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Created August 27, 2013 20:11
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archetypes note patch
import transaction
from copy import deepcopy
from cgi import escape
from cStringIO import StringIO
from logging import ERROR
from types import ClassType, FileType, StringType, UnicodeType
from zope.contenttype import guess_content_type
from zope.i18n import translate
from zope.i18nmessageid import Message
from zope import schema
from zope import component
from zope.interface import implements
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from Acquisition import aq_base
from Acquisition import aq_get
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Acquisition import aq_inner
from ComputedAttribute import ComputedAttribute
from DateTime import DateTime
from DateTime.DateTime import safelocaltime
from DateTime.interfaces import DateTimeError
from ExtensionClass import Base
from OFS.Image import File
from OFS.Image import Pdata
from OFS.Image import Image as BaseImage
from ZPublisher.HTTPRequest import FileUpload
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFCore.utils import _getAuthenticatedUser
from Products.CMFCore import permissions
from Products.Archetypes import PloneMessageFactory as _
from Products.Archetypes.config import REFERENCE_CATALOG
from Products.Archetypes.Layer import DefaultLayerContainer
from import IStorage
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.base import IBaseUnit
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IObjectField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IStringField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import ITextField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IDateTimeField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import ILinesField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IIntegerField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IFloatField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IFileField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IImageField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IFixedPointField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IReferenceField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IComputedField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.field import IBooleanField
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces.layer import ILayerContainer
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IVocabulary
from Products.Archetypes.exceptions import ObjectFieldException
from Products.Archetypes.exceptions import TextFieldException
from Products.Archetypes.exceptions import FileFieldException
from Products.Archetypes.exceptions import ReferenceException
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import BooleanWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import CalendarWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import ComputedWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import DecimalWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import FileWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import ImageWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import IntegerWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import LinesWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import StringWidget
from Products.Archetypes.Widget import ReferenceWidget
from Products.Archetypes.BaseUnit import BaseUnit
from Products.Archetypes.ReferenceEngine import Reference
from Products.Archetypes.log import log
from Products.Archetypes.utils import DisplayList
from Products.Archetypes.utils import Vocabulary
from Products.Archetypes.utils import className
from Products.Archetypes.utils import mapply
from Products.Archetypes.utils import shasattr
from Products.Archetypes.utils import contentDispositionHeader
from Products.Archetypes.mimetype_utils import getAllowedContentTypes as getAllowedContentTypesProperty
from Products.Archetypes import config
from Products.Archetypes.Storage import AttributeStorage
from Products.Archetypes.Storage import ObjectManagedStorage
from Products.Archetypes.Storage import ReadOnlyStorage
from Products.Archetypes.Registry import setSecurity
from Products.Archetypes.Registry import registerField
from Products.Archetypes.Registry import registerPropertyType
from Products.validation import ValidationChain
from Products.validation import UnknowValidatorError
from Products.validation import FalseValidatorError
from Products.validation.interfaces.IValidator import IValidator, IValidationChain
from Products.Archetypes.interfaces import IFieldDefaultProvider
from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID
# Import conditionally, so we don't introduce a hard depdendency
from plone.i18n.normalizer.interfaces import IUserPreferredFileNameNormalizer
except ImportError:
import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
# no PIL, no scaled versions!
log("Warning: no Python Imaging Libraries (PIL) found. "
"Archetypes based ImageField's don't scale if neccessary.")
HAS_PIL = False
HAS_PIL = True
STRING_TYPES = [StringType, UnicodeType]
_marker = []
CHUNK = 1 << 14
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
def encode(value, instance, **kwargs):
"""ensure value is an encoded string"""
if isinstance(value, unicode):
encoding = kwargs.get('encoding')
if encoding is None:
encoding = instance.getCharset()
except AttributeError:
# that occurs during object initialization
# (no acquisition wrapper)
encoding = 'UTF8'
if encoding is None:
encoding = 'UTF8'
value = value.encode(encoding)
return value
def decode(value, instance, **kwargs):
"""ensure value is an unicode string"""
if isinstance(value, str):
encoding = kwargs.get('encoding')
if encoding is None:
encoding = instance.getCharset()
except AttributeError:
# that occurs during object initialization
# (no acquisition wrapper)
encoding = 'UTF8'
if encoding is None:
encoding = 'UTF8'
value = unicode(value, encoding)
return value
_field_count = 0
class Field(DefaultLayerContainer):
Extend `DefaultLayerContainer`.
