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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save vanderhoop/11091144 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vanderhoop/11091144 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Ubuntu Installfest

  1. HipChat
  • Google Chrome
    • sudo apt-get install libxss1
    • wget
    • sudo dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb
  • Install Ruby + Rails (Be sure to read the below instructions before going to the linked guide.)
    • In the linked guide when you get to generating you SSH key, as you're generating the key it requests a location to create the files, use the example the prompt provides. *If you create a psscode when generating the key, you will be prompted for the passcode when testing the connection.
    • Skip the portion of the guide for installing MySQL
    • In the final steps there are three different commands that start with rails new use the third one rails new myapp -d postgresql
    • After completing the linked guide run the following commands
      1. git config --global "status -sb -uall"
      • git config --core.editor "subl"
      • git config --global core.editor "subl"
      • git config --global core.excludefile "~/.gitignore_global"
      • gem update --system
      • gem install bundler rails pry --no-document
  • Setup Github Account
  • Set up Bash Profile
    • mkdir ~/bin
    • Open your .gitconfig file subl ~/.gitconfig and verify it matches the following .gitconfig
    • Open your .gitignore-global file subl ~/.gitignore-global and copy the following to it .gitignore-global
    • Open your bash profile subl ~/.bashrc and add the contents of the following to the end of the file .bashrc
    • Customize icon if you want! (we set up as ♬)
  • Sublime Text 2 (Yes, 2)
    1. Package Manager
    2. Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings-User
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