
.format-status {}
.format-video {}
.format-audio {}
.format-chat {}
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