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Frontend RSS feed comparison
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<outline htmlUrl='' text=' | Articles for developers' title=' | Articles for developers' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='coding@scribd' title='coding@scribd' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='' title='' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='Bit Stampede' title='Bit Stampede' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='Chromium Blog' title='Chromium Blog' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='Benoit Jacob' title='Benoit Jacob' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='The Paciello Group Blog' title='The Paciello Group Blog' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='The WebM Open Media Project Blog' title='The WebM Open Media Project Blog' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='Henri Sivonen’s pages' title='Henri Sivonen’s pages' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Jatinder S Mann' title='Jatinder S Mann' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='mraleph' title='mraleph' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Opera Desktop Team' title='Opera Desktop Team' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Opera Dragonfly' title='Opera Dragonfly' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Opera Developer News' title='Opera Developer News' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Tech Notes' title='Tech Notes' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='Peter Beverloo' title='Peter Beverloo' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='&lt;Glazblog/&gt;' title='&lt;Glazblog/&gt;' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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<outline htmlUrl='' text='W3C Blog' title='W3C Blog' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
<outline htmlUrl='' text='CSS Working Group Blog' title='CSS Working Group Blog' type='rss' xmlUrl='' />
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