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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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class Args (val args: Array[String]) extends Enumeration {
class OptVal extends Val {
override def toString = "-" + super.toString
val nopar, silent, reportSamples = new OptVal() { // boolean options
def apply(): Boolean = args.contains(toString)
val sample, maxgen = new OptVal() { // integer options
def apply(default: Int) = { val i = args.indexOf(toString) ; if (i == -1) default else args(i+1).toInt}
def apply(): Int = apply(-1)
* Computing the average number of generations to looze the diversity for populations of size 3.
* Partial sum converges to 3.58
object Diversity3 {
// In our model it is 1/9 probability to pass from diversity 3 into diversity 1 and 2/3 into diversity 2
// It is 1/3 to pass from diversity 2 to diversity 1 and 2/3 is prob to stay at diversity 2.
// Expectation is prob monopolize at first gen + 2 * prob mono at second gen + 3 * reaching diversity 1 at 3rd gen and so on
val recursiveExpectation = (1 to 100).foldLeft(0.0, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)){case ((acc, diversity), i) =>
val _3 = diversity._3 * 2.0/9
val _2 = 2.0/3 * (diversity._3 + diversity._2)
val _1 = /*diversity._1 +*/ diversity._2 * 1.0/3 + diversity._3 * 1.0/9
(acc + i*_1, (_1, _2, _3))
}._1 //> recursiveExpectation : Double = 3.8571428571428537
val strightforwardExpectation = (1 to 100).foldLeft(0.0){case (acc, n) =>
val prob = 3.0/4 * Math.pow(2.0/3, n) - 7.0/4 * Math.pow(2.0/9, n)
acc + n * prob
} //> strightforwardExpectation : Double = 3.8571428571428537
class DiversityIndex(population: GenSeq[Char]) extends Enumeration {
type Distribution = GenMap[Char, GenSeq[Char]]
class Val(val f: Distribution => Number) extends super.Val { def apply() = f(population groupBy identity)}
import scala.math._
def normalize(spectrum: Distribution) = i => i.length.toDouble / population.length )
val richness = new Val (m => m.size)
val entropy = new Val (m => normalize(m).map( p => -p * log10(p) / log10(2)).sum)
val simpson = new Val (m =>normalize(m).map(p => Math.pow(p, -2)).sum)
implicit def conver1t(v: Value) = v.asInstanceOf[Val]
val valueList: List[Value] = values.toList // next call may produce values in different order
def row: String = {
//val applied = valueList map (v => /*v.toString + ": "+ */"%1.4e" format v())
val applied = valueList map (v => {
val applied = v()
if (applied.isInstanceOf[Int]) applied + ""
//else "%1.4e" format applied
else "%1.2f" format applied
applied mkString " , "
def header: String = {
valueList mkString " , "
val arg = "abc".toList
DiversityIndex.richness() // implicit is not needed
// implicit is needed
DiversityIndex.values map (v => (v, v(arg)))*/
import scala.collection._
object LossOfDiversity {
// We have a mitochondrial Eve mother (and Y-chromosome father), common for all people. This is not
// one individual. We/ can demonstrate that a population of fixed size devenrates into single genome if
// we start with a collection of absolutely different genes and, at every step, will produce a new genera
// tion of genes which consists of randomly chosen individuals of previous generation. Despite all indivi
// duals have equal change to reproduce, this simulation demonstrates that after the number of steps
// proportional to the population size, all the diversity is lost and we have a/ population of identical
// individuals!
// This simulation proves that you do not need the population bottleneck.
// Idea, similar one (Rus)
val random = new scala.util.Random()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length == 0) {
println("This program shows how single genome evicts competitor alleles in just a couple of generations from a\n"
+ "population of limited size over generations. The question was raised to confirm the Mitochondric Eve is inevitable\n"
+ "even without the genome bottleneck. Supply the population size and number of generations to simulate.\n"
+ "Usage: <population size> [-nopar] [-reportSamples] [-sample m] [-maxgen n]\n"
+ "Ex: 20 -reportSamples -maxgen 100"
val opts = new Args(args)
val v = args(0).toInt
//('a' to 'z').toList
//(' ' to (' ' + v).toChar).toList.reverse
val population = Array.tabulate(v){x => (' ' + x).toChar} // arrays are much faster (4 sec vs 17 sec) than lists and can be parallelized
val maxgen = opts.maxgen(10000)
val padding = "%"+maxgen.toString.length+"d"
def row(print: => Unit) = {if (opts.sample() == -1) print}
row{println("#gen => "+"generation diversity = " + new DiversityIndex(population).header)}
def experiment: Int = {
(1 to maxgen).toList.foldLeft(population) { (population, i) =>
val diversity = new DiversityIndex(population)
row {printf(padding, i); println ( " => " + (population mkString "") + " diversity " + " = " + diversity.row)} // no details if series of experiments
if (diversity.richness() == 1) {
//println("population of size " + args(0) + " converges in " + i + " generations")
return i
//List.tabulate(population.size)(_ => population(random.nextInt(population.size)))
population map (_ => population(random.nextInt(population.size)))
throw new Exception("Failed to converge in " + maxgen + " generations. Increase maxgen?")
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val samples = {
val s0: List[Int] = List.fill(opts.sample(1)) (0)
val s1: GenSeq[Int] = if (opts.nopar()) s0 else s0.par
s1 map (_ => experiment)
if (samples.length > 1) {
println("population of size " + args(0) + " converges in " + (if (opts.reportSamples()) samples mkString ", " else "") + " generations")
val N = samples.size
val avg = samples.sum/N
val variance = samples.foldLeft(0)((variance, i) => {val diff = avg-i; variance + diff*diff})
println("average = " + avg + ", unbiased variance=" + variance/(N-1)+ ", std deviation = " + Math.sqrt(variance/N) + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000 + " sec")
//main("2 -maxgen 1000 -sample 2 -silent".split(" +").toArray)
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