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Last active April 26, 2018 05:29
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Left-pad verified with Why3
module LeftPad
use import int.Int
use import int.MinMax
use import string.Char as C
use import map.Map as M
use import string.String as S
use import string.Buffer as B
(* string.Buffer.contents only does the length for some reason *)
val buf2str (b: B.t) : string
ensures { S.length result = length b }
ensures { forall i: int. 0 <= i < length b -> M.get b.contents i = result[i] }
let leftpad (s: string) (c: char) (maxlen: int) : string
ensures { S.length result = max (old (S.length s)) maxlen }
ensures { old (S.length s) >= maxlen -> result = (old s) }
ensures { old (S.length s) < maxlen ->
let padlen = maxlen - old (S.length s) in
(forall i: int. 0 <= i < padlen -> result[i] = c)
/\ (forall i: int. padlen <= i < maxlen -> result[i] = (old s)[i - padlen])
= if S.length s >= maxlen then s else
let buf = B.create 0 in
for i = 0 to maxlen - S.length s - 1 do
invariant { buf.length = i }
invariant { forall j: int. 0 <= j < i -> M.get buf.contents j = c }
add_char buf c
add_string buf s;
buf2str buf
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