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Last active February 4, 2016 05:08
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Examples of SpineJS
class MainStack extends Spine.Stack
dashboard: App.Dashboard
calendar: App.Calendar
customers: App.Customers
cars: App.Cars
stocks: App.Stocks
requests: App.Requests
statistic: App.Statistic
overall_seacher: App.OverallSearcher
default: 'dashboard'
'/stocks': 'stocks'
class App.Content extends Spine.Controller
@extend Spine.Events
constructor: ->
@main = new MainStack
@append @main
Spine.Route.add /\/dashboard(|\/\w*)/, =>
Spine.Route.add /\/calendar/, =>
Spine.Route.add /\/customers/, =>
# Spine.Route.add /\/cars/, =>
Spine.Route.add /\/services/, =>
Spine.Route.add /\/requests/, =>
Spine.Route.add /\/statistic/, =>
@main.overall_seacher.bind 'searchingInOverallSearcher', (query) => @trigger('searchingInOverallSearcher', query)
searchInOverallSearchForm: (query) => unless @main.overall_seacher.isActive()
@main.overall_seacher.refresh query
hideOverallSearchForm: =>
moveCursorToFirstResult: =>
#= require json2
#= require jquery
#= require spine-1.3/src/spine
#= require spine-1.3/src/local
#= require spine-1.3/src/manager
#= require spine-1.3/src/ajax
#= require spine-1.3/src/route
#= require spine-1.3/src/relation
#= require_tree ./lib
#= require_self
#= require_tree ./models
#= require_tree ./controllers
#= require_tree ./views
class App extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
window.start_at = "1:00"
window.finish_at = "23:00"
App.sync_ip_address = @sync_ip_address
App.User.bind 'refresh', @setupApplication #load appliaction only after getting data from ajax
setupApplication: =>
App.User.unbind 'refresh' # setupApplication method should be call only once
new App.RealtimeSync
new App.Notifications
new App.EventActionManager el: @el
@content = new App.Content el: @el.find("#page-wrapper")
@menu = new App.Menu el: @el
@seacher = new App.SearchField el: @el.find("form#globalSearch")
App.SearchField.bind 'clearInput', @seacher.clearInput
@seacher.bind 'blankQuery', @content.hideOverallSearchForm
@seacher.bind 'tryingSearch', @content.searchInOverallSearchForm
@seacher.bind 'pressEnter', @content.moveCursorToFirstResult
@content.bind 'searchingInOverallSearcher', @seacher.refreshSearchField
window.currentLang = 'ru'
window.App = App
class TopBar extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
App.Task.bind 'refresh change', @renderTasks
App.Event.bind 'refresh change', @renderEvents
renderTasks: =>
tasks = App.User.currentUser().tasks().all()
tasks = _.where(tasks, {status: 'pending'})
@el.find("li#taskScroll").html @view('shared/tasks')(tasks: tasks)
@el.find("#tasks span.number").html(tasks.length)
renderEvents: =>
events = App.Event.getEventsForToday(user_id: App.User.currentUser().id, statuses: ['pending'])
@el.find("li#eventsScroll").html @view('shared/events')(events: events)
@el.find("#events span.number").html(events.length)
class SideBar extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
class App.Menu extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
new SideBar el: @el.find("nav.navbar-side")
new TopBar el: @el.find("nav.navbar-top")
class Notice extends Spine.Controller
constructor: ->
@notice.bind 'destroy', @remove
remove: =>
if @notice
@notice.unbind 'destroy', @remove
destroyNotice: =>
setupMessenger: ->
Messenger.options = {
extraClasses: 'messenger-fixed messenger-on-bottom messenger-on-right',
theme: 'flat'
display: ->
@message = Messenger().post(
message: @notice.title
id: "notice_#{}"
type: 'info'
showCloseButton: true
hideAfter: false
events: { "click .messenger-close": @destroyNotice }
actions: {
label: I18n.t('views.customers.customer_card'),
action: =>
message: I18n.t('views.notifications.notice_looked')
type: 'success'
actions: false
hideAfter: 3
@navigate @notice.link_to_object
class App.Notifications extends Spine.Module
constructor: ->
App.Notice.bind 'create', @renderNewNotice
renderCurrentNotice: ->
for notice in App.User.currentUser().notices().all()
do (notice) =>
new Notice notice: notice
renderNewNotice: (notice, options) =>
return unless notice.user.current_user
new Notice notice: notice
class App.RealtimeSync extends Spine.Module
constructor: ->
@socket = io.connect(App.sync_ip_address);
@socket.on 'rt-change', @processWithoutAjas
processWithoutAjas: (message) =>
Spine.Ajax.disable =>
process: (message) ->
klass = App[message.resource]
console.log message
switch message.action
when 'create'
console.log 'create'
return if klass.exists(
klass.create message.obj
when 'update'
console.log 'update'
klass.update, message.obj
when 'destroy'
console.log 'destroy'
obj = klass.find
obj.destroy() if obj
throw 'Unknown type: ' + message.type
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