Implements `IField` and `ILayerContainer` interfaces.
Class security = public with default access = allow.
Class attribute _properties is a dictionary containing all of a
field's property values.
implements(IField, ILayerContainer)
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
_properties = {
'old_field_name': None,
'required': False,
'default': None,
'default_method': None,
'vocabulary': (),
'vocabulary_factory': None,
'enforceVocabulary': False,
'multiValued': False,
'searchable': False,
'isMetadata': False,
'accessor': None,
'edit_accessor': None,
'mutator': None,
'mode': 'rw',
'read_permission': permissions.View,
'write_permission': permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
'storage': AttributeStorage(),
'generateMode': 'veVc',
'force': '',
'type': None,
'widget': StringWidget,
'validators': (),
'index': None, # "KeywordIndex" or "<index_type>:schema"
'index_method': '_at_accessor', # method used for the index
# _at_accessor an _at_edit_accessor
# are the accessor and edit accessor
'schemata': 'default',
'languageIndependent': False,
def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs):
Assign name to __name__. Add properties and passed-in
keyword args to __dict__. Validate assigned validator(s).
if name is None:
global _field_count
_field_count += 1
name = 'field.%s' % _field_count
self.__name__ = name
def copy(self, name=None):
Return a copy of field instance, consisting of field name and
properties dictionary. field name can be changed to given name.
cdict = dict(vars(self))
# Widget must be copied separatedly
widget = cdict['widget']
del cdict['widget']
properties = deepcopy(cdict)
properties['widget'] = widget.copy()
name = name is not None and name or self.getName()
return self.__class__(name, **properties)
def __repr__(self):
Return a string representation consisting of name, type and permissions.
return "<Field %s(%s:%s)>" % (self.getName(), self.type, self.mode)
def _widgetLayer(self):
instantiate the widget if a class was given and call
if shasattr(self, 'widget'):
if type(self.widget) in (ClassType, type(Base)):
self.widget = self.widget()
def _validationLayer(self):
Resolve that each validator is in the service. If validator is
not, log a warning.
We could replace strings with class refs and keep things impl
the ivalidator in the list.
Note: this is not compat with aq_ things like scripts with __call__
chainname = 'Validator_%s' % self.getName()
if isinstance(self.validators, dict):
raise NotImplementedError, 'Please use the new syntax with validation chains'
elif IValidationChain.providedBy(self.validators):
validators = self.validators
elif IValidator.providedBy(self.validators):
validators = ValidationChain(chainname, validators=self.validators)
elif isinstance(self.validators, (tuple, list, basestring)):
if len(self.validators):
# got a non empty list or string - create a chain
validators = ValidationChain(chainname, validators=self.validators)
except (UnknowValidatorError, FalseValidatorError), msg:
log("WARNING: Disabling validation for %s: %s" % (self.getName(), msg))
validators = ()
validators = ()
log('WARNING: Unknow validation %s. Disabling!' % self.validators)
validators = ()
if not self.required:
if validators == ():
validators = ValidationChain(chainname)
if len(validators):
# insert isEmpty validator at position 0 if first validator
# is not isEmpty
if not validators[0][0].name.startswith('isEmpty'):
self.validators = validators
def validate(self, value, instance, errors=None, **kwargs):
Validate passed-in value using all field validators.
