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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Scala reactive programming FRP
object generator {
// Coursera Reactive programming
trait Generator[T] { self =>
def generate: T
def map[K](f: T => K) = new Generator[K] {
// {val sample = generate ; println("map creates a generator [" + sample.getClass().getSimpleName + "]") }
def generate: K = f(self.generate)
def flatMap[G](f: T => Generator[G]) = new Generator[G] {
// {val sample = generate ; println("flatmap creates a generator [" + sample.getClass().getSimpleName + "]") }
def generate: G = f(self.generate).generate
def sample(len: Int = 3) = (1 to len) map (_ => generate) mkString ", "
def print(len: Int) = (1 to len) foreach (_ => println (generate))
val int = new Generator[Int] {
val core = new java.util.Random
def generate: Int = core.nextInt()
} //> int : generator.Generator[Int]{val core: java.util.Random} = generator$$ano
//| nfun$main$1$$anon$3@1e2fe5d
val bool = int map (_ > 0) //> bool : generator.Generator[Boolean] = generator$Generator$$anon$1@1590164
bool sample() //> res0: String = true, false, false
def pair[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]) = new Generator [(T,G)]{
def generate = (t.generate, g.generate)
} //> pair: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generator.
//| Generator[(T, G)]
pair(int, bool) sample () //> res1: String = (988902526,false), (-1544701772,true), (911260777,false)
def pair2[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]) = => (t, g.generate))
//> pair2: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generato
//| r.Generator[(T, G)]
def pair3[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]) = new Generator[(T, G)] {
def generate = (t.generate, g.generate)
} //> pair3: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generato
//| r.Generator[(T, G)]
pair(int, bool) sample () //> res2: String = (322687537,false), (1246101362,false), (187067389,true)
pair2(int, bool) sample () //> res3: String = (1844709653,true), (287530962,false), (627834111,false)
pair3(int, bool) sample () //> res4: String = (1580499174,false), (721355692,false), (-1884957912,true)
def pair4[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]) = (t => (g => (t,g)).generate)
//> pair4: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generato
//| r.Generator[(T, G)]
pair4(int, bool) sample () //> res5: String = (-454320814,true), (367096520,false), (-1026375939,true)
def pair44[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]): Generator[(T,G)] = t.flatMap{t => (g => (t,g))}
//> pair44: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generat
//| or.Generator[(T, G)]
def pair5[T,G](t: Generator[T], g: Generator[G]): Generator[(T,G)] = for (t <- t; g <- g) yield (t,g)
//> pair5: [T, G](t: generator.Generator[T], g: generator.Generator[G])generato
//| r.Generator[(T, G)]
pair5(int, bool) sample () //> res6: String = (1511780349,false), (-1501618693,true), (377758466,true)
def const[T](value: T) = new Generator[T]{def generate = value}
//> const: [T](value: T)generator.Generator[T]
const(3) sample () //> res7: String = 3, 3, 3
def range(from: Int, to: Int) = int map {i => from + i.abs % (to - from)}
//> range: (from: Int, to: Int)generator.Generator[Int]
range(1,5) sample 100 //> res8: String = 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1,
//| 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,
//| 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 1, 4,
//| 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3,
//| 2, 3, 1, 2, 4
def oneOf[T](values: T*) = range (0, values.length) map {values(_)}
//> oneOf: [T](values: T*)generator.Generator[T]
oneOf(1,2,3) sample 10 //> res9: String = 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1
def list1[T](g: Generator[T]): Generator[List[T]] = bool map {stop => if (stop) Nil else g.generate :: (list1(g).generate)}
//> list1: [T](g: generator.Generator[T])generator.Generator[List[T]]
