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Created May 30, 2020 21:41
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use smithay_client_toolkit::reexports::client::{
EventQueue, Interface, Main, MessageGroup, Proxy, ProxyMap,
/// Tokio task for polling the Wayland socket, dispatching the callbacks.
/// This makes wayland_event_chan work.
pub async fn wayland_loop(event_queue: &mut EventQueue) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
use std::task::Poll;
let fd = event_queue.display().get_connection_fd();
let wl_reg = tokio::io::PollEvented::new(mio::unix::EventedFd(&fd))?;
loop {
tokio::future::poll_fn(|cx| {
if let Some(guard) = event_queue.prepare_read() {
if let Err(e) = event_queue.display().flush() {
eprintln!("Error flushing the wayland socket: {:?}", e);
futures::ready!(wl_reg.poll_read_ready(cx, mio::Ready::readable()))?;
if let Err(e) = guard.read_events() {
if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
wl_reg.clear_read_ready(cx, mio::Ready::readable())?;
return Poll::Pending;
} else {
eprintln!("Error reading from the wayland socket: {:?}", e);
.dispatch(&mut (), |_, _, _| {})
// .dispatch_pending(&mut (), |_, _, _| {}) // did we not read?!
let res: Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> = Ok(());
} else {
event_queue.dispatch_pending(&mut (), |_, _, _| {})?;
tokio::task::yield_now().await; // required for reacting to events on the same thread ??
/// Creates a broadcast channel for a Wayland object's events.
/// Returns Sender to allow generating new subscribers.
/// Requires a wayland_loop to be running.
pub fn wayland_event_chan<I>(
obj: &Main<I>,
) -> tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<std::sync::Arc<I::Event>>
I: Interface + AsRef<Proxy<I>> + From<Proxy<I>> + Sync,
I::Event: MessageGroup<Map = ProxyMap>,
let (tx, _) = tokio::sync::broadcast::channel(8);
let tx2 = tx.clone();
obj.quick_assign(move |_, event, _| {
if let Ok(_) = tx.send(std::sync::Arc::new(event)) {
} else {
eprintln!("Event-to-channel send with no receivers?");
/// Creates a oneshot channel for a Wayland object's events, intended for WlCallback.
/// Requires a wayland_loop to be running.
pub fn wayland_event_chan_oneshot<I>(
obj: &Main<I>,
) -> tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<I::Event>
I: Interface + AsRef<Proxy<I>> + From<Proxy<I>> + Sync,
I::Event: MessageGroup<Map = ProxyMap>,
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
// would be great to have a quick_assign with FnOnce
let txc = std::cell::Cell::new(Some(tx));
obj.quick_assign(move |_, event, _| {
if let Ok(_) = txc.take().unwrap().send(event) {
} else {
eprintln!("Event-to-oneshot-channel send with no receiver?");
macro_rules! wayselect {
( $( $query:expr => | $binder:ident | $handler:expr )* $( ; raw $rquery:expr => | $rbinder:ident | $rhandler:expr )* ) => {
tokio::select! {
$(ev = $query => { match ev {
Ok($binder) => $handler
Err(er) => eprintln!("wayselect: {:?}", er)
} })*
$($rbinder = $rquery => { $rhandler })*
macro_rules! wayselectloop {
( $($tokens:tt)* ) => { loop { wayselect! { $($tokens)* } } }
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