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Last active September 13, 2022 18:09
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Generic makefile for C projects that follow the "app" + "include" + "source" configuration.
# Defines which shell command to use to clean the terminal, depending on the platform.
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
# Clean on Windows
clean_cmd = @del /s /q *.o > null
# Clean on UNIX systems
clean_cmd = @rm -f *.o
# A recursive function that allows to list all files with a given extension, in folders and sub-folders, from a given source.
rwildcard=$(wildcard $1$2) $(foreach d,$(wildcard $1*),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2))
# Name of the generated program
target := <program name>
# Arguments to be passed to the compiler.
copt_G := -g -Wall # For debug
copt_O := -O3 # For release
cinclude := include
cwarns := -Wno-unused-function
cflags := $(copt_G) -I$(cinclude) $(cwarns)
export CFLAGS = $(cflags)
# Root and directories
srcroot := source/
approot := app/
objroot := ./obj
# Files of library
lib_src := $(call rwildcard,$(srcroot),*.c)
lib_obj := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(lib_src))
# Files of application
app_src := $(call rwildcard,$(approot),*.c)
app_obj := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(app_src))
$(target): $(lib_obj) $(app_obj)
$(CC) -o $@ $^
$(info Compilation completed!)
$(objroot)/%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $<
all: $(target)
.PHONY: all
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