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Last active July 25, 2022 09:48
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How to limit concurrency with Python asyncio?
import asyncio
from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, Iterator
from asyncio_pool import AioPool
import pytest as pytest
from more_itertools import peekable
Different approaches to "How to limit concurrency with Python asyncio?"
test_gather_with_concurrency demonstrates if those methods work as expected
Problem statement:
Define a function whose signature is:
async def gather_with_concurrency(
concurrency: int, coroutines: Iterator[Coroutine]
and fulfils those invariants:
- when returning from the function, all coroutines are completed
- the coroutines are executed concurrently with a maximum concurrency of `concurrency`
- a slower coroutine does not prevent coroutines that follow to be scheduled, as long as maximum concurrency
is not reached
async def gather_with_concurrency_adam(
concurrency: int, coroutines: Iterator[Coroutine]
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(concurrency)
tasks = []
for coroutine in coroutines:
async with semaphore:
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def gather_with_concurrency_emin(concurrency: int, coros: Iterator[Coroutine]):
"""Gather asyncio coroutines with concurrency."""
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(concurrency)
async def sem_task(task: Coroutine):
async with semaphore:
return await task
return await asyncio.gather(*(sem_task(task) for task in coros))
async def gather_with_concurrency_aiopool(concurrency: int, coros: Iterator[Coroutine]):
# adapted from
pool = AioPool(size=concurrency)
coros = peekable(coros)
if coros.peek(None):
await f: f, coros)
async def gather_so_anwser(concurrency: int, coroutines: Iterator[Coroutine]):
# adapted from part1
pending = set()
for coroutine in coroutines:
if len(pending) >= concurrency:
_, pending = await asyncio.tasks.wait(
pending, return_when=asyncio.tasks.FIRST_COMPLETED
if len(pending) > 0:
await asyncio.tasks.wait(pending)
async def gather_so_anwser_part2(concurrency: int, coros: Iterator[Coroutine]):
# adapted from part2
queue = asyncio.Queue()
async def worker():
while True:
await (await queue.get())
workers = [asyncio.create_task(worker()) for _ in range(concurrency)]
for coro in coros:
await queue.put(coro)
await queue.join() # wait for all tasks to be processed
for worker in workers:
await asyncio.gather(*workers, return_exceptions=True)
"concurrency,size", ((1, 1), (10, 1), (10, 101), (10, 0), (10, 10))
async def test_gather_with_concurrency(
concurrency: int,
size: int,
method: Callable[[int, Iterator[Coroutine]], Awaitable[None]],
done = []
pending = set()
max_concurrency = 0
async def getter(i):
nonlocal max_concurrency
max_concurrency = max(len(pending), max_concurrency)
# reverse-order completion, to assess that concurrency is happening
await asyncio.sleep(1 - i / 10.0)
await method(concurrency, (getter(i) for i in range(size)))
assert len(pending) == 0
if size >= concurrency:
assert (
max_concurrency == concurrency
), "expected maximum concurrency {}, got {} instead".format(
concurrency, max_concurrency
if size > 1:
assert done != sorted(done)
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