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Last active March 31, 2017 16:23
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wrk result to HTML on Teamcity
#!/usr/bin/env bash
CONNECTIONS=(1 4 16 64 256 1024)
BOOTSTRAP='<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'
JS_LIBS='<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>'
# clean up working directory
rm -r *.html
for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"
echo "Starting project $PROJECT:"
# start server and wait until curl response will be OK (status code 0)
ssh -p 22 -n -f ${USER_NAME}@%host% "sh -c 'cd $SERVER_PATH && sbt \";project $PROJECT;run\" &'"
loops=0; while [ ${loops} -lt 60 ]; do curl "http://%host%:%port%/%query%" &> /dev/null; [ "$?" = "0" ] && break; loops=$(( $loops + 1 )); sleep 1; done
# create report file and put hardcoded html tags and css into it
echo "<html><body>$BOOTSTRAP" > ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '<head><style type="text/css">' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '.panel-heading .accordion-toggle:after {font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";content: "\e114";float: right;color: grey;}' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '.panel-heading .accordion-toggle.collapsed:after {content: "\e080";}' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '</style></head>' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '<div class="container"><div class="panel-group" id="accordion">' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
# main loop
for CNT in "${CONNECTIONS[@]}"
echo "Running simulation with $CNT connection(s)"
echo '<div class="panel panel-info"><div class="panel-heading"><h4 class="panel-title">' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo "<a class=\"accordion-toggle\" data-toggle=\"collapse\" data-parent=\"#accordion\" href=\"#collapse$CNT\">$CNT connections</a></h4></div>" >> ${WRK_REPORT}
IN=""; if [ "$CNT" == "1" ]; then IN="in"; fi
echo "<div id=\"collapse$CNT\" class=\"panel-collapse collapse $IN\"><div class=\"panel-body\"><pre>" >> ${WRK_REPORT}
# put raw wrk output inside <pre> tag
wrk -t 1 -c ${CNT} -d %duration% 'http://%host%:%port%/%query%' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
echo '</pre></div></div></div>' >> ${WRK_REPORT}
# append some jQuery and Bootstrap stuff
echo "</div></div>$JS_LIBS</body></html>" >> ${WRK_REPORT}
# kill server
echo "Stopping server..."
ssh -p 2233 -n -f ${USER_NAME}@%host% "sh -c 'pkill java'"
echo "Done"
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