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Created July 8, 2011 10:52
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@asp1 = Factory(:asp, :name => "ASP1", :school_name => "School 1", :school_district => "District 1", :region_id => regions(:us_co).id)
@asp2 = Factory(:asp, :name => "ASP2", :school_name => "School 2", :school_district => "District 2", :region_id => regions(:us_co).id)
@asp3 = Factory(:asp, :name => "ASP3", :school_name => "School 3", :school_district => "District 3", :region_id => regions(:us_co).id)
@asp4 = Factory(:asp, :name => "ASP4", :school_name => "School 4", :school_district => "District 3", :region_id => regions(:us_co).id)
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