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Last active June 3, 2021 20:39
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  • Save vancluever/055d43898232e29a210ca0496cb7a79b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vancluever/055d43898232e29a210ca0496cb7a79b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get Terraform Registry providers, sort by most downloads (use --community to get community providers only)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
getproviders() {
for (( PAGE=1; ; PAGE++ )); do
if [ "$1" == "--community" ]; then
DATA="$(curl -fs "[tier]=community&page[number]=$PAGE")"
DATA="$(curl -fs "[number]=$PAGE")"
if [ "$(jq '.data' <<< "$DATA")" == "[]" ]; then
jq '.data[] | {name: .attributes["full-name"], downloads: .attributes.downloads}' <<< "$DATA"
column -t <<< "$(jq --raw-output --slurp '
. | sort_by(.downloads) | reverse |
to_entries | map({
"#": (.key + 1),
"downloads": .value.downloads
}) |
((.[0] | keys_unsorted), (.[] | . | map(.))) | @tsv' <<< "$(getproviders "$@")")"
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Updated to provide rank with sorted output.

Note that the rank works off of index number only, hence ties are not listed as the same number.

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Updated (again) to default to all providers with --community option now to do community only.

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