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Created May 21, 2022 10:33
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english_language = 1
autoload_global_pwad1 = ""
autoload_global_pwad2 = ""
autoload_global_pwad3 = ""
autoload_global_pwad4 = ""
autoload_registered_pwad1 = ""
autoload_registered_pwad2 = ""
autoload_registered_pwad3 = ""
autoload_registered_pwad4 = ""
autoload_retail_pwad1 = ""
autoload_retail_pwad2 = ""
autoload_retail_pwad3 = ""
autoload_retail_pwad4 = ""
use_mouse = 1
use_controller = 1
snd_musicdevice = 8
snd_sfxdevice = 3
chatmacro0 = "(null)"
chatmacro1 = "(null)"
chatmacro2 = "(null)"
chatmacro3 = "(null)"
chatmacro4 = "(null)"
chatmacro5 = "(null)"
chatmacro6 = "(null)"
chatmacro7 = "(null)"
chatmacro8 = "(null)"
chatmacro9 = "(null)"
fullscreen = 1
aspect_ratio = 2
video_display = 0
vga_porch_flash = 0
integer_scaling = 0
startup_delay = 35
resize_delay = 70
window_title_short = 1
window_width = 640
window_height = 361
window_border = 1
fullscreen_width = 0
fullscreen_height = 0
grabmouse = 1
mouse_acceleration = 2.000000
mouse_threshold = 7
snd_samplerate = 44100
snd_cachesize = 67108864
snd_maxslicetime_ms = 28
snd_musiccmd = ""
snd_dmxoption = "-opl3"
opl_io_port = 0x388
show_endoom = 0
vanilla_keyboard_mapping = 1
video_driver = ""
window_position_x = 480
window_position_y = 269
player_name = "Player"
libsamplerate_scale = 0.650000
fluidsynth_sf_path = ""
timidity_cfg_path = ""
gus_patch_path = ""
gus_ram_kb = 1024
vsync = 1
aspect_ratio_correct = 1
uncapped_fps = 1
show_fps = 0
smoothing = 1
max_fps = 200
png_screenshots = 1
flashing_hom = 0
screenblocks = 10
extra_level_brightness = 0
detaillevel = 0
brightness = 1.000000
usegamma = 7
color_saturation = 1.000000
show_palette = 1
r_color_factor = 1.000000
g_color_factor = 1.000000
b_color_factor = 1.000000
local_time = 0
show_messages = 1
messages_alignment = 0
messages_timeout = 4
message_fade = 1
message_pickup_color = 0
message_secret_color = 15
message_system_color = 0
message_chat_color = 5
draw_shadowed_text = 1
automap_mark_color = 6
automap_stats = 1
automap_level_time = 1
automap_total_time = 0
automap_coords = 0
automap_overlay = 0
automap_overlay_bg = 0
automap_rotate = 0
automap_follow = 1
automap_grid = 0
automap_grid_size = 128
sfx_volume = 10
music_volume = 10
snd_channels = 8
snd_monomode = 0
snd_pitchshift = 1
mute_inactive_window = 0
always_run = 0
mlook = 0
mouse_sensitivity = 4
novert = 1
mouse_y_invert = 0
brightmaps = 1
fake_contrast = 0
translucency = 1
colored_blood = 1
swirling_liquids = 1
invul_sky = 1
linear_sky = 1
randomly_flipcorpses = 1
flip_weapons = 0
negative_health = 0
sbar_colored = 0
sbar_colored_gem = 0
ammo_widget = 0
ammo_widget_colored = 1
z_axis_sfx = 0
noise_alert_sfx = 0
secret_notification = 1
show_all_artifacts = 0
show_artifacts_timer = 0
improved_collision = 1
torque = 1
weapon_bobbing = 1
floating_powerups = 1
crosshair_draw = 0
crosshair_type = 1
crosshair_scale = 0
fix_map_errors = 1
flip_levels = 0
breathing = 0
pistol_start = 0
no_internal_demos = 0
Forward = "k_UP"
Backward = "k_DOWN"
Turn_left = "k_LEFT"
Turn_right = "k_RIGHT"
Strafe_left = "k_Z"
Strafe_right = "k_D"
Fly_up = "k_PAGE_UP"
Fly_down = "k_INSERT"
Fly_stop = "k_HOME"
Speed = "k_LSHIFT", "k_RSHIFT"
Strafe = "k_LALT", "k_RALT"
Toggle_autorun = "k_CAPSLOCK"
Use = "k_SPACE", "c_A"
Weapon_1 = "k_1"
Weapon_2 = "k_2"
Weapon_3 = "k_3"
Weapon_4 = "k_4"
Weapon_5 = "k_5"
Weapon_6 = "k_6"
Weapon_7 = "k_7"
Weapon_prev = "m_SCROLL_UP"
Weapon_next = "m_SCROLL_DOWN"
Look_up = "k_PAGE_DN"
Look_down = "k_DELETE"
Look_center = "k_END", "c_RIGHT_STICK"
Toggle_mlook = "k_`"
Inv_left = "k_["
Inv_right = "k_]"
Inv_use_artifact = "k_ENTER"
Map_toggle = "k_TAB"
Map_zoom_in = "k_="
Map_zoom_out = "k_-"
Map_zoom_max = "k_0"
Map_follow = "k_F"
Map_overlay = "k_O"
Map_rotate = "k_R"
Map_grid = "k_G"
Map_mark = "k_M"
Map_clearmark = "k_C"
Qsave = "k_F6"
Qload = "k_F9"
Screenshot = "k_SYS_RQ"
Finish_demo = "k_Q"
Spy = "k_F12"
Multi_msg = "k_T"
Multi_msg_player_0 = "k_G"
Multi_msg_player_1 = "k_Y"
Multi_msg_player_2 = "k_R"
Multi_msg_player_3 = "k_B"
LX_Binding = STRAFE
LX_Invert = 0
LX_DeadZone = 1
LX_Sensitivity = 1
LY_Binding = MOVE
LY_Invert = 1
LY_DeadZone = 1
LY_Sensitivity = 1
RX_Binding = TURN
RX_Invert = 0
RX_DeadZone = 1
RX_Sensitivity = 1
RY_Binding = VLOOK
RY_Invert = 1
RY_DeadZone = 1
RY_Sensitivity = 1
LT_Binding = NONE
LT_Invert = 0
LT_DeadZone = 1
LT_Sensitivity = 1
RT_Binding = NONE
RT_Invert = 0
RT_DeadZone = 1
RT_Sensitivity = 1
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