def list2[T](g: Generator[T]): Generator[List[T]] = for (stop <- bool) yield if (stop) Nil else g.generate :: list2(g).generate
//> list2: [T](g: generator.Generator[T])generator.Generator[List[T]]
def list3[T](g: Generator[T]): Generator[List[T]] = bool flatMap{stop => if (stop) const(Nil) else for (head <- g ; tail <- list3(g)) yield head :: tail}
//> list3: [T](g: generator.Generator[T])generator.Generator[List[T]]
def list4[T](g: Generator[T]): Generator[List[T]] = bool flatMap{stop => if (stop) const(Nil) else g flatMap {head => list4(g) map {tail => head :: tail}}}
//> list4: [T](g: generator.Generator[T])generator.Generator[List[T]]
list1(int).sample(10) //> res10: String = List(-400691630), List(-1539958630, 735132745), List(-12467
//| 94552), List(1798394896, 1859557281), List(-1863537047, 638280036, 41155254
//| 7, 1974048976), List(), List(), List(-2091385359, 1184949998, 1824524305),
//| List(248717654, -2000541436), List(-139412964)
list4(int) sample 10 //> res11: String = List(), List(), List(), List(874658464, 834967309), List(),
//| List(), List(1715631146), List(), List(), List(1427562412, 1526008939, 118
//| 2320200)
trait Tree[T] {
def and(that: Tree[T]) = Inner(this, that)
case class Inner[T](left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T]) extends Tree[T]
case class Leaf[T](value: T) extends Tree[T]
def tree[T](t: Generator[T]): Generator[Tree[T]] = bool map {stop => if (stop) Leaf(t.generate) else Inner(tree(t).generate, tree(t).generate)}
//> tree: [T](t: generator.Generator[T])generator.Generator[generator.Tree[T]]
implicit def leaf[T](t: T) = Leaf(t) //> leaf: [T](t: T)generator.Leaf[T]
val t1 = Leaf(1) and Leaf(2) //> java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate field name&signature in class file ge
//| nerator$$anonfun$main$1$Leaf$3
//| at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
//| at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
//| at Source)
//| at Source)
//| at$100(Unknown Source)
//| at$ Source)
//| at$ Source)
//| at Method)
//| at Source)
//| at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
//| at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
//| at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
//| at generator$$anonfun$main$1$Leaf$4$.apply(generator.scala:71)
//| at generator$$anonfun$main$1.apply$mcV$sp(generator.scala:77)
Leaf(1) and 2
val t2 = (Leaf(1) and 2) and (Leaf(3) and (Leaf(8) and 9))
tree(int) sample (10)
// Please note how smartly I both stimulate and observe a wire using
// val a = Wire() probe "a" waveform (1 -> true, 10 -> false, 11 -> true) ;
// inv_ (a) probe ("not a")
// and compose gates
// inv_(or_(inv_(a), inv_(b))) probe "composed a and b"
object FRP_Signal extends App {
//Course era reactive programming 002
println("Part 1: Discrete Event Simulation")
import DiscreteEventSimulation._
import Netlist._
import simulation._
val a = Wire() probe "a" waveform (1 -> true, 10 -> false, 11 -> true) ;
inv (a, Wire() probe ("not a"))
inv_(a ) probe ("not_a")
val b = (Wire() probe "b"). waveform (1 -> true, 2 -> false)
and (a, b, Wire() probe "a and b")
and_(a, b) probe "a and_ b"
inv_(or_(inv_(a), inv_(b))) probe "composed a and b"
println("Part 2: Signals")
import signals._
val s1 = Var(1) ; val s2 = Var(s1() + 1) ; val s3 = Var(s2() + 1)
//s1() = s1() // can be captured by mine caller.value != this
//s1() = s2() // can be captured by oderski's caller.value.observers.contains(this)
//s1() = s3() // stack overflow because nobody can capture this
////// P A R T I --- Discrete event simulation
object DiscreteEventSimulation {
type Action = () => Unit
val simulation = new Simulation{}
object Netlist {
case class Wire() {
var value = false
var actions: List[Action] = Nil
def update(newVal: Boolean) = if (value != newVal) {
value = newVal ; actions foreach {_()}
def register(a: Action) {actions ::= a ; a()}
def reg(time: Int, expr: => Boolean, inputs: Wire*) {
inputs foreach {_.register(() => {
val value = expr
simulation.after(time, () => update(value))
//additional methods
