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Last active January 12, 2024 21:32
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Automatically install CUDA, cuDNN and appropriate drivers
set -e -u -o pipefail -o noglob
set -x
UBUNTU_RELEASE=$(lsb_release -rs) # 18.04
DISTRO=ubuntu${UBUNTU_RELEASE//\./} # ubuntu1804
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys${DISTRO}/x86_64/
# For CUDA
echo "deb${DISTRO}/x86_64/ /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list
# For cuDNN and TensorRT
echo "deb${DISTRO}/x86_64 /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list
# Need the latest drivers, but the ones installed by cuda-drivers cause issues for 32-bit applications, such as Wine and Steam
sudo add-apt-repository --no-update -y ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
# Optionally, uncomment to remove any existing packages first
# sudo apt-get purge 'cuda-*' 'libcudnn*' 'libnvidia-compute-*' 'nvidia-driver-*' 'libcublas*' 'libnvinfer*' 'libnvparsers*' 'libnvonnx*' 'python-libnvinfer*' 'python3-libnvinfer*'
sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-nvidia-driver-400 <<EOF
# Pin drivers from the CUDA repo to a lower priority than the default 500
Package: nvidia-driver-*
Pin: release l=NVIDIA CUDA
Pin-Priority: 400
# Disable installation of cuda-drivers
Package: cuda-drivers
Pin: release *
Pin-Priority: -1
sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-version-pin <<EOF
# Pin packages using on CUDA to depend on CUDA ${CUDA_VERSION}
Package: libcudnn* libnccl* graphsurgeon-tf
Pin: version *+cuda${CUDA_VERSION}
Pin-Priority: 991
Package: cuda-* libcublas*
Pin: version ${CUDA_VERSION}*
Pin-Priority: 991
Package: libnvinfer* libnvparsers* libnvonnx* python-libnvinfer* python3-libnvinfer* uff-converter-tf
Pin: version ${TENSORRT_VERSION}.*+cuda${CUDA_VERSION}
Pin-Priority: 991
# Install the latest driver
sudo ubuntu-drivers install
# Installing the cuda-toolkit-x-x rather than the cuda-x-x meta-package,
# since the toolkit one does not add the unwanted cuda-drivers dependency.
sudo apt-get install -y cuda-toolkit-${CUDA_VERSION//\./-}
sudo apt-get install -y libcudnn${CUDNN_VERSION}-dev
# Optional command for installing TensorRT
# The machine-learning repo does not contain the tensorrt meta-package,
# so the packages will have to be installed individually.
install-tensorrt() {
sudo apt-get -y install \
libnvinfer-dev \
libnvinfer-plugin-dev \
libnvparsers-dev \
libnvonnxparsers-dev \
python-libnvinfer-dev \
# The following are not included in the machine-learning repo
# Notably, the giexec and trtexec executables from bin will not be installed
# libnvinfer-bin
# libnvinfer-samples
# libnvinfer-doc
# Uncomment to install TensorRT as well
# install-tensorrt
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