#!/usr/bin/env ruby |
require 'coderay' |
require 'term/ansicolor' |
require 'optparse' |
# --- Adjusting colors ------------------------------------------------------- |
RGB = Term::ANSIColor::RGBTriple |
Attribute = Term::ANSIColor::Attribute |
Color = Term::ANSIColor |
GREEN = RGB.new(0, 256, 0) |
RED = RGB.new(256, 0, 0) |
GRAY = RGB.new(32, 32, 32) |
def adjust(text, target) |
open = adjust_seq("\e[37m", target) |
adjusted = text.chomp.gsub(/\e\[[0-9;]+m/) { |seq| adjust_seq(seq, target) } |
"#{open}#{adjusted}" |
end |
def adjust_seq(seq, target) |
key = [seq, target] |
ADJUSTMENTS[key] ||= |
begin |
escapes = [] |
seq[/\d+(;\d+)*/].split(';').map(&:to_i).each do |number| |
case number |
when 0 then escapes << ["\e[0m", gradient_to(255, target)] |
when 1 then escapes << "\e[1m" |
when 4 then escapes << "\e[4m" |
when 30..37 then escapes << gradient_to(number - 30, target) |
when 40..47 then escapes << gradient_to(number - 30, target, :background) |
else escapes << seq |
end |
end |
escapes.join('') |
end |
end |
def gradient_to(num, target, background = false) |
key = [num, target, background] |
GRADIENTS[key] ||= |
begin |
triple = triple(num) |
target = triple.gradient_to(target)[8] |
html = target.html |
method = background ? "on_#{html}" : html |
Attribute[method].apply |
end |
end |
def triple(num) |
Attribute[num].to_rgb_triple |
end |
# --- Parsing git diffs ------------------------------------------------------ |
'Gemfile' => :ruby, |
'rb' => :ruby, |
'c' => :c, |
'h' => :c, |
'cpp' => :cpp, |
'cxx' => :cpp, |
'hpp' => :cpp, |
'clj' => :clojure, |
'css' => :css, |
'erb' => :erb, |
'go' => :go, |
'java' => :java, |
'js' => :javascript, |
'json' => :json, |
'php' => :php, |
'lua' => :lua, |
'py' => :python, |
'sass' => :sass, |
'scss' => :scss, |
'sql' => :sql, |
'xml' => :xml, |
'yml' => :yaml, |
'yaml' => :yaml, |
} |
def show(sha, path) |
return [] if sha =~ /^0+$/ |
cached = CACHED_OBJECTS.delete sha |
return cached if cached |
format = FORMATS[path[/(\w+)$/, 1]] |
code = `git show #{sha} 2> /dev/null` |
code = File.read(path) if code.empty? |
code = CodeRay.scan(code, format).terminal if format |
CACHED_OBJECTS[sha] = code.lines |
end |
def process(options) |
new = nil |
old = nil |
remaining = nil |
old_file = nil |
new_file = nil |
old_hash = nil |
new_hash = nil |
while gets |
stripped = $_.gsub(/(\e\[[0-9;]*m)*/, '') |
case stripped |
when /^index (\w+)..(\w+)/ |
old_hash = $1 |
new_hash = $2 |
puts $_ |
# @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
when /^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@/ |
old_start, old_length = $1.to_i - 1, ($2 || 1).to_i |
new_start, new_length = $3.to_i - 1, ($4 || 1).to_i |
remaining = old_length + new_length |
puts $_ |
when /^\+\+\+ (.*)$/ |
new_file = $1.sub(/^[ab]\//, '') |
old = show old_hash, old_file |
new = show new_hash, new_file |
puts $_ |
when /^--- (.*)$/ |
old_file = $1.sub(/^[ab]\//, '') |
puts $_ |
when /^ / |
if remaining.nil? || remaining <= 0 |
puts $_ |
next |
elsif options[:highlight] |
puts " #{adjust(new[new_start], GRAY)}" |
else |
puts $_ |
end |
old_start += 1 |
new_start += 1 |
when /^\+/ |
puts adjust("+#{new[new_start]}", GREEN) |
new_start += 1 |
when /^-/ |
puts adjust("-#{old[old_start]}", RED) |
old_start += 1 |
else |
puts $_ |
end |
end |
end |
options = {} |
OptionParser.new do |opts| |
opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]" |
opts.on("-h", "--[no-]highlight", "Highlight all the code") do |v| |
options[:highlight] = v |
end |
end.parse! |
begin |
process(options) |
rescue Errno::EPIPE |
exit 0 |
end |
Cool idea.
There is a regression though –
/^ /
matches some commit messages. I'll fiddle a bit with it and see if it looks good if it makes a gradient to gray 😄