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Last active April 13, 2022 11:06
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AssemblyScript hook
@external("env", "_g")
declare function _g(id: i32, maxiter: i32): i32
@external("env", "accept")
declare function accept(read_ptr: string, read_len: i32, err: i64): i64
@external("env", "trace")
declare function trace(mread_ptr: string, mread_len: i32, dread_ptr: string, dread_len: i32, as_hex: i32): i64
export function cbak(reserved: i32): i64 {
return 0
export function hook(reserved: i32): i64 {
const t = "Accept.c: Called.";
trace(t, 34, t, 34, 0)
accept(t, 34, 0)
_g(1,1); // every hook needs to import guard function and use it at least once
// unreachable
return 0;
* Guard function. Each time a loop appears in your code a call to this must be the first branch instruction after the
* beginning of the loop.
* @param id The identifier of the guard (typically the line number).
* @param maxiter The maximum number of times this loop will iterate across the life of the hook.
* @return Can be ignored. If the guard is violated the hook will terminate.
@external('env', '_g')
export declare function _g(id: i32, maxiter: i32): i32
* Accept the originating transaction and commit all hook state changes and submit all emitted transactions.
* @param read_ptr An optional string to use as a return comment. May be 0.
* @param read_len The length of the string. May be 0.
* @return Will never return, terminates the hook.
@external('env', 'accept')
export declare function accept(read_ptr: string, read_len: i32, error_code: i64): i64
* Rollback the originating transaction, discard all hook state changes and emitted transactions.
* @param read_ptr An optional string to use as a return comment. May be 0.
* @param read_len The length of the string. May be 0.
* @return Will never return, terminates the hook.
@external('env', 'rollback')
export declare function rollback(read_ptr: string, read_len: i32, error_code: i64): i64
* Read a 20 byte account-id from the memory pointed to by read_ptr of length read_len and encode it to a base58-check
* encoded r-address.
* @param read_ptr The memory address of the account-id
* @param read_len The byte length of the account-id (should always be 20)
* @param write_ptr The memory address of a suitable buffer to write the encoded r-address into.
* @param write_len The size of the write buffer.
* @return On success the length of the r-address will be returned indicating the bytes written to the write buffer.
* On failure a negative integer is returned indicating what went wrong.
@external('env', 'util_raddr')
export declare function util_raddr(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
* Read an r-address from the memory pointed to by read_ptr of length read_len and decode it to a 20 byte account id
* and write to write_ptr
* @param read_ptr The memory address of the r-address
* @param read_len The byte length of the r-address
* @param write_ptr The memory address of a suitable buffer to write the decoded account id into.
* @param write_len The size of the write buffer.
* @return On success 20 will be returned indicating the bytes written. On failure a negative integer is returned
* indicating what went wrong.
@external('env', 'util_accid')
export declare function util_accid(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
* Verify a cryptographic signature either ED25519 of SECP256k1. Public key should be prefixed with 0xED for 25519.
* @param dread_ptr The memory location of the data or payload to verify
* @param dread_len The length of the data or payload to verify
* @param sread_ptr The memory location of the signature
* @param sread_len The length of the signature
* @param kread_ptr The memory location of the public key
* @param kread_len The length of the public key
* @return True if and only if the signature was verified.
@external('env', 'util_verify')
export declare function util_verify(dread_ptr: i32, dread_len: i32, sread_ptr: i32, sread_len: i32, kread_ptr: i32, kread_len: i32): i64
* Compute the first half of a SHA512 checksum.
* @param write_ptr The buffer to write the checksum into. Must be at least 32 bytes.
* @param write_len The length of the buffer.
* @param read_ptr The buffer to read data for digest from.
* @param read_len The amount of data to read from the buffer.
* @return The number of bytes written to write_ptr or a negative integer on error.
@external('env', 'util_sha512h')
export declare function util_sha512h(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
* Index into a xrpld serialized object and return the location and length of a subfield. Except for Array subtypes
* the offset and length refer to the **payload** of the subfield not the entire subfield. Use SUB_OFFSET and
* SUB_LENGTH macros to extract return value.
