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Created April 9, 2024 12:48
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This module implements a generic union-find data structure in F# (for .NET)
/// This module implements a generic [union-find]( data structure.
/// This structure is used to manage disjoint sets, often used in partitioning or clustering problems.
/// Here is a summary of the features and members of this data structure:
/// 1. **Constructor**: The `UnionFind` constructor initializes a new instance of the Union-Find data structure with
/// default elements of the original set specified as a sequence. This set can be extended.
/// 2. **Public Members** :
/// - `UnionFind.AddElement` Adds a new element to the set.
/// - `UnionFind.AddRange` Adds a sequence of elements to the set.
/// - `UnionFind.Connect`: Combines two equivalence classes to which two given representatives belong into a single class.
/// - `UnionFind.ConnectRange`: Combines all equivalence classes to which the given representatives belong into a single class.
/// - `UnionFind.GetConnections`: Retrieves all elements of the equivalence class to which a given element belongs.
/// - `UnionFind.GetAllConnections`: Retrieves all equivalence classes.
/// - `UnionFind.AreConnected`: Checks whether two elements belong to the same equivalence class.
/// 3. **Inline functions**: These functions allow you to access members of the `UnionFind` instance more concisely.
/// Example:
/// <example>
/// let uf = UnionFind [| 1..6 |]
/// connectRange uf [| 1; 2; 3 |]
/// connectRange uf [| 4; 5 |]
/// </example>
module public UnionFind =
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Linq
/// Generic [union-find]( data structure
/// using the path compression find amelioration, making `Find` and `Connect` O(log n) in the worst case.
type public UnionFind<'t when 't: equality>(defaultElements: 't seq) =
let mutable parents = Dictionary<'t, 't>()
let mutable ranks = Dictionary<'t, int>()
(fun element ->
parents.Add(element, element)
ranks.Add(element, 1))
let find (element: 't) =
let rec inner (element: 't) =
match parents.TryGetValue element with
| true, parent when parent <> element ->
let grandParent = parents.[parent]
parents.[element] <- grandParent
inner grandParent
| _ -> element
inner element
let treeSize (element: 't) = ranks.[element]
member internal __.GetParents
with get () = parents
and set value = parents <- value
member internal __.GetRanks
with get () = ranks
and set value = ranks <- value
/// Adds an element to the original set.
member public __.AddElement(element: 't) =
match parents.TryGetValue element with
| false, _ ->
parents.Add(element, element)
ranks.Add(element, 1)
| _ -> ()
/// Adds the list of elements given in the original set.
member public this.AddRange(elements: 't seq) = Seq.iter this.AddElement elements
/// Combines the two equivalence classes to which the two given representatives belong into a single class.
member public __.Connect (left: 't) (right: 't) =
assert (parents.ContainsKey left)
assert (parents.ContainsKey right)
let leftTree = find left
let rightTree = find right
if leftTree = rightTree then
let leftTreeSize = treeSize leftTree
let rightTreeSize = treeSize rightTree
if leftTreeSize < rightTreeSize then
parents.[leftTree] <- rightTree
ranks.[rightTree] <- leftTreeSize + rightTreeSize
parents.[rightTree] <- leftTree
ranks.[leftTree] <- leftTreeSize + rightTreeSize
/// Combines all the equivalence classes to which the list of given representatives belong into a single class.
member public this.ConnectRange(xs: 't seq) =
if Seq.length xs < 2 then
let head = Seq.head xs
let tail = Seq.tail xs
Seq.iter (this.Connect head) tail
/// Retrieves the equivalence class to which the given element belongs.
member public __.GetConnections(item: 't) =
if not (parents.ContainsKey item) then
let representative = find item
.GroupBy(fun kvp -> kvp.Value)
.Where(fun x -> x.Key = representative)
.Select(fun gp -> gp.Select(fun kvp -> kvp.Key) |> Seq.toArray)
|> Seq.toArray
/// Gets the set of equivalence classes.
member public __.GetAllConnections() =
.GroupBy(fun kvp -> kvp.Value)
.Select(fun gp -> gp.Select(fun kvp -> kvp.Key) |> Seq.toArray)
|> Seq.toArray
/// Check whether two elements belong to the same equivalence class.
member public __.AreConnected (left: 't) (right: 't) = find left = find right
/// Adds an element to the original set.
let inline public addElement (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.AddElement
/// Adds the list of elements given in the original set.
let inline public addRange (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.AddRange
/// Combines the two equivalence classes to which the two given representatives belong into a single class.
let inline public connect (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.Connect
/// Combines all the equivalence classes to which the list of given representatives belong into a single class.
let inline public connectRange (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.ConnectRange
/// Retrieves the equivalence class to which the given element belongs.
let inline public getConnections (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.GetConnections
/// Gets the set of equivalence classes.
let inline public getAllConnections (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.GetAllConnections()
/// Check whether two elements belong to the same equivalence class.
let inline public areConnected (uf: 't UnionFind) = uf.AreConnected
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vanaur commented Apr 9, 2024

Example of usage with integers:

let uf1 = UnionFind [ 0 .. 5 ]
uf1.ConnectRange [ 0; 1; 3 ]
uf1.ConnectRange [ 2; 4; 5 ]
printfn "Are 0 and 2 in the same equivalence class? %b" (uf1.AreConnected 0 2)
uf1.Connect 1 5
printfn "Now, are 0 and 2 in the same equivalence class? %b" (uf1.AreConnected 0 2)


Are 0 and 2 in the same equivalence class? false
Now, are 0 and 2 in the same equivalence class? true

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vanaur commented Apr 9, 2024

Example with a custom data type:

[<CustomEquality; NoComparison>]
type MyType =
    | A
    | B
    | C
    | D
    | E
    | F

    override this.Equals obj =
        match obj with
        | :? MyType as letter ->
            match this, letter with
            | A, A -> true
            | B, B -> true
            | C, C -> true
            | D, D -> true
            | E, E -> true
            | F, F -> true
            | _ -> false
        | _ -> false

    override this.GetHashCode() =
        match this with
        | A -> 1
        | B -> 2
        | C -> 3
        | D -> 4
        | E -> 5
        | F -> 6

let uf2 = UnionFind [ A; B; C; D; E; F ]
uf2.ConnectRange [ A; B; F ]
uf2.ConnectRange [ C; E ]
printfn "Are A and E in the same equivalence class? %b" (uf2.AreConnected A E)
printfn "List of equivalences classes: %A" (uf2.GetAllConnections())


Are A and E in the same equivalence class? false
List of equivalences classes: [|[|A; B; F|]; [|C; E|]; [|D|]|]

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