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Created September 8, 2015 14:55
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'use strict';
var directivesModule = require('../_index.js');
var $ = require('jquery');
var _ = require('underscore');
* @ngInject
function StatisticController($scope, $log, $interval, $timeout, $element, Constants, FakeDataService) {
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* -------- Private Variables ---------- */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
// Generate a unique ID on the .rtd-chart <div>, and grab that ID
// so we know on what DOM element to call the chart constructor fn
var chartContainerId = '#' + $($element).find('.rtd-chart').attr('id', _.uniqueId('chart_'))[0].id;
//grab the corresponding kpi indicator element to set the correct colour code, probably eventually will need to have a few different indicators
var kpiIndicator = $(chartContainerId).find('.kpi-indicator');
var kpiIndicatorProperty = Constants.statisticDefaults.background;
var kpiIndicatorWarning = Constants.statisticDefaults.warning;
var kpiIndicatorNormal = Constants.statisticDefaults.normal;
// How long to initially wait to display the graph
var gridsterInitTimeoutWait = Constants.gridsterConfig.baseOptions.initFlushWait;
// Shortcut variable for the data of the chart ( a single stat number), to be cloned and re-appled later ??
// Container object for the chart
var chart = null;
// Interval from the widget config determining how often to update the chart
var refreshInterval = $scope.widget.config.refreshRate.interval;
// Events definitions we need to listen for
var updateOnEvents = ['update-pulse-' + refreshInterval];
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* ----- Scope (Public) Variables ------ */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
// Whether or not the chart is hidden
$scope.loading = true;
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* ---------- Scope Functions ---------- */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
// Chart initialization function
$scope.initialize = function() {
chart = $scope.widget.chart;
$timeout(function() {
$scope.loading = false;
}, gridsterInitTimeoutWait);
$scope.updateIndicator = function() {
var kpiVal =;
var hasIndicator = chart.indicator;
var threshold = chart.indicator.threshold;
if (hasIndicator && threshold) {
$'-- INFO -- \'' + chartContainerId + '\'updating indicator ' + kpiIndicator + ' for kpi value: ' +;
if (kpiVal <= threshold) {
$(kpiIndicator).css(kpiIndicatorProperty, kpiIndicatorNormal);
} else {
$(kpiIndicator).css(kpiIndicatorProperty, kpiIndicatorWarning);
// Function to append new data to the end of the chart (using FakeDataService for now)
$scope.poll = function() {
$'-- INFO -- \'' + chartContainerId + '\' got a ' + refreshInterval + 's update event! Polling server for new stat...'); = FakeDataService.generateRandomStatisticValues(100);
// Function to re-initialize the chart based on new settings from the config panel
$scope.reInitialize = function() {};
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* ---------- Scope Watchers ----------- */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
$scope.$watch('loading', function (newV, oldV) {
if (oldV === newV) { return; }
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* ------ Scope Event Listeners -------- */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
// Poll the server for new data whenever one of these events is fired
_.each(updateOnEvents, function(e) {
$scope.$on(e, $scope.poll);
/* ------------------------------------- */
/* -------------- Setup ---------------- */
/* -------------------------- ---------- */
directivesModule.controller('StatisticController', StatisticController);
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