* @param read_ptr The memory location of the stobject
* @param read_len The length of the stobject
* @param field_id The Field Code of the subfield
* @return high-word (most significant 4 bytes excluding the most significant bit (MSB)) is the field offset relative
* to read_ptr and the low-word (least significant 4 bytes) is its length. MSB is sign bit, if set (negative)
* return value indicates error (typically error means could not find.)
@external('env', 'sto_subfield')
export declare function sto_subfield(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32, field_id: i32): i64
* Index into a xrpld serialized array and return the location and length of an index. Unlike sto_subfield this api
* always returns the offset and length of the whole object at that index (not its payload.) Use SUB_OFFSET and
* SUB_LENGTH macros to extract return value.
* @param read_ptr The memory location of the stobject
* @param read_len The length of the stobject
* @param array_id The index requested
* @return high-word (most significant 4 bytes excluding the most significant bit (MSB)) is the field offset relative
* to read_ptr and the low-word (least significant 4 bytes) is its length. MSB is sign bit, if set (negative)
* return value indicates error (typically error means could not find.)
@external('env', 'sto_subarray')
export declare function sto_subarray(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32, array_id: i32): i64
@external('env', 'sto_validate')
export declare function sto_validate(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
@external('env', 'sto_emplace')
export declare function sto_emplace(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, sread_ptr: i32, sread_len: i32, fread_ptr: i32, fread_len: i32, field_id: i32): i64
@external('env', 'sto_erase')
export declare function sto_erase(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32, field_id: i32): i64
@external('env', 'util_keylet')
export declare function util_keylet(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, keylet_type: i32, a: i32, b: i32, c: i32, d: i32, e: i32, f: i32): i64
* Compute burden for an emitted transaction.
* @return the burden a theoretically emitted transaction would have.
@external('env', 'etxn_burden')
export declare function etxn_burden(): void
* Write a full emit_details stobject into the buffer specified.
* @param write_ptr A sufficiently large buffer to write into.
* @param write_len The length of that buffer.
* @return The number of bytes written or a negative integer indicating an error.
@external('env', 'etxn_details')
export declare function etxn_details(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Compute the minimum fee required to be paid by a hypothetically emitted transaction based on its size in bytes.
* @param The size of the emitted transaction in bytes
* @return The minimum fee in drops this transaction should pay to succeed
@external('env', 'etxn_fee_base')
export declare function etxn_fee_base(tx_byte_count: i32): i64
* Inform xrpld that you will be emitting at most @count@ transactions during the course of this hook execution.
* @param count The number of transactions you intend to emit from this hook.
* @return If a negaitve integer an error has occured
@external('env', 'etxn_reserve')
export declare function etxn_reserve(count: i32): i64
* Compute the generation of an emitted transaction. If this hook was invoked by a transaction emitted by a previous
* hook then the generation counter will be 1+ the previous generation counter otherwise it will be 1.
* @return The generation of a hypothetically emitted transaction.
@external('env', 'etxn_generation')
export declare function etxn_generation(): void
* Emit a transaction from this hook.
* @param read_ptr Memory location of a buffer containing the fully formed binary transaction to emit.
* @param read_len The length of the transaction.
* @return A negative integer if the emission failed.
@external('env', 'emit')
export declare function emit(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve the account the hook is running on.
* @param write_ptr A buffer of at least 20 bytes to write into.
* @param write_len The length of that buffer
* @return The number of bytes written into the buffer of a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'hook_account')
export declare function hook_account(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve the hash of the currently executing hook.
* @param write_ptr A buffer of at least 32 bytes to write into.
* @param write_len The length of that buffer
* @return The number of bytes written into the buffer of a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'emhook_hashit')
export declare function hook_hash(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Retrive the currently recommended minimum fee for a transaction to succeed.
@external('env', 'fee_base')
export declare function fee_base(): void
* Retrieve the current ledger sequence number
@external('env', 'ledger_seq')
export declare function ledger_seq(): void
@external('env', 'ledger_last_hash')
export declare function ledger_last_hash(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve a nonce for use in an emitted transaction (or another task). Can be called repeatedly for multiple nonces.
* @param write_ptr A buffer of at least 32 bytes to write into.