def probe(name: String): Wire = {register(() => println(simulation.curTime + ": " + name + " => " + value)) ; this }
def waveform(events: (Int, Boolean)*): Wire = {events foreach {case (time, value) => simulation.after(time, () => update(value))} ; this}
def inv(i: Wire, o: Wire) = o.reg(1, !i.value, i)
def and(a: Wire, b: Wire, o: Wire) = o.reg(2, a.value && b.value, a, b)
def or(a: Wire, b: Wire, o: Wire) = o.reg(2, a.value || b.value, a, b)
def HA(a: Wire, b: Wire, s: Wire, c: Wire) = {
//val d, e, c = Wire() ; inv(c, e)
//and(a,b, c) ; and(d,e, s)
val d, e, c = Wire() ; inv(c, e)
and(a,b, c) ; and(d,inv_(c), s)
def fa(a: Wire, b: Wire, cin: Wire, sum: Wire, cout: Wire) {
val s, c1, c2 = Wire()
HA(b, cin, s, c1) ; HA(a, s, sum, c2) ; or(c1, c2, cout)
// convinice method that creates output wire itself
def gate(time: Int, func: Seq[Boolean] => () => Boolean, inputs: Wire*): Wire = {
def expr = func{inputs map (_.value)}()
val o = Wire() ; o.reg(time, expr, inputs.toList: _*) ;
def inv_(i: Wire): Wire = gate(1, (value) => {() => !value(0)}, i)
def gate2(op: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean, identity: Boolean, inputs: Wire*): Wire =
gate(2, (values) => {() => values.foldLeft(identity){op}}, inputs: _*)
def and_(inputs: Wire*): Wire = gate2((a,b) => a && b, true, inputs: _*)
def or_(inputs: Wire*): Wire = gate2((a,b) => a || b, false, inputs: _*)
trait Simulation {
case class Event(time: Int, action: Action)
type Agenda = List[Event]
var curTime: Int = 0
var agenda: Agenda = Nil
def run() {
after(0, () => println(" * * * * * Simulation started at " + curTime + " * * * *"))
def after(time: Int, action: Action) {
def insert(event: Event, agenda: Agenda): Agenda = agenda match {
case head :: tail if event.time > head.time => head :: insert(event, tail)
case _ => event :: agenda
agenda = insert(Event(time + curTime, action), agenda)
protected def loop(): Unit = agenda match {
case Event(t, action) :: tail =>
curTime = t ; agenda = tail ;
action() ; loop()
case Nil =>
//////// P A R T II
class Stack[T](init: T) {
private var stack = List(init)
def value = stack.head
def withValue[R](newValue: T)(op: => R): R = {
stack ::= newValue
try op finally stack = stack.tail
object signals {
class Signal[T](initExpr : => T) {
import Signal._
var expr: () => T = _
var value: T = _
var observers: Set[Signal[_]] = Set()
protected def update(newExpr: => T) = {
expr = () => newExpr;
def computeValue() {
val newValue = caller.withValue(this)(expr())
if (value != newValue) {
value = newValue ;
val leaving = observers ; observers = Set()
leaving foreach {_.computeValue()}
def apply() = {
observers += caller.value
//caller.value != this
!caller.value.observers.contains(this) // Odersky orignal. I think that neither is good because there can be indirect circle.
, "signal is going to observe itself!")
object NoSignal extends Signal[Nothing](???) {
override def computeValue() {}
object Signal {
val caller = new Stack[Signal[_]](NoSignal)
def apply[T](expr: => T) = new Signal[T](expr)
class Var[T](expr: => T) extends Signal[T](expr) {
override def update(expr: => T) = super.update(expr)
object Var {
def apply[T](expr: => T) = new Var[T](expr)
// This is optimized (more concise) version of
package actorbintree
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
object BinaryTreeSet {
trait Operation { def requester: ActorRef; def id: Int; def elem: Int}
trait OperationReply { def id: Int }
/** Request with identifier `id` to insert an element `elem` into the tree.
* The actor at reference `requester` should be notified when this operation
* is completed.
case class Insert(requester: ActorRef, id: Int, elem: Int) extends Operation
/** Request with identifier `id` to check whether an element `elem` is present
* in the tree. The actor at reference `requester` should be notified when
* this operation is completed.
case class Contains(requester: ActorRef, id: Int, elem: Int) extends Operation
/** Request with identifier `id` to remove the element `elem` from the tree.
