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Forked from natanaeljr/
Created December 14, 2021 07:16
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Simple generic makefile example to start a project quickly. Can: select C or C++ compiler automatically, identify multiple extentions, detect auto-dependencies and compile modified files only, etc. Various modifiable settings.
PROJECT := $(notdir $(CURDIR))
# Directories specification
SRCDIRS := src
INCDIRS := include
BUILDDIR := build
# @note: to add another source extension, add to herer AND make sure to
# write the " $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.ext " rule for this extention in order to work
SRCEXTS := cpp cc c cxx c++ C
# @note: to add another header extention, just add here and it should recognize it
HDREXTS := hpp hh h hxx h++ H
# list of all recognized files found in the specified directories
SOURCES := $(foreach dir, $(SRCDIRS), $(foreach ext, $(SRCEXTS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.$(ext))))
INCLUDES := $(foreach dir, $(INCDIRS), $(foreach ext, $(HDREXTS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.$(ext))))
OBJECTS := $(foreach ext, $(SRCEXTS), $(patsubst %.$(ext), $(BUILDDIR)/%.o, $(filter %.$(ext), $(SOURCES))))
# Compilers and flags
CC := gcc
CXX := g++
override CFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wno-unused-variable
override CXXFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wno-unused-variable
override LDFLAGS +=
# Tools and flags
CPPLINT := cpplint
override CPPLINTFLAGS += --linelength=100 --filter=-build/header_guard,-runtime/references,-runtime/indentation_namespace,-build/namespaces --extensions=$(subst $( ),$(,),$(SRCEXTS)) --headers=$(subst $( ),$(,),$(HDREXTS))
CPPCHECK := cppcheck
override CPPCHECKFLAGS += --enable=style,warning,missingInclude
# This makefile name
MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# Function to compile using $(CC) : (files: .c)
define compilecc
@mkdir -p $(dir $1)
@$(CC) -c $2 -o $1 $(CFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) -MT $1 -MF $(BUILDDIR)/$3.Td $(DEPFLAGS)
@mv -f $(BUILDDIR)/$3.Td $(BUILDDIR)/$3.d && touch $1
@echo CC: $1
# Function to compile using $(CXX) : (files: .cpp .cc .cxx .c++ .C)
define compilecxx
@mkdir -p $(dir $1)
@$(CXX) -c $2 -o $1 $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) -MT $1 -MF $(BUILDDIR)/$3.Td $(DEPFLAGS)
@mv -f $(BUILDDIR)/$3.Td $(BUILDDIR)/$3.d && touch $1
@echo CXX: $1
# Rules to build objects for each source file extension
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.c $(BUILDDIR)/%.d $(MAKEFILE) $@
$(call compilecc,$@,$<,$*)
$(call compilecxx,$@,$<,$*)
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.cpp $(BUILDDIR)/%.d $(MAKEFILE) $@
$(call compilecxx,$@,$<,$*)
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.cxx $(BUILDDIR)/%.d $(MAKEFILE) $@
$(call compilecxx,$@,$<,$*)
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.c++ $(BUILDDIR)/%.d $(MAKEFILE) $@
$(call compilecxx,$@,$<,$*)
$(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.C $(BUILDDIR)/%.d $(MAKEFILE) $@
$(call compilecxx,$@,$<,$*)
$(BUILDDIR)/%.d: ;
.PHONY: all help run clean force cpplint cppcheck info list-headers list-sources list-objects debug
# Main target for building
@echo Done.
# Print commands
@echo "Some useful make targets:"
@echo " make all - Build entire project (modified sources only or dependents)"
@echo " make run - Build and launch excecutable immediately"
@echo " make force - Force rebuild of entire project (clean first)"
@echo " make clean - Remove all build output"
@echo " make info - Print out project configurations"
@echo " make cpplint - C++ style checker tool following Google's C++ style guide"
@echo " make cppcheck - Static code analysis tool for the C and C++"
@echo " make list-headers - Print out all recognized headers files"
@echo " make list-sources - Print out all recognized sources files"
@echo " make list-objects - Print out final objects"
@echo ""
# make sure Make do not delete included dependencies files
# include the dependency files here (should not be before first target)
include $(wildcard $(foreach ext, $(SRCEXTS), $(patsubst %.$(ext), $(BUILDDIR)/%.d, $(filter %.$(ext), $(SOURCES)))))
# Compile binary if necessary, checks for modified files first
# @note: uses CC if all source files are .c , otherwise uses CXX
ifeq ($(filter-out %.c,$(SOURCES)),$(blank))
@$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJECTS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
@echo CC: $@ (excecutable)
@echo CXX: $@
# Launch excecutable, compile if necessary
# Clean all build files
@rm -rf $(EXCECUTABLE)
@rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
@echo Cleaned.
# Force build of all files
force: clean all
# C++ style checker tool (following Google's C++ style guide)
# Static code analysis tool for the C and C++
# Prints out project configurations
@echo Project: $(PROJECT)
@echo Excecutable: $(EXCECUTABLE)
@echo SourceDirs: $(SRCDIRS)
@echo IncludeDirs: $(INCDIRS)
@echo BuildDir: $(BUILDDIR)
@echo CC: $(CC)
@echo CXX: $(CXX)
@echo CCFlags: $(CFLAGS)
@echo CXXFlags: $(CXXFLAGS)
@echo LDFlags: $(LDFLAGS)
@echo IncFlags: $(INCFLAGS)
@echo DepFlags: $(DEPFLAGS)
@echo CppLintFlags : $(CPPLINTFLAGS)
@echo CppCheckFlags: $(CPPCHECKFLAGS)
$(foreach src, $(SOURCES), $(call print,$(src)))
$(foreach hdr, $(INCLUDES), $(call print,$(hdr)))
$(foreach obj, $(OBJECTS), $(call print,$(obj)))
# Debugging of this makefile, for development
@echo SourceExts: $(SRCEXTS)
@echo HeaderExts: $(HDREXTS)
# ### Utils ###
define print
@echo $1
# comma -> $(,)
, = ,
# blank -> $(blank)
blank =
# space -> $( )
space = $(blank) $(blank)
$(space) = $(space)
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