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* Notary.c - An example hook for collecting signatures for multi-sign transactions without blocking sequence number
* on the account.
* Author: Richard Holland
* Date: 11 Feb 2021
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hookapi.h"
int64_t cbak(uint32_t reserved)
return 0;
// maximum tx blob
#define MAX_MEMO_SIZE 4096
// LastLedgerSeq must be this far ahead of current to submit a new txn blob
* Notary - easy multisign with Hooks
* Two modes of operation:
* 1. Attach a proposed transaction to a memo and send it to the hook account
* 2. Endorse an already proposed transaction by using its unique ID as invoice ID and sending a 1 drop payment
* to the hook.
* This hook relies on the signer list on the account the hook is running on.
* Only accounts on this list can propse and endorse multisign transactions through this Hook.
int64_t hook(uint32_t reserved)
// this api fetches the AccountID of the account the hook currently executing is installed on
// since hooks can be triggered by both incoming and ougoing transactions this is important to know
unsigned char hook_accid[20];
hook_account((uint32_t)hook_accid, 20);
// next fetch the sfAccount field from the originating transaction
uint8_t account_field[20];
int32_t account_field_len = otxn_field(SBUF(account_field), sfAccount);
if (account_field_len < 20) // negative values indicate errors from every api
rollback(SBUF("Notary: sfAccount field missing!!!"), 10); // this code could never be hit in prod
// but it's here for completeness
// compare the "From Account" (sfAccount) on the transaction with the account the hook is running on
int equal = 0; BUFFER_EQUAL(equal, hook_accid, account_field, 20);
if (equal)
accept(SBUF("Notary: Outgoing transaction"), 20);
uint8_t tx_blob[MAX_MEMO_SIZE];
int64_t tx_len = 0;
uint8_t invoice_id[32];
int64_t invoice_id_len =
otxn_field(SBUF(invoice_id), sfInvoiceID);
// check if an invoice ID was provided... this would be mode 2 above
if (invoice_id_len == 32)
// it was, so this is an attempt at endorsing an existing proposed multisig transaction
// attempt to retrieve the proposed txn blob from the Hook State by setting the last nibble of the invoice ID
// to `F` and using it as state key
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + 0x0FU;
tx_len = state(SBUF(tx_blob), SBUF(invoice_id));
if (tx_len < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Received invoice id that did not correspond to a submitted multisig txn."), 1);
// proposed txn exists... but it may have expired so we need to check that first
int64_t lls_lookup = sto_subfield(tx_blob, tx_len, sfLastLedgerSequence);
uint8_t* lls_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lls_lookup) + tx_blob;
uint32_t lls_len = SUB_LENGTH(lls_lookup);
if (lls_len != 4 || UINT32_FROM_BUF(lls_ptr) < ledger_seq())
// expired or invalid tx, purging
if (state_set(0, 0, SBUF(invoice_id)) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Error erasing old txn blob."), 40);
accept(SBUF("Notary: Multisig txn was too old (last ledger seq passed) and was erased."), 1);
// execution to here means the invoice ID corresponded to a currently valid proposed multisig transaction
// that exists in the Hook State for this account
// however we still need to check if this user is on the signer list before proceeding.
