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Last active May 11, 2022 07:05
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#include "hookapi.h"
// this hook has no emitted tx and therefore no callbacks
int64_t cbak(uint32_t reserved)
return 0;
int64_t hook(uint32_t reserved)
// check for the presence of a memo
uint8_t memos[2048];
int64_t memos_len = otxn_field(SBUF(memos), sfMemos);
uint32_t payload_len = 0, signature_len = 0, publickey_len = 0;
uint8_t* payload_ptr = 0, *signature_ptr = 0, *publickey_ptr = 0;
if (memos_len <= 0)
accept(SBUF("Blacklist: Passing non-memo incoming transaction."), 0);
* 'Signed Memos' for hooks are supplied in triples in the following 'default' format:
* NB: The +1 identifies the payload, you may provide multiple payloads
* Memo: { MemoData: <app data>, MemoFormat: "signed/payload+1", MemoType: [application defined] }
* Memo: { MemoData: <signature>, MemoFormat: "signed/signature+1", MemoType: [application defined] }
* Memo: { MemoData: <public_key>, MemoFormat: "signed/publickey+1", MemoType: [application defined] }
// loop through the three memos (if 3 are even present) to parse out the relevant fields
for (int i = 0; GUARD(3), i < 3; ++i)
// the memos are presented in an array object, which we must index into
int64_t memo_lookup = sto_subarray(memos, memos_len, i);
if (memo_lookup < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Memo transaction did not contain correct format."), 30);
// if the subfield/array lookup is successful we must extract the two pieces of returned data
// which are, respectively, the offset at which the field occurs and the field's length
uint8_t* memo_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(memo_lookup) + memos;
uint32_t memo_len = SUB_LENGTH(memo_lookup);
trace(SBUF("Memo: "), memo_ptr, memo_len, 1);
// memos are nested inside an actual memo object, so we need to subfield
// equivalently in JSON this would look like memo_array[i]["Memo"]
memo_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemo);
memo_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(memo_lookup) + memo_ptr;
memo_len = SUB_LENGTH(memo_lookup);
// now we lookup the subfields of the memo itself
// again, equivalently this would look like memo_array[i]["Memo"]["MemoData"], ... etc.
int64_t data_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemoData);
int64_t format_lookup = sto_subfield(memo_ptr, memo_len, sfMemoFormat);
// if any of these lookups fail the request is malformed
if (data_lookup < 0 || format_lookup < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Memo transaction did not contain correct memo format."), 40);
// care must be taken to add the correct pointer to an offset returned by sub_array or sub_field
// since we are working relative to the specific memo we must add memo_ptr, NOT memos or something else
uint8_t* data_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(data_lookup) + memo_ptr;
uint32_t data_len = SUB_LENGTH(data_lookup);
uint8_t* format_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(format_lookup) + memo_ptr;
uint32_t format_len = SUB_LENGTH(format_lookup);
// we can use a helper macro to compare the format fields and determine which MemoData is assigned
// to each pointer. Note that the last parameter here tells the macro how many times we will hit this
// line so it in turn can correctly configure its GUARD(), otherwise we will get a guard violation
int is_payload = 0, is_signature = 0, is_publickey = 0;
BUFFER_EQUAL_STR_GUARD(is_payload, format_ptr, format_len, "signed/payload+1", 3);
BUFFER_EQUAL_STR_GUARD(is_signature, format_ptr, format_len, "signed/signature+1", 3);
BUFFER_EQUAL_STR_GUARD(is_publickey, format_ptr, format_len, "signed/publickey+1", 3);
// assign the pointers according to the detected MemoFormat
if (is_payload)
payload_ptr = data_ptr;
payload_len = data_len;
} else if (is_signature)
signature_ptr = data_ptr;
signature_len = data_len;
} else if (is_publickey)
publickey_ptr = data_ptr;
publickey_len = data_len;
if (!(payload_ptr && signature_ptr && publickey_ptr))
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Memo transaction did not contain XLS14 format."), 50);
// check the public key is correct
if (publickey_len != 33)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Memo public key wrong length."), 55);
uint8_t blacklist_key[33];
int64_t prv = hook_param(SBUF(blacklist_key), (uint32_t)"admin", 5);
if (prv != sizeof(blacklist_key))
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: \"admin\" parameter missing"), 56);
int equal = 0;
BUFFER_EQUAL(equal, blacklist_key, publickey_ptr, 33);
if (!equal)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Invalid admin public key."), 57);
// check the signature is valid
