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Last active July 26, 2022 14:07
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  • Save valtyr/763f758426bea038554a42e4c5b4f397 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This small script will help you find case mismatches in your git tree.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Union, Mapping
rootdir = os.environ.get("PWD")
def recursive_listing_generator(folder: str):
path = os.path.join(rootdir, folder)
for currentpath, folder, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
yield os.path.join(currentpath, file)
def get_recursive_listing(folder: str):
return list(recursive_listing_generator(folder))
def get_git_listing(folder: str):
results =["git", "ls-files", folder], capture_output=True)
return [
os.path.join(rootdir, line)
for line in results.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines()
def generate_case_insensitive_hash(lines: list[str]):
return {line.lower(): line for line in lines}
def get_argument(number: int, default: Union[None, str] = None):
return sys.argv[number]
except IndexError:
return default
def diff(lspaths: Mapping[str, str], gitpaths: Mapping[str, str]):
for gitkey, gitval in gitpaths.items():
lsval = lspaths.get(gitkey)
if lsval is None or lsval == gitval:
gitpath = os.path.relpath(gitval, rootdir)
lspath = os.path.relpath(lsval, rootdir)
yield (gitpath, lspath)
if __name__ == "__main__":
folder = get_argument(1)
if folder is None:
sys.stderr.write("Missing directory argument")
ls = get_recursive_listing(folder)
git_ls = get_git_listing(folder)
ls_hash_map = generate_case_insensitive_hash(ls)
git_hash_map = generate_case_insensitive_hash(git_ls)
diff_result = list(diff(ls_hash_map, git_hash_map))
if len(diff_result) == 0:
print(f"🧼 All good!")
print(f"😞 Found {len(diff_result)} issues:\n")
for (git, local) in diff_result:
print(f"💽 {local}")
print(f"🐙 {git}")
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