// check for the presence of a memo
uint8_t memos[MAX_MEMO_SIZE];
int64_t memos_len = otxn_field(SBUF(memos), sfMemos);
uint32_t payload_len = 0;
uint8_t* payload_ptr = 0;
// if there is a memo present then we are in mode 1 above, but we need to ensure the user isn't invoking
// undefined behaviour by making them pick either mode 1 or mode 2:
if (memos_len <= 0 && invoice_id_len <= 0)
accept(SBUF("Notary: Incoming txn with neither memo nor invoice ID, passing."), 0);
if (memos_len > 0 && invoice_id_len > 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Incoming txn with both memo and invoice ID, abort."), 0);
// now check if the sender is on the signer list
// we can do this by first creating a keylet that describes the signer list on the hook account
uint8_t keylet[34];
if (util_keylet(SBUF(keylet), KEYLET_SIGNERS, SBUF(hook_accid), 0, 0, 0, 0) != 34)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Internal error, could not generate keylet"), 10);
// then requesting XRPLD slot that keylet into a new slot for us
int64_t slot_no = slot_set(SBUF(keylet), 0);
if (slot_no < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not set keylet in slot"), 10);
// once slotted we can examine the signer list object
// the first field we are interested in is the required quorum to actually pass a multisign transaction
int64_t result = slot_subfield(slot_no, sfSignerQuorum, 0);
if (result < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not find sfSignerQuorum on hook account"), 20);
// we will retrieve the 4 byte quorum into a buffer, in future the will be a shortcut for this
uint32_t signer_quorum = 0;
uint8_t buf[4];
result = slot(SBUF(buf), result);
if (result != 4)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch sfSignerQuorum from sfSignerEntries."), 80);
// then conver the four byte buffer to an unsigned 32 bit integer
signer_quorum = UINT32_FROM_BUF(buf);
TRACEVAR(signer_quorum); // print the integer for debugging purposes
// next we want to examine the signer entries, we can do this by loading the signer entries field into a new slot
// or in this case we'll just reuse the existing slot since we're done with the parent object.
result = slot_subfield(slot_no, sfSignerEntries, slot_no);
if (result < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not find sfSignerEntries on hook account"), 20);
// since sfSignerEntries is an array type we can request its length with slot_count
int64_t signer_count = slot_count(slot_no);
if (signer_count < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch sfSignerEntries count"), 30);
// now we need to iterate through all the signers in the signer entries array
// if the account that created the originating transaction is in the list then we can pass here
// otherwise we must rollback because the account is unauthorized
int subslot = 0;
uint8_t found = 0;
uint16_t signer_weight = 0;
for (int i = 0; GUARD(8), i < signer_count + 1; ++i)
// load the next array entry into a slot
subslot = slot_subarray(slot_no, i, subslot);
if (subslot < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch one of the sfSigner entries [subarray]."), 40);
// load the account field from that entry into a new slot
result = slot_subfield(subslot, sfAccount, 0);
if (result < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch one of the account entires in sfSigner."), 50);
// dump the new slot into a buffer
uint8_t signer_account[20];
result = slot(SBUF(signer_account), result);
if (result != 20)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch one of the sfSigner entries [slot sfAccount]."), 60);
// load the weight field into a new slot
result = slot_subfield(subslot, sfSignerWeight, 0);
if (result < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch sfSignerWeight from sfSignerEntry."), 70);
// dump the weight field into a buffer
result = slot(buf, 2, result);
if (result != 2)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not fetch sfSignerWeight from sfSignerEntry."), 80);
// convert weight buffer to an integer
signer_weight = UINT16_FROM_BUF(buf);
// some debug output to see the progress
// compare the signer account for this signer entry against the originating transaction (sending) account
int equal = 0;
BUFFER_EQUAL_GUARD(equal, signer_account, 20, account_field, 20, 8);
if (equal)
// if the otxn account was in the signer list we can stop iterating
found = i + 1;
// ensure the otxn account is authed
if (!found)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Your account was not present in the signer list."), 70);
// execution to this point means the following:
// 1. the originating transaction (sending) account is authorized as one of the signers on the hook account
// 2. either an invoice ID or a memo was sent to the hook (but not both).
