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Created October 14, 2019 15:21
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AWS Reserved Instances by nornalized units to know how many you have total and how many you have reserved
import argparse
import logging
from pprint import pformat
import boto3
logger = logging.getLogger('ec2-check-normalized-units')
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
"nano": 0.25,
"micro": 0.5,
"small": 1,
"medium": 2,
"large": 4,
"xlarge": 8,
"2xlarge": 16,
"3xlarge": 24,
"4xlarge": 32,
"6xlarge": 48,
"8xlarge": 64,
"9xlarge": 72,
"10xlarge": 80,
"12xlarge": 96,
"16xlarge": 128,
"18xlarge": 144,
"24xlarge": 192,
"32xlarge": 256
def get_per_class_normalized_units(instance_report):
normalized_units = {}
for instance_type, instance_count in instance_report.items():
instance_split = instance_type.split('.')
instance_family = instance_split[0]
instance_size = instance_split[1]
norm_unit = convert_to_normalized_units(instance_size, instance_count)
normalized_units[instance_family] = normalized_units.get(instance_family, 0) + norm_unit
return normalized_units
def convert_to_normalized_units(instance_size, instance_count):
return NORMALIZED_UNITS[instance_size] * instance_count
def get_ec2_instances(ec2_client):
ec2_instances = ec2_client.describe_instances()
running_ec2_instances = {}
running_ec2_spot_instances = {}
for reservation in ec2_instances['Reservations']:
for instance in reservation['Instances']:
if instance['State']['Name'] != "running":
logger.debug("Disqualifying instance %s: not running\n" % (instance['InstanceId']))
elif "InstanceLifecycle" in instance:
if instance['InstanceLifecycle'] == "spot":
instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
running_ec2_spot_instances[instance_type] = running_ec2_spot_instances.get(instance_type, 0) + 1
instance_type = instance['InstanceType']
logger.debug("Running instance: {}\n".format(pformat(instance)))
running_ec2_instances[instance_type] = running_ec2_instances.get(instance_type, 0) + 1
return running_ec2_instances, running_ec2_spot_instances
def get_ec2_reserved_instances(ec2_client):
ec2_reserved_instances = {}
ec2_reservations = ec2_client.describe_reserved_instances()
for ri in ec2_reservations['ReservedInstances']:
if ri['State'] != "active":
logger.debug("Excluding reserved instances %s: no longer active\n" % (ri['ReservedInstancesId']))
instance_type = ri['InstanceType']
instance_signature = (instance_type)
ec2_reserved_instances[instance_signature] = ec2_reserved_instances.get(instance_signature,
0) + ri['InstanceCount']
ec2_reserved = dict(ec2_reserved_instances)
return ec2_reserved
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cross reference existing ec2 reservations to current instances.')
parser.add_argument('--log', default="INFO", help='Change log level (default: WARN)')
parser.add_argument('--region', default='us-east-1', help='AWS Region to connect to')
args = parser.parse_args()
logger.debug("boto version = %s", boto3.__version__)
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=args.region)
running_ec2, running_spot = get_ec2_instances(ec2_client)
logger.debug("\nRunning instances: {}\n".format(pformat(running_ec2)))
logger.debug("\nRunning SPOT instances: {}\n".format(pformat(running_spot)))
reserved_ec2 = get_ec2_reserved_instances(ec2_client)
logger.debug("\nReserved instances: {}".format(pformat(reserved_ec2)))
nu_running = get_per_class_normalized_units(running_ec2)
nu_reserved = get_per_class_normalized_units(reserved_ec2)
logger.debug(bcolors.HEADER + "Normalized running instances" + bcolors.ENDC)
logger.debug(bcolors.HEADER + "Normalized reserved instances" + bcolors.ENDC)
missing_nu = {key: nu_running[key] - nu_reserved.get(key, 0) for key in nu_running.keys()}
output = "\n" + bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.HEADER + \
"Required instance normalized units for 100% reservation" + \
bcolors.ENDC + "\n"
for family, miss_units in missing_nu.items():
if miss_units > 0:
color = bcolors.WARNING
miss_units = str(miss_units) + bcolors.OKGREEN + " (" + str(
int(miss_units / 4)) + "*large instance)" + bcolors.ENDC
color = bcolors.OKBLUE
output += bcolors.BOLD + '[' + family + '] --- \t' + bcolors.ENDC + color + str(
miss_units) + bcolors.ENDC + '\n'
if __name__ == "__main__":
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