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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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object GenericChange {
// Part I: generic coin change algorithm
// SICP count change algorithm,
def coin_change(sum: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
if (sum == 0) 1 else
if (coins.isEmpty || sum < 0) 0 else
coin_change(sum - coins.head, coins) + coin_change(sum, coins.tail)
} //> coin_change: (sum: Int, coins: List[Int])Int
coin_change(4, List(1,2,3,5)) //> res0: Int = 4
// can be genericized in terms of coin values, whether there is infinite supply of denominations (with
// repetitions) or only one coin of each kind is available and what is collected: number of combinations
// or list of combinations. Here is the generic version
def cc[A, B, ColType](withRepetitions: Boolean) = {
def internal(sum: Value[A, B], coins: List[A], path: Path[A, ColType], acc: Acc[A, ColType]): Acc[A, ColType] = {
if (sum.isZero) acc + path.wrapped else {
if (coins.isEmpty || sum.belowZero) acc else coins match {
case option :: tail => {
val so = if (withRepetitions) coins else tail
val onehalf = internal(sum - option, so, path + option, acc)
internal(sum, tail, path, onehalf)
(internal _)
} //> cc: [A, B, ColType](withRepetitions: Boolean)(GenericChange.Value[A,B], Lis
//| t[A], GenericChange.Path[A,ColType], GenericChange.Acc[A,ColType]) => Gener
//| icChange.Acc[A,ColType]
trait Value[A, B] {
val wrapped: B
def isZero(): Boolean
def belowZero: Boolean
def -(option: A): Value[A, B]
// count combinations
def ccCount(withRepetitions: Boolean) (coins: List[A]): Int = {
class ISumPath(val wrapped: Int = -1) extends Path[A, Int] {
def + (v: A) = this //{new ISumPath(wrapped + 1)} // will be ignored anyway
class ISumAcc(val wrapped: Int = 0) extends Acc[A, Int] {
// ignores path accumulations, just count the num of pathes
def + (path: Int) = new ISumAcc(wrapped + 1) //(path + wrapped)
cc(withRepetitions) (this, coins, new ISumPath(), new ISumAcc()).asInstanceOf[ISumAcc].wrapped
// enumerate combinations
def ccList(b: Boolean)(coins: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
class ListPath(val wrapped: List[A] = Nil) extends Path[A, List[A]] {
def +(v: A) = new ListPath(v :: wrapped)
class ListAcc(val wrapped: List[List[A]] = Nil) extends Acc[A, List[A]] {
def +(path: List[A]) = new ListAcc(path :: wrapped)
cc(b) (this, coins, new ListPath(), new ListAcc()).asInstanceOf[ListAcc].wrapped
trait Path[ValType, ColType] {
val wrapped: ColType
def +(v: ValType): Path[ValType, ColType]
trait Acc[A, ColType] {
def + (path: ColType): Acc[A, ColType]
// Part II: Integer values
class IValue(val wrapped: Int) extends Value[Int, Int] {
def isZero(): Boolean = wrapped == 0
def belowZero: Boolean = wrapped < 0
def -(option: Int): IValue = new IValue(wrapped - option)
val withRepetitions = true //> withRepetitions : Boolean = true
val withoutRepetitions = false //> withoutRepetitions : Boolean = false
val cntwith = new IValue(4).ccCount(withRepetitions) (List(1,2,3,5))
//> cntwith : Int = 4
val cntwo = new IValue(4).ccCount(withoutRepetitions) (List(1,2,3,5))
//> cntwo : Int = 1
val listwith = new IValue(4).ccList(withRepetitions) (List(1,2,3,5))
//> listwith : List[List[Int]] = List(List(2, 2), List(3, 1), List(2, 1, 1), L
//| ist(1, 1, 1, 1))
assert(listwith.length == cntwith)
// Part III: anagram values
type Word = String
type Sentence = List[Word]
type Occurrences = List[(Char, Int)]
def wordOccurrences(w: Word): Occurrences = {
w.groupBy(c => c).map({case (c, list) => (c -> list.length)}).toList
} //> wordOccurrences: (w: GenericChange.Word)GenericChange.Occurrences
wordOccurrences("aabc") //> res1: GenericChange.Occurrences = List((b,1), (a,2), (c,1))
def sentenceOccurrences(s: Sentence): Occurrences = {
wordOccurrences(s.flatten mkString "")
} //> sentenceOccurrences: (s: GenericChange.Sentence)GenericChange.Occurrences
sentenceOccurrences(List("aab", "aac")) //> res2: GenericChange.Occurrences = List((b,1), (a,4), (c,1))
// function used in the reduce step, notorious sum-c. I do not understand why Scala does not let me to put into the produce method.
def subtract(x: Occurrences, y: Occurrences): Occurrences = {{
// this implementation admits negatives
y.foldLeft(x.toMap.withDefaultValue(0)) {case (m, (k, v)) =>
val res = m(k) - v
if (res == 0) m - k else m.updated(k, res) // filter out empty items
} //> subtract: (x: GenericChange.Occurrences, y: GenericChange.Occurrences)Gener
//| icChange.Occurrences
// For anagrams, value will store occurences, obtained by subtracting words instad of ints everywhere.
// Accumulator and path collection however remain the same
class AnagramValue(val wrapped: Occurrences) extends Value[Word, Occurrences] {
def this(word: String) = this(wordOccurrences(word))
def isZero(): Boolean = wrapped.length == 0
def belowZero: Boolean = wrapped exists (_ . _2 < 0)
def -(option: Word): AnagramValue = new AnagramValue(subtract(wrapped, wordOccurrences(option)))
// I cannot run these tests right afer Int counting declaration since of plugin bug
new AnagramValue("aab").ccList(withoutRepetitions)(List("a", "b"))
//> res3: List[List[GenericChange.Word]] = List()
new AnagramValue("aab").ccList(withRepetitions)(List("a", "b"))
//> res4: List[List[GenericChange.Word]] = List(List(b, a, a))
// Seems done, just permutate the combinations with code from
// because "1+2" and "2+1" are different anagrams yet order does not count in the change.
// val changes = new AnagramValue("aab").ccList(withRepetitions)(List("a", "b"))
// var anagrams = changes flatMap (change => permute(change, change.length))
// anagrams
// Compare with Odersky-wanted result,
// That one seems more concise yet coin-change + permutations seem more generic and efficient.
// I will compare efficiency in the next post
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