// if a memo was sent to the hook it must be mode 1 above (proposing a new multisign transaction)
if (memos_len > 0)
// this is a defensive check, it is actually never executed due to an identical condition above
if (invoice_id_len > 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Incoming transaction with both invoice id and memo. Aborting."), 0);
// since our memos are in a buffer inside the hook (as opposed to being a slot) we use the sto api with it
// the sto apis probe into a serialized object returning offsets and lengths of subfields or array entries
int64_t memo_lookup = sto_subarray(memos, memos_len, 0);
uint8_t* memo_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(memo_lookup) + memos;
uint32_t memo_len = SUB_LENGTH(memo_lookup);
// memos are nested inside an actual memo object, so we need to subfield
// equivalently in JSON this would look like memo_array[i]["Memo"]
memo_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemo);
memo_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(memo_lookup) + memo_ptr;
memo_len = SUB_LENGTH(memo_lookup);
if (memo_lookup < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Incoming txn had a blank sfMemos, abort."), 1);
int64_t format_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemoFormat);
uint8_t* format_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(format_lookup) + memo_ptr;
uint32_t format_len = SUB_LENGTH(format_lookup);
int is_unsigned_payload = 0;
BUFFER_EQUAL_STR_GUARD(is_unsigned_payload, format_ptr, format_len, "unsigned/payload+1", 1);
if (!is_unsigned_payload)
accept(SBUF("Notary: Memo is an invalid format. Passing txn."), 50);
int64_t data_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemoData);
uint8_t* data_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(data_lookup) + memo_ptr;
uint32_t data_len = SUB_LENGTH(data_lookup);
if (data_len > MAX_MEMO_SIZE)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Memo too large (4kib max)."), 4);
// inspect unsigned payload
// first check that sfTransactionType appears in the memo... if it doesn't then it can't be a transaction
int64_t txtype_lookup = sto_subfield(data_ptr, data_len, sfTransactionType);
if (txtype_lookup < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Memo is invalid format. Should be an unsigned transaction."), 2);
// next check the lastLedgerSequence is sensibly set otherwise there will be no chance for the other signers
// to endorse the txn before it expires
int64_t lls_lookup = sto_subfield(data_ptr, data_len, sfLastLedgerSequence);
uint8_t* lls_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lls_lookup) + data_ptr;
uint32_t lls_len = SUB_LENGTH(lls_lookup);
// check for expired txn
if (lls_len != 4 || UINT32_FROM_BUF(lls_ptr) < ledger_seq() + MINIMUM_FUTURE_LEDGER)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Provided txn blob expires too soo (LastLedgerSeq)."), 3);
// compute txn hash, this becomes the ID passed as an invoice ID by the endorsers (other signers)
if (util_sha512h(SBUF(invoice_id), data_ptr, data_len) < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not compute sha512 over the submitted txn."), 5);
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + 0x0FU;
// write blob to state... the state key for the txn blob is the txn ID with `F` as the last nibble.
if (state_set(data_ptr, data_len, SBUF(invoice_id)) != data_len)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not write txn to hook state."), 6);
// execution to here means if we were in mode 1 we now drop into mode 2, because the proposed txn is now recorded
// so we simply treat this as an endorsement (mode 2) from here...
// record the signature... the state key for this is the txn ID with (1 + signer number) as the last nibble
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + found;
// the value we record against the signer is his/her signer weight at the time the endorsement or proposal happened
UINT16_TO_BUF(buf, signer_weight);
if (state_set(buf, 2, SBUF(invoice_id)) != 2)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Could not write signature to hook state."), 7);
// check if we have managed to achieve a quorum by loading all current signatures and adding together the signer
// weights (stored as the HookState values)
uint32_t total = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 1; GUARD(8), i < 9; ++i)
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + i;
if (state(buf, 2, SBUF(invoice_id)) == 2)
total += UINT16_FROM_BUF(buf);
// if we haven't achieved a quorum we will output the ID as the hook result string so it can be given to the
// other endorsers
if (total < signer_quorum)
uint8_t header[] = "Notary: Accepted waiting for other signers...: ";
uint8_t returnval[112];
uint8_t* ptr = returnval;
for (int i = 0; GUARD(47), i < 47; ++i)
*ptr++ = header[i];
for (int i = 0; GUARD(32),i < 32; ++i)
uint8_t hi = (invoice_id[i] >> 4U);
uint8_t lo = (invoice_id[i] & 0xFU);
hi += ( hi > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0' );
lo += ( lo > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0' );