if (!util_verify(payload_ptr, payload_len,
signature_ptr, signature_len,
blacklist_key, 33))
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Invalid signature in memo."), 60);
// execution to here means that BUFFER<payload_ptr,payload_len> contains a validly signed object
// now check if it is properly constructed
// the expected format is a generic STObject containing
// - at least: sfFlags sfSequence sfTemplate(ARRAY){sfAccount}
// Flags 0 means add and Flags 1 means remove
// Sequence must be greater than the previously used Sequence (timestamp is desirable but not mandated)
// Sequence prevents replay attacks
// ARRAY must contain at least one sfAccount
int64_t lookup_flags = sto_subfield(payload_ptr, payload_len, sfFlags);
int64_t lookup_seq = sto_subfield(payload_ptr, payload_len, sfSequence);
int64_t lookup_array = sto_subfield(payload_ptr, payload_len, sfTemplate);
if (lookup_seq < 0 || lookup_flags < 0 || lookup_array < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Validly signed memo lacked required STObject fields."), 70);
// extract the actual transaction details, again taking care to add the correct pointer to the offset
uint32_t seq = UINT32_FROM_BUF(SUB_OFFSET(lookup_seq) + payload_ptr);
uint32_t flags = UINT32_FROM_BUF(SUB_OFFSET(lookup_flags) + payload_ptr);
uint8_t* array_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lookup_array) + payload_ptr;
int array_len = SUB_LENGTH(lookup_array);
// get the previous sequence number from the hook state (this is the 0 key)
uint8_t state_request[32];
uint8_t seq_buffer[4];
if (state(SBUF(seq_buffer), SBUF(state_request)) != 4)
// first run
} else
if (seq <= UINT32_FROM_BUF(seq_buffer))
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Sequence number was less than previous sequence."), 75);
// update sequence number
UINT32_TO_BUF(seq_buffer, seq);
if (state_set(SBUF(seq_buffer), SBUF(state_request)) != 4)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Sequence number could not be updated."), 77);
// we will accept at most 50 accounts in the array
int processed_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; GUARD(50), i < 50; ++i)
int64_t lookup_array_entry = sto_subarray(array_ptr, array_len, i);
if (lookup_array_entry < 0)
break; // ran out of array entries to process
uint8_t* array_entry_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lookup_array_entry) + array_ptr;
uint32_t array_entry_len = SUB_LENGTH(lookup_array_entry);
// this will return the actual payload inside the sfAccount inside the array entry
int64_t lookup_acc = sto_subfield(array_entry_ptr, array_entry_len, sfAccount);
if (lookup_acc < 0)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Invalid array entry, expecting sfAccount."), 80);
uint8_t* acc_ptr = SUB_OFFSET(lookup_acc) + array_entry_ptr;
uint32_t acc_len = SUB_LENGTH(lookup_acc);
if (acc_len != 20)
rollback(SBUF("Blacklist: Invalid sfAccount, expecting length = 20."), 90);
uint8_t buffer[1] = {1}; // nominally we will simply a store a single byte = 1 for a blacklisted account
uint32_t len = flags == 1 ? 1 : 0; // we will pass length = 0 to state_set for a delete operation
if (state_set(buffer, len, acc_ptr, acc_len) == len)
trace(SBUF("Blacklist: Failed to update state for the following account."), acc_ptr, acc_len, 1);
RBUF(result_buffer, result_len, "Blacklist: Processed + ", processed_count);
if (flags == 0)
result_buffer[21] = '-';
accept(result_buffer, result_len, 0);
return 0;
#include "hookapi.h"
int64_t cbak(uint32_t reserved)
// we never emit anything from this hook so this will never be called
return 0;
int64_t hook(uint32_t reserved)
// fetch the originating account ID
uint8_t otxn_accid[20];
if (otxn_field(otxn_accid, 20, sfAccount) != 20)
rollback(SBUF("Firewall: Could not fetch sfAccount from originating transaction!!!"), 1);
uint8_t blacklist_ns[32];
int64_t prv = hook_param(SBUF(blacklist_ns), (uint32_t)"blns", 4);
if (prv != sizeof(blacklist_ns))
rollback(SBUF("Firewall: \"blns\" parameter missing"), 5);
uint8_t blacklist_accid[32];
prv = hook_param(SBUF(blacklist_accid), (uint32_t)"blaccid", 7);
if (prv < 20)
rollback(SBUF("Firewall: \"blaccid\" parameter missing"), 10);
// look up the account ID in the foreign state (blacklist account's hook state)
uint8_t blacklist_status[1] = { 0 };
int64_t lookup = state_foreign(SBUF(blacklist_status), SBUF(otxn_accid), SBUF(blacklist_ns), blacklist_accid, 20);
if (lookup == INVALID_ACCOUNT)
trace(SBUF("Firewall: Warning specified blacklist account does not exist."), 0, 0, 0);
if (blacklist_status[0] == 0)
accept(SBUF("Firewall: Allowing transaction."), 0);
rollback(SBUF("Firewall: Blocking transaction from blacklisted account."), 1);
return 0;
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