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Created February 25, 2018 10:33
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example usage of a SydDiscord + Dogecord bot
from SydDiscord import Discord
from dogecord import BotFramework
## here would probably be where we load the secret keys, configuration, and such
dc = Discord(authentication thingies)
bot = BotFramework(dc, config_stuff) # the config would point to a module folder
if __name__ == '__main__':
import random
# when the main file calls load_modules, the `bot' class is injected into the dogecord namespace so it can be referenced here.
# context is dynamically set inside the wrapper before each handler function is run (like flask a bit)
# by default, the send_msg, request_msg, etc will also be bound by context. however, they can be parameterized to go somewhere else (dm for example)
from dogecord import bot, context, send_msg, request_msg, render_help, EVENT_JOIN
message_counter = 0
@bot.subscribe_msg(in_server=True, not_self=True) # these flags tell the event loop to only pass in messages that are in a channel on a server and not from the bot
def on_message():
global message_counter
message_counter += 1
@bot.subscribe_cmd('messages', help='shows the number of messages since the bot was started', aliases=['messagecount'])
def message_count():
send_msg('messages seen: {}'.format(message_counter))
@bot.subscribe_cmd('help', help='lists the commands')
def command_list():
send_msg(render_help(), split=True) # this generates a command list from the help messages provided, and splitting it into multiple messages if nessecary
@bot.subscribe_event(EVENT_JOIN, in_server=True)
def announce_join():
nick = context.user.nickname # context.user would be the user that sent the event (if it's a user-generated event)
send_msg('welcome {} to the server!'.format(nick))
@bot.subscribe_cmd('choice', help='pick between different items')
def choice_cmd():
chosen = random.choice(context.cmd.args) # context.cmd contains info about the command executed. context.cmd.args is a list of the words that came after the command invocation
send_msg('i choose {}'.format(chosen))
@bot.subscribe_cmd('guess', help='guess the number the bot is thinking of!')
def guess_cmd():
upper = random.randint(10, 100)
lower = random.randint(0,upper-5)
number = random.randint(lower,upper)
send_msg('i\'m thinking of a number between {} and {}'.format(lower,upper))
for i in range(5):
guessed = request_msg('guess my number!', timeout=10) # this acts like python's input() but only responds to the user in the request context by default; it also goes back to the event loop asynchronulsy while it waits for the message or until 10 seconds pass (which is of course adjustable)
if not guessed:
send_msg('you took too long!')
guessed = int(guessed)
except ValueError:
send_msg('that\'s not a number')
if guessed == number:
send_msg('you got it right!')
if guessed > number:
send_msg('too high')
if guessed < number:
send_msg('too low')
send_msg('you\'re out of tries')
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