* The actor at reference `requester` should be notified when this operation
* is completed.
case class Remove(requester: ActorRef, id: Int, elem: Int) extends Operation
/** Request to perform garbage collection*/
case object GC
/** Holds the answer to the Contains request with identifier `id`.
* `result` is true if and only if the element is present in the tree.
case class ContainsResult(id: Int, result: Boolean) extends OperationReply
/** Message to signal successful completion of an insert or remove operation. */
case class OperationFinished(id: Int) extends OperationReply
abstract class InsertingActor extends Actor {
def props(elem: Int, initiallyRemoved: Boolean = false) = {
val result = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[BinaryTreeNode], elem, initiallyRemoved))
println("creating " + result + " => " + elem) ; result
class BinaryTreeSet extends InsertingActor {
import BinaryTreeSet._, BinaryTreeNode._
def createRoot = props(0, initiallyRemoved = true)
var root: ActorRef = createRoot
// optional
var pendingQueue = Queue.empty[Operation]
// optional
/** Accepts `Operation` and `GC` messages. */
def receive: Receive = {
case GC =>
val newRoot = createRoot ; root ! CopyTo(newRoot)
case o: Operation => root.tell(o, sender)
// optional
/** Handles messages while garbage collection is performed.
* `newRoot` is the root of the new binary tree where we want to copy
* all non-removed elements into.
def garbageCollecting(newRoot: ActorRef): Receive = {
case o: Operation => pendingQueue = pendingQueue.enqueue(o)
case CopyFinished =>
root = newRoot ; pendingQueue foreach {op => println("replying " + op + " to new root") ; root ! op}
context.become(receive) ; pendingQueue = Queue.empty
object BinaryTreeNode {
trait Position
case object Left extends Position
case object Right extends Position
case class CopyTo(treeNode: ActorRef)
case object CopyFinished
class BinaryTreeNode(val elem: Int, initiallyRemoved: Boolean) extends InsertingActor {
import BinaryTreeNode._
import BinaryTreeSet._
def pos(value: Int) = if (value < elem) Left else Right
def child(value: Int) = children.get(pos(value))
var children = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Position, ActorRef]()
var removed = initiallyRemoved
def treesome(msg: Operation, me: => Unit, none: => Unit) {
if (elem == msg.elem) me else child(msg.elem) match {
case Some(child) => println(elem + " forwarding " + msg + " to " + child) ; child ! msg
case None => none
// optional
/** Handles `Operation` messages and `CopyTo` requests. */
def receive: Receive = {
case msg @ Contains(req, id, value) =>
def reply(result: Boolean) = {println(elem + " says that " + msg + " = " + result); req ! ContainsResult(id, result)}
treesome(msg, reply(!removed), reply(false))
case msg @ Insert(req, id, value) =>
def reply = {println(elem + " finished " + msg); req ! OperationFinished(id)}
treesome(msg, {removed = false ; reply}, {children(pos(value)) = props(value, false) ; reply})
case msg @ Remove(req, id, value) =>
def reply = {println(elem + " finished " + msg); req ! OperationFinished(id)}
treesome(msg, {removed = true ; reply}, reply)
case CopyTo(newRoot) =>
println(elem + " copy")
if (!removed) newRoot ! Insert(self, -1, elem)
children.values foreach {_ ! CopyTo(newRoot)}
if (children.isEmpty) sender ! CopyFinished
else context.become(copying(children.values.toSet, sender))
// optional
/** `expected` is the set of ActorRefs whose replies we are waiting for,
* `insertConfirmed` tracks whether the copy of this node to the new tree has been confirmed.
def copying(expected: Set[ActorRef], originator: ActorRef): Receive = {
case CopyFinished =>
val subtrees = expected - sender
if (subtrees.isEmpty) {originator ! CopyFinished ; context.become(receive)}
else context.become(copying(subtrees, originator))
case Insert => println(self + " duplicate complete")
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