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Last active December 20, 2015 13:29
#!/usr/bin/env gosh
(use file.util)
(use net.twitter)
(use gauche.threads)
(use gauche.parseopt)
(define (usage cmd)
(print "Usage: " (sys-basename cmd) " [option ...] message")
(print " h|help : Show this help")
(print " n|number : Number of continuous tweets (default:endress)")
(print " k|key-file : The path of the file for which have listed the Consumer-key and Access-token")
(print " ex) twitter-id1 consumer-key1 consumer-secret1 access-token1 access-token-secret1")
(print " twitter-id2 consumer-key2 consumer-secret2 access-token2 access-token-secret2")
(print " ...")
(print " twitter-idn consumer-keyn consumer-secretn access-tokenn access-token-secretn")
(print " (default: " +RC_FILE_PATH+ ")")
(print " i|interval :Interval (default: 0.1)")
(print " s|suffix :Message suffix (default: !)")
(print " d|debug :Debug mode. Print message to console, Twitter not update")
(define +RC_FILE_PATH+ "~/.tbbbrc")
(define *threads* '())
;; C-c to exit
(set-signal-handler! SIGINT (^ _ (exit)))
;; file spec: refer to the help option k|key-file
;; return (("twitter-id" . <twitter-cred>) ...)
(define (file->credentials file)
(if (not (file-exists? (expand-path file)))
(map (^(line)
(let1 id&cred (string-split line #\space)
(cons (car id&cred)
(apply make <twitter-cred>
(append-map list
(list :consumer-key
(cdr id&cred))))))
(file->string-list (expand-path file)))))
;; suffix=!
;; n=1, msg=hoge => "hoge!"
;; n=2, msg=hoge => "hoge!!"
;; n=3, msg=hoge => "hoge!!!" ...
(define (make-nth-tweet n msg suffix)
(apply string-append msg (make-list n suffix)))
(define (main args)
(let-args (cdr args)
((help "h|help" => (cut usage (car args)))
(number "n|number=i" +inf.0)
(keys "k|keys=s" +RC_FILE_PATH+)
(interval "i|interval=f" 0.1)
(suffix "s|suffix=s" "!")
(debug "d|debug")
(else (opt . _)
(print "Unknown option : " opt)
(usage (car args)))
. rest)
(when debug
(set! twitter-update
(^(cred msg)
(print cred " " msg))))
(let1 credentials (file->credentials keys)
(when (or (null? rest) ; massage
(null? credentials))
(usage (car args)))
(let/cc break
(dotimes (i number)
(let1 msg (make-nth-tweet i (car rest) suffix)
(when (< 140 (string-length msg))
(for-each (^c (thread-sleep! interval)
(let1 thread (make-thread
(^ _ (twitter-update (cdr c) msg)
(print (car c) " " i " done!")))
(push! *threads* thread)
(thread-start! thread)))
(print "Press any key to continue ...")
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% ./tweet-bals-batch-balk.scm ばるす > bals.log
% cat bals.log | grep done | awk '{print $1}'| sort | uniq -c | awk '{ total+= $1}END{print total}'

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% ln -s realpath ./tweet-bals-batch-balk.scm ~/bin/bals
% bals ばるす > bals.log

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