* @param write_len The length of that buffer
* @return The number of bytes written into the buffer of a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'nonce')
export declare function nonce(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Slot functions have not been implemented yet and the api for them is subject to change
@external('env', 'slot')
export declare function slot(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_clear')
export declare function slot_clear(slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_count')
export declare function slot_count(slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_id')
export declare function slot_id(slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_set')
export declare function slot_set(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32, slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_size')
export declare function slot_size(slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_subarray')
export declare function slot_subarray(parent_slot: i32, array_id: i32, new_slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_subfield')
export declare function slot_subfield(parent_slot: i32, field_id: i32, new_slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_type')
export declare function slot_type(slot: i32, flags: i32): i64
@external('env', 'slot_float')
export declare function slot_float(slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'trace_slot')
export declare function trace_slot(mread_ptr: i32, mread_len: i32, slot: i32): i64
@external('env', 'otxn_slot')
export declare function otxn_slot(slot: i32): i64
* In the hook's state key-value map, set the value for the key pointed at by kread_ptr.
* @param read_ptr A buffer containing the data to store
* @param read_len The length of the data
* @param kread_ptr A buffer containing the key
* @param kread_len The length of the key
* @return The number of bytes stored or a negative integer if an error occured
@external('env', 'state_set')
export declare function state_set(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32, kread_ptr: i32, kread_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve a value from the hook's key-value map.
* @param write_ptr A buffer to write the state value into
* @param write_len The length of that buffer
* @param kread_ptr A buffer to read the state key from
* @param kread_len The length of that key
* @return The number of bytes written or a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'state')
export declare function state(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, kread_ptr: i32, kread_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve a value from another hook's key-value map.
* @param write_ptr A buffer to write the state value into
* @param write_len The length of that buffer
* @param kread_ptr A buffer to read the state key from
* @param kread_len The length of that key
* @param aread_ptr A buffer containing an account-id of another account containing a hook whose state we are reading
* @param aread_len The length of the account-id (should always be 20).
* @return The number of bytes written or a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'state_foreign')
export declare function state_foreign(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, kread_ptr: i32, kread_len: i32, aread_ptr: i32, aread_len: i32): i64
* Print some output to the trace log on xrpld. Any xrpld instance set to "trace" log level will see this.
* @param read_ptr A buffer containing either data or text (in either utf8, or utf16le)
* @param read_len The byte length of the data/text to send to the trace log
* @param as_hex If 0 treat the read_ptr as pointing at a string of text, otherwise treat it as data and print hex
* @return The number of bytes output or a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'trace')
export declare function trace(mread_ptr: string, mread_len: i32, dread_ptr: string, dread_len: i32, as_hex: i32): i64
* Print some output to the trace log on xrpld along with a decimal number. Any xrpld instance set to "trace" log
* level will see this.
* @param read_ptr A pointer to the string to output
* @param read_len The length of the string to output
* @param number Any integer you wish to display after the text
* @return A negative value on error
@external('env', 'trace_num')
export declare function trace_num(read_ptr: string, read_len: string, number: i64): i64
* Retrieve the burden of the originating transaction (if any)
* @return The burden of the originating transaction
@external('env', 'otxn_burden')
export declare function otxn_burden(): void
* Retrieve a field from the originating transaction as "full text" (The way it is displayed in JSON)
* @param write_ptr A buffer to write the representation into
* @param write_len The length of the buffer
* @param field_id The field code of the field being requested
* @return The number of bytes written to write_ptr or a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'otxn_field_txt')
export declare function otxn_field_txt(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, field_id: i32): i64
* Retrieve a field from the originating transaction in its raw serialized form.
* @param write_ptr A buffer to output the field into
* @param write_len The length of the buffer.
* @param field_if The field code of the field being requested
* @return The number of bytes written to write_ptr or a negative integer if an error occured.
@external('env', 'otxn_field')
export declare function otxn_field(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, field_id: i32): i64
* Retrieve the generation of the originating transaction (if any).
* @return the generation of the originating transaction.
@external('env', 'otxn_generation')
export declare function otxn_generation(): void
* Retrieve the TXNID of the originating transaction.
* @param write_ptr A buffer at least 32 bytes long
* @param write_len The length of the buffer.
* @return The number of bytes written into the buffer or a negative integer on failure.
