I set up the wiki page for the valet-wsl project and moved the install guide there. This way it can have user contributions. Please have all disscussions or issues under the valet-wsl project so I can be aware of it. Please go to Valet Wsl Installation Guide
Save valeryan/d071dad5a32ccf94d07e685a2bdd2818 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The install cert script requires a UAC prompt. I have not figured out a way to get that to work if called from wsl. But it is possible to call the script from wsl it just doesn't manage to propagate the UAC prompt out to the windows box. I think it should be possible but like most I am just fumbling around in the dark with a flickering flash light. Sometimes I find something that works and sometimes its all a big failure.
I have my projects inside /mnt/c/users/max/MyUbuntuApps and the owner of MyUbuntuApps is root. Is this ok? Shouldn't the ubuntu user be the owner ?
@maxi032 part of how windows and wsl manages permissions causes anything under /mnt/c
to be owned by root. There is an article on the WSL help site that explains how permissions are handled on the shared windows content. I don't remember where it is right now but its normal for root the be the owner.
Thanks for this! Also cool to find out about Terminus! Pretty decent terminal emulator.
Thanks for sharing this doc @valeryan! It's worked like a charm for me using WSL / Ubuntu 18.04. The only problem was with the composer path that in my case is in /.config/composer/vendor/bin
instead of ~/.composer/vendor/bin
Would be great to trigger the cert script with valet secure but it's great also as it is!!
Thanks again!
Thanks again for the doc, by the way, had some performance problems, but fixed them using
adding fastcgi_buffering off;
to nginx
On the matter of running install_certs after valet secure. Haven't tried but maybe using this "win-sudo" could make the trick https://github.com/imachug/win-sudo/blob/master/s/sudo
Hey @valeryan, I was wondering why valet gets stuck when loading a website in the browser while php artisan serve deliver it immediately. It seems not refreshing the pages and just keeps loading it until you hit refresh a couple of time then it display the page. Did you experience a similar issue?
You know I don't seem to get @ messages from gist. I will have to see if there is a setting for that. I have not been using windows for a bit but I just moved over to a windows machine at work again. I will probably have some time to test this setup again soon. I have been meaning to get back around to this setup for a while. I believe that DnsMasq now works with WSL so I will be able to remove the need for Acrylic and restore the default DNS setup in WSL-Valet. I still don't know if there is a way to run the SSL script from within WSL because of the required UAC Prompt. If UAC is disabled it would work. I have run the script from WSL before but it just swallows the UAC prompt.
Thanks again for the doc, by the way, had some performance problems, but fixed them using
addingfastcgi_buffering off;
to nginxOn the matter of running install_certs after valet secure. Haven't tried but maybe using this "win-sudo" could make the trick https://github.com/imachug/win-sudo/blob/master/s/sudo
I spent 12 hours today banging my head on a wall while my site was half loading, and then stalling for 60 seconds before loading the images, or running an AJAX request.
I added fastcgi_buffering off;
and fastcgi_keep_conn on;
to my nginx config and it fixed it first try. This just saved my a$$.
How to make valet loading fast in wsl:
open nginx config file in any editor (located in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf)
Add this line
fastcgi_buffering off;
and save the file
Then restart nginx by running this command
sudo service nginx restart
Now every site will run fast :D
Please help. I can't figure it out why this happens.
This site can’t be reached mysite.dev refused to connect.
But when I browse to I can see "404 - Not found" by valet
Please help. I can't figure it out why this happens.
This site can’t be reached mysite.dev refused to connect.
But when I browse to I can see "404 - Not found" by valet
follow this configuration on win 10 :
I'm looking to install the LaravelValetSelfSigned.pem root CA so that SSL sites work without warnings, however I can't find this file? laravel/valet#515
Edit: @valeryan It looks like a lot of improvements have been made upstream such as using a root CA that can be installed on devices, and allowing secure sharing through ngrok.
If the new Valet setup uses its own or a custom root CA then I think there is no longer a need to have the windows scripts that install each site certificate as only the root CA would need to be installed as a one time setup.
Is there any plan to merge in those changes or would that be too complicated given the changes that need to be made to support WSL?
Please fix this line export PATH=/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH it will be export PATH=/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
I am having some issues at the MySQL config step.
namelus@DESKTOP-2ORV3KU:/etc/mysql$ sudo mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password <myPassWord>
mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'
Any suggestions?
Please help. I can't figure it out why this happens.
This site can’t be reached mysite.dev refused to connect.
But when I browse to I can see "404 - Not found" by valetfollow this configuration on win 10 :
Did this work? I am still encountering the 404.
I set up the wiki page on this project and moved the install guide there. This way it can have user contributions. https://github.com/valeryan/valet-wsl/wiki/Installation-Guide
In order to have correct permissions i would add the following commands
sudo umount /mnt/c
sudo mount -t drvfs C: /mnt/c -o metadata
Bash for Windows is great, this is the one thing I was missing when devleoping on windows instead of linux.
It's technically possible to run windows executable's and scripts from WLS right? Isn't it possible to trigger install_certs.cmd after everytime we run Valet Secure?
I'm still doubting to use Valet for Linux on WLS because of it issues, do you have any other tips as an alternative to this?