*ptr++ = hi;
*ptr++ = lo;
accept(SBUF(returnval), 0);
// execution to here means we achieved a quorum on a proposed txn
// therefore we must now emit the txn then garbage collect the old state
int should_emit = 1;
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + 0x0FU;
tx_len = state(SBUF(tx_blob), SBUF(invoice_id));
if (tx_len < 0)
should_emit = 0;
// delete everything from state before emitting
state_set(0, 0, SBUF(invoice_id));
for (uint8_t i = 1; GUARD(8), i < 9; ++i)
invoice_id[31] = ( invoice_id[31] & 0xF0U ) + i;
state_set(0, 0, SBUF(invoice_id));
if (!should_emit)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Tried to emit multisig txn but it was msising"), 1);
// blob exists, check expiry
int64_t lls_lookup = sto_subfield(tx_blob, tx_len, sfLastLedgerSequence);
uint8_t* lls_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lls_lookup) + tx_blob;
uint32_t lls_len = SUB_LENGTH(lls_lookup);
if (lls_len != 4)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Was about to emit txn but it doesn't have LastLedgerSequence"), 1);
uint32_t lls_old = UINT32_FROM_BUF(lls_ptr);
if (lls_old < ledger_seq())
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Was about to emit txn but it's too old now"), 1);
// modify the txn for emission
// we need to remove sfSigners if it exists
// we need to zero sfSequence sfSigningPubKey and sfTxnSignature
// we need to correctly set sfFirstLedgerSequence
// first do the erasure, this can fail if there is no such sfSigner field, so swap buffers to immitate success
uint8_t buffer[MAX_MEMO_SIZE];
uint8_t* buffer2 = buffer;
uint8_t* buffer1 = tx_blob;
result = sto_erase(buffer2, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer1, tx_len, sfSigners);
if (result > 0)
tx_len = result;
BUFFER_SWAP(buffer1, buffer2);
// next zero sfSequence
uint8_t zeroed[6];
zeroed[0] = 0x24U; // this is the lead byte for sfSequence
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer1, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer2, tx_len, zeroed, 5, sfSequence);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfSequence failed."), 1);
// next set sfTxnSignature to 0
zeroed[0] = 0x74U; // lead byte for sfTxnSignature, next byte is length which is 0
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer2, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer1, tx_len, zeroed, 2, sfTxnSignature);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfTxnSignature failed."), 1);
// next set sfSigningPubKey to 0
zeroed[0] = 0x73U; // this is the lead byte for sfSigningPubkey, note that the next byte is 0 which is the length
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer1, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer2, tx_len, zeroed, 2, sfSigningPubKey);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfSigningPubKey failed."), 1);
// finally set FirstLedgerSeq appropriately
uint32_t fls = ledger_seq() + 1;
zeroed[0] = 0x20U;
zeroed[1] = 0x1AU;
UINT32_TO_BUF(zeroed + 2, fls);
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer2, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer1, tx_len, zeroed, 6, sfFirstLedgerSequence);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfFirstLedgerSequence failed."), 1);
uint32_t lls_new = fls + 4;
if (lls_old > lls_new) {
trace("fixing", 6, buffer2, tx_len, 1);
tx_len = sto_erase(buffer1, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer2, tx_len, sfLastLedgerSequence);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Erasing sfLastLedgerSequence failed."), 1);
trace("before", 6, buffer1, tx_len, 1);
zeroed[1] = 0x1BU;
UINT32_TO_BUF(zeroed + 2, lls_new);
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer2, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer1, tx_len, zeroed, 6, sfLastLedgerSequence);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfLastLedgerSequence failed."), 1);
trace("after", 5, buffer2, tx_len, 1);
// finally add emit details
uint8_t emitdet[138];
result = etxn_details(SBUF(emitdet));
if (result < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: EmitDetails failed to generate."), 1);
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer1, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer2, tx_len, SBUF(emitdet), sfEmitDetails);
if (tx_len < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfEmitDetails failed."), 1);
// replace fee with something currently appropriate
uint8_t fee[ENCODE_DROPS_SIZE];
uint8_t* fee_ptr = fee; // this ptr is incremented by the macro, so just throw it away
int64_t fee_to_pay = etxn_fee_base(tx_len + ENCODE_DROPS_SIZE);
ENCODE_DROPS(fee_ptr, fee_to_pay, amFEE);
tx_len = sto_emplace(buffer2, MAX_MEMO_SIZE, buffer1, tx_len, SBUF(fee), sfFee);
if (tx_len <= 0)
rollback(SBUF("Notary: Emplacing sfFee failed."), 1);
uint8_t emithash[32];
if (emit(SBUF(emithash), buffer2, tx_len) < 0)
accept(SBUF("Notary: All conditions met but emission failed: proposed txn was malformed."), 1);
accept(SBUF("Notary: Emitted multisigned txn"), 0);
return 0;
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