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Last active February 19, 2023 14:52
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import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
const useReducedMotion = (defaultVal = true) => {
// Local state to store the reduced motion setting.
const [reducedMotion, setReducedMotion] = useState(defaultVal);
// Callback for media query cahnge events.
function queryCnangeHandler(event) {
// Set the state to the value of the media query.
useEffect(() => {
// Grab the reduced motion media query,
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
if(mediaQuery) {
// Set the state to the value of the media query.
// Lissten for changes in the media query.
mediaQuery.addEventListener("change", queryCnangeHandler);
// Remove the event listener when the component unmounts.
return () => mediaQuery.removeEventListener("change", queryCnangeHandler);
}, []);
return reducedMotion;
export default useReducedMotion;
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