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Last active May 19, 2020 05:00
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simple neural network implementation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mlp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#x_train,y_train,x_test,y_test,classes = load_data()
x_train = np.array([[0.1,0.3]])
y_train = np.array([1])
# Parameters
input_ = x_train
target_ = y_train
num_hidden_layers = 1
num_input_dim = 2
num_target_dim = 1 # binary classifier
print_loss_ = True
epochs = 2000 # forward pass + backward pass
epsilon = 0.01 # learning rate for gradient descent
reg_lambda = 0.001 # regularization strength
layer_dims = [2,2,1] # neurons in each layer of the network. Input layer followed by 3 hidden layers and one target layer
def initialize_weights_n_biases(layer_dims):
# Initialize the parameters to random values. We need to learn these.
parameters = {}
parameters['W'+str(1)] = np.array([[-0.1,0.2],[0.2,-0.3]])
parameters['b'+str(1)] = np.array([0,0])
parameters['W'+str(2)] = np.array([[0.3],[-0.1]])
parameters['b'+str(2)] = np.array([0])
return parameters
def linear_forward(z, w, b):
Z =
Z = Z + b
stash = (z,w,b)
return Z,stash
def activation_function(activation, z):
if activation == "relu":
a = np.maximum(0,z)
stash = z
elif activation == "sigmoid":
a = 1/(1+np.exp(-1*z))
stash = z
return a,stash
def forward_pass(X, params):
stashes = []
A = X
L = len(params) // 2
for l in range(1,L):
Z_prev = A
Z,linear_stash = linear_forward(Z_prev,params['W'+str(l)],params['b'+str(l)])
A,activation_stash = activation_function("relu",Z)
stash = (linear_stash,activation_stash)
Z_,linear_stash = linear_forward(A,params['W'+str(L)],params['b'+str(L)])
A_,activation_stash = activation_function("sigmoid",Z_)
stash = (linear_stash,activation_stash)
return A_,stashes
def compute_loss(loss_func, A, Y,i):
m = Y.shape[0]
if loss_func == "binary_crossentropy":
A = A.flatten()
cost = np.sum((-(Y*np.log(A))-((1-Y)*np.log(1-A))),axis=0,keepdims = 1)
cost = np.squeeze(cost)
return cost
def intermediate_differentiation(dEA, activation, stash):
if activation == "relu":
z = stash
dAZ = 1
dEZ = np.array(dEA,copy=True)
dEZ[z<=0] = 0
elif activation == "sigmoid":
z = stash
tmp = 1/(1+np.exp(-z))
dAZ = tmp*(1-tmp) # differentiation of output w.r.t input dA/dZ
# multiply dE/dA * dA/dZ
dEZ = dEA*dAZ
return dEZ
def error_rate_calc(dEZ, stash):
z,w,b = stash
m = z.shape[0]
dZW = z.T # rate of change of input w.r.t weight, dZ/dW = z
dEW =,dEZ)/m # rate of change of error w.r.t weight, dE/dW = dE/dZ * dZ/dW
dEb = np.sum(dEZ,axis=0,keepdims=1)/m # rate of change of error w.r.t bias, dE/db = dE/dZ * dZ/db
dA_prev =,w.T) # error propagated backward
return dA_prev,dEW, dEb
def linear_backward(dEA, stash, activation):
linear_stash, activation_stash = stash
dEZ = intermediate_differentiation(dEA,activation,activation_stash) # dE/dZ
dA_prev,dW, db = error_rate_calc(dEZ, linear_stash)
return dA_prev,dW,db
def backward_pass(A,Y,stashes):
grads = {}
L =len(stashes)
Y = Y.reshape(A.shape)
dEA = -(np.divide(Y,A)-np.divide(1-Y,1-A)) # differentiation of error w.r.t output dE/dA
current_stash = stashes[L-1]
grads['dA'+str(L-1)],grads['dW'+str(L)],grads['db'+str(L)] = linear_backward(dEA,current_stash,"sigmoid")
for l in reversed(range(L-1)):
current_stash = stashes[l]
grads['dA'+str(l)],grads['dW'+str(l+1)],grads['db'+str(l+1)] = linear_backward(grads['dA'+str(l+1)],current_stash,"relu")
return grads
def update_parameters(parameters, grads):
L = len(parameters) // 2
for l in range(L):
parameters['W'+str(l+1)] = parameters['W'+str(l+1)] - epsilon * grads['dW'+str(l+1)] # W = W - lr*(dE/dW)
parameters['b'+str(l+1)] = parameters['b'+str(l+1)] - epsilon * grads['db'+str(l+1)] # b = b - lr*(dE/db)
return parameters
# Build Sequential model
def build_sequential_model(X, Y, layer_dims, print_loss = False):
params = initialize_weights_n_biases(layer_dims)
costs = []
for i in range(0,epochs):
# Forward Propagation
A,caches = forward_pass(X, params)
# Error Calculation
cost = compute_loss("binary_crossentropy",A,Y,i)
# Backward Propagation
grads = backward_pass(A, Y, caches)
# Update parameters
params = update_parameters(params,grads)
if(print_loss == True and i%100 == 0):
print("cost at iteration {} is {}".format(i,cost))
return params
model = build_sequential_model(input_, target_, layer_dims, print_loss_)
def predict(X,Y,model):
m = X.shape[0]
res = np.zeros(m)
probabs, stashes = forward_pass(X,model)
for i in range(0,probabs.shape[0]):
if probabs[i][0] > 0.5:
res[i] = 1
res[i] = 0
print("Accuracy: "+str(np.sum(res == Y)/m))
return res
train_data_prediction = predict(x_train,y_train,model)
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