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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Indeterministic/Propabilistic Machine
// Indeterministic chooses all possible states, maintaining probabilities
// Probabilistic chooses one of possible states on every transition.
object Probabilistic {
class Machine[T : Ordering] (transitions: Map[T, Set[T]]) { // TODO: probabilistic transitions
def step(history: List[T]) = {
val p2 = transitions(history.head)
val picked = (Math.random() * p2.size).toInt
p2.toList(picked) :: history
def evolve(state: List[T], steps: Int): List[T] = steps match {
case 0 => state
case _ => evolve(step(state), steps-1)
}//for {_ <- (1 to steps)} step(state)*/
def compileTransitions[T](map: Tuple2[T, T]*): Map[T, Set[T]] = {
map.foldLeft(Map[T,Set[T]]()) {case (map, (src, dst)) =>
val set2 = map.get(src).getOrElse(Set()) + dst
map + (src -> set2)
} //> compileTransitions: [T](map: (T, T)*)Map[T,Set[T]]
def cycle[T](linearSeq: List[T]): List[Tuple2[T,T]] = {
for {
(letter, i) <- linearSeq.zipWithIndex
} yield linearSeq(i) -> linearSeq((i+1) % linearSeq.length)
} //> cycle: [T](linearSeq: List[T])List[(T, T)]
val fwd_cycle = cycle("abcde".toList) //> fwd_cycle : List[(Char, Char)] = List((a,b), (b,c), (c,d), (d,e), (e,a))
val bicycle = fwd_cycle.foldLeft(fwd_cycle) {case (acc, (src, dst)) => dst -> src :: acc }
//> bicycle : List[(Char, Char)] = List((a,e), (e,d), (d,c), (c,b), (b,a), (a,
//| b), (b,c), (c,d), (d,e), (e,a))
compileTransitions(bicycle : _*) //> res0: Map[Char,Set[Char]] = Map(e -> Set(d, a), a -> Set(e, b), b -> Set(a,
//| c), c -> Set(b, d), d -> Set(c, e))
(1 to 20) foreach {_ =>
println (new Machine(compileTransitions(bicycle: _ *)).evolve(List('a'), 5).reverse)
//> List(a, b, a, b, a, b)
//| List(a, e, a, b, a, b)
//| List(a, b, c, d, c, d)
//| List(a, b, c, d, e, d)
//| List(a, e, a, e, d, e)
//| List(a, b, c, d, e, a)
//| List(a, e, a, b, c, b)
//| List(a, b, c, d, c, b)
//| List(a, b, c, b, a, e)
//| List(a, e, a, e, a, e)
//| List(a, b, c, d, c, b)
//| List(a, e, a, b, a, e)
//| List(a, e, d, c, d, c)
//| List(a, e, d, e, a, e)
//| List(a, b, a, e, a, b)
//| List(a, e, a, b, c, b)
//| List(a, e, d, c, b, c)
//| List(a, e, a, b, c, b)
//| List(a, e, a, b, a, e)
//| List(a, b, a, b, c, d)
// Note that probability of 'a' is very low after 5 steps. Indeterminist
// simulation computes the real probability below.
// Curiously, indetermenist machine may be reversible -- you can get into reset state from any other state.
// But, we evolve from one initial state. After n steps we are in some distribution. It is different distri
// bution when started from a different state and reverting won't recover previous state.
type State[T] = Map[T, Double] // value with some probability
class Indet[T : Ordering] (val initial: T, val transitions: Map[T, Set[T]]) { // TODO: probabilistic transitions
var state: State[T] = Map(initial -> 1) // collapse into initial state
def step = {
var st2: State[T] = Map()
state foreach {case (curState, curWeight) =>
transitions(curState) foreach {nextState =>
val newWeight = st2.get(nextState).getOrElse(0.0) + curWeight
//println ("adding " + nextState -> newWeight)
st2 += nextState -> newWeight
val total = st2.values.sum
state = st2
.map {case (key, w) => (key, w/total)} // normalize prob to 0..1
println ("entered " + state.toList.sortBy(_._1))
def evolve(steps: Int) = (1 to steps).foreach (_ => step)
new Indet('a', compileTransitions(bicycle: _ *)).evolve(100)
//> entered List((b,0.5), (e,0.5))
//| entered List((a,0.5), (c,0.25), (d,0.25))
//| entered List((b,0.375), (c,0.125), (d,0.125), (e,0.375))
//| entered List((a,0.375), (b,0.0625), (c,0.25), (d,0.25), (e,0.0625))
// Fifth step: probability of 'a' is very low: //| entered List((a,0.0625), (b,0.3125), (c,0.15625), (d,0.15625), (e,0.3125))
//| entered List((a,0.3125), (b,0.109375), (c,0.234375), (d,0.234375), (e,0.109
//| 375))
//| entered List((a,0.109375), (b,0.2734375), (c,0.171875), (d,0.171875), (e,0.
//| 2734375))
//| entered List((a,0.2734375), (b,0.140625), (c,0.22265625), (d,0.22265625), (
//| e,0.140625))
//| entered List((a,0.140625), (b,0.248046875), (c,0.181640625), (d,0.181640625
//| ), (e,0.248046875))
//| entered List((a,0.248046875), (b,0.1611328125), (c,0.21484375), (d,0.214843
//| 75), (e,0.1611328125))
//| entered List((a,0.1611328125), (b,0.2314453125), (c,0.18798828125), (d,0.18
//| 798828125), (e,0.2314453125))
//| entered List((a,0.2314453125), (b,0.174560546875), (c,0.209716
//| Output exceeds cutoff limit.
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