@external('env', 'otxn_id')
export declare function otxn_id(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32): i64
* Retrieve the Transaction Type (e.g. ttPayment = 0) of the originating transaction.
* @return The Transaction Type (tt-code)
@external('env', 'otxn_type')
export declare function otxn_type(): i64
@external('env', 'float_set')
export declare function float_set(exponent: i32, mantissa: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_multiply')
export declare function float_multiply(float1: i64, float2: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_mulratio')
export declare function float_mulratio(float1: i64, round_up: i32, numerator: i32, denominator: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_negate')
export declare function float_negate(float1: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_compare')
export declare function float_compare(float1: i64, float2: i64, mode: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_sum')
export declare function float_sum(float1: i64, float2: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_sto')
export declare function float_sto(write_ptr: i32, write_len: i32, cread_ptr: i32, cread_len: i32, iread_ptr: i32, iread_le: i32n, float1: i64, field_code: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_sto_set')
export declare function float_sto_set(read_ptr: i32, read_len: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_invert')
export declare function float_invert(float1: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_divide')
export declare function float_divide(float1: i64, float2: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_one')
export declare function float_one(): i64
@external('env', 'float_exponent')
export declare function float_exponent(float1: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_exponent_set')
export declare function float_exponent_set(float1: i64, exponent: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_mantissa')
export declare function float_mantissa(float1: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_mantissa_set')
export declare function float_mantissa_set(float1: i64, mantissa: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_sign')
export declare function float_sign(float1: i64): i64
@external('env', 'float_sign_set')
export declare function float_sign_set(float1: i64, negative: i32): i64
@external('env', 'float_int')
export declare function float_int(float1: i64, decimal_places: i32, abs: i32): i64
@external('env', 'trace_float')
export declare function trace_float(mread_ptr: i32, mread_len: i32, float1: i64): i64
const SUCCESS = 0 // return codes > 0 are reserved for hook apis to return "success"
const OUT_OF_BOUNDS = -1 // could not read or write to a pointer to provided by hook
const INTERNAL_ERROR = -2 // eg directory is corrupt
const TOO_BIG = -3 // something you tried to store was too big
const TOO_SMALL = -4 // something you tried to store or provide was too small
const DOESNT_EXIST = -5 // something you requested wasn't found
const NO_FREE_SLOTS = -6 // when trying to load an object there is a maximum of 255 slots
const INVALID_ARGUMENT = -7 // self explanatory
const ALREADY_SET = -8 // returned when a one-time parameter was already set by the hook
const PREREQUISITE_NOT_MET = -9 // returned if a required param wasn't set before calling
const FEE_TOO_LARGE = -10 // returned if the attempted operation would result in an absurd fee
const EMISSION_FAILURE = -11 // returned if an emitted tx was not accepted by rippled
const TOO_MANY_NONCES = -12 // a hook has a maximum of 256 nonces
const TOO_MANY_EMITTED_TXN = -13 // a hook has emitted more than its stated number of emitted txn
const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -14 // an api was called that is reserved for a future version
const INVALID_ACCOUNT = -15 // an api expected an account id but got something else
const GUARD_VIOLATION = -16 // a guarded loop or function iterated over its maximum
const INVALID_FIELD = -17 // the field requested is returning sfInvalid
const PARSE_ERROR = -18 // hook asked hookapi to parse something the contents of which was invalid
const RC_ROLLBACK = -19 // used internally by hook api to indicate a rollback
const RC_ACCEPT = -20 // used internally by hook api to indicate an accept
const NO_SUCH_KEYLET = -21 // the specified keylet or keylet type does not exist or could not be computed
const INVALID_FLOAT = -10024 // if the mantissa or exponent are outside normalized ranges
const KEYLET_HOOK = 1
const KEYLET_CHILD = 5
const KEYLET_SKIP = 6
const KEYLET_FEES = 7
const KEYLET_LINE = 9
const KEYLET_OFFER = 10
const KEYLET_TICKET = 13
const KEYLET_CHECK = 15
const KEYLET_PAGE = 19
const KEYLET_ESCROW = 20
const COMPARE_EQUAL = '1U'
const COMPARE_LESS = '2U'
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