Return None if all validations pass; otherwise, return failed
result returned by validator
if errors is None:
errors = {}
name = self.getName()
if errors and name in errors:
return True
if self.required:
res = self.validate_required(instance, value, errors)
if res is not None:
return res
if self.enforceVocabulary:
res = self.validate_vocabulary(instance, value, errors)
if res is not None:
return res
if getattr(self, 'allowable_content_types', None):
res = self.validate_content_types(instance, value, errors)
if res is not None:
return res
res = instance.validate_field(name, value, errors)
if res is not None:
return res
if self.validators:
res = self.validate_validators(value, instance, errors, **kwargs)
if res is not True:
return res
# all ok
return None
def validate_validators(self, value, instance, errors, **kwargs):
if self.validators:
result = self.validators(value, instance=instance, errors=errors,
field=self, **kwargs)
result = True
if result is not True:
return result
def validate_required(self, instance, value, errors):
if not value:
request = aq_get(instance, 'REQUEST')
label = self.widget.Label(instance)
name = self.getName()
if isinstance(label, Message):
label = translate(label, context=request)
error = _(u'error_required',
default=u'${name} is required, please correct.',
mapping={'name': label})
error = translate(error, context=request)
errors[name] = error
return error
return None
def validate_vocabulary(self, instance, value, errors):
"""Make sure value is inside the allowed values
for a given vocabulary"""
badvalues = []
if value:
# coerce value into a list called values
values = value
if isinstance(value, basestring):
values = [value]
elif isinstance(value, bool):
values = [str(value)]
elif not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError("Field value type error: %s" % type(value))
vocab = self.Vocabulary(instance)
# filter empty
values = [instance.unicodeEncode(v)
for v in values if v.strip()]
# extract valid values from vocabulary
valids = []
for v in vocab:
if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
v = v[0]
if not isinstance(v, basestring):
v = str(v)
# check field values
badvalues = [val for val in values if not val in valids]
error = None
if badvalues:
request = aq_get(instance, 'REQUEST')
label = self.widget.Label(instance)
if isinstance(label, Message):
label = translate(label, context=request)
if isinstance(val, Message):
val = translate(val, context=request)
error = _(u'error_vocabulary',
default=u'Values ${val} are not allowed for vocabulary of element ${label}.',
mapping={'val': unicode(badvalues), 'label': label})
error = translate(error, context=request)
errors[self.getName()] = error
return error
def validate_content_types(self, instance, value, errors):
"""make sure the value's content-type is allowed"""
if value in ("DELETE_IMAGE", "DELETE_FILE", None, ''):
return None
# cannot be imported
# at startup due to circular imports
from import BlobWrapper
body = ''
if isinstance(value, FileType):
tell = value.tell()
body =
elif isinstance(value, StringType):
body = value
elif isinstance(value, BlobWrapper):
body =
if isinstance(value, (FileType, BlobWrapper)) and body in (None, ''):
return None
mtr = getToolByName(instance, 'mimetypes_registry', None)
if mtr is not None:
orig_filename = getattr(value, 'filename',
getattr(value, 'name', ''))
kw = dict(mimetype=None,
d, f, mimetype = mtr(body[:8096], **kw)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
d, f, mimetype = mtr(len(body) < 8096 and body or '', **kw)
mimetype, enc = guess_content_type(
value.filename,, None)
mimetype = str(mimetype).split(';')[0].strip()
if mimetype not in self.allowable_content_types:
request = aq_get(instance, 'REQUEST')
label = self.widget.Label(instance)
name = self.getName()
if isinstance(label, Message):
label = translate(label, context=request)
error = _(u'error_allowable_content_types',
default=u'Mimetype ${mimetype} is not allowed '
'on ${name}, please correct.',
'mimetype': mimetype,
'name': label
error = translate(error, context=request)
errors[name] = error
return error
return None
def Vocabulary(self, content_instance=None):
Returns a DisplayList.
Uses self.vocabulary as source.
1) Static vocabulary
- is already a DisplayList
- is a list of 2-tuples with strings (see above)
- is a list of strings (in this case a DisplayList
with key=value will be created)
2) Dynamic vocabulary:
- precondition: a content_instance is given.
- has to return a:
* DisplayList or
* list of strings or
* list of 2-tuples with strings:
'[("key1","value 1"),("key 2","value 2"),]'
- the output is postprocessed like a static vocabulary.
- vocabulary is a string:
if a method with the name of the string exists it will be called
- vocabulary is a class implementing IVocabulary:
the "getDisplayList" method of the class will be called.
3) Zope 3 vocabulary factory vocabulary
- precondition: a content_instance is given
- self.vocabulary_factory is given
- a named utility providing zope.schema.interfaces.IVocbularyFactory
exists for the name self.vocabulary_factory.
value = self.vocabulary
# Attempt to get the value from a a vocabulary factory if one was given
# and no explicit vocabulary was set
if not isinstance(value, DisplayList) and not value:
factory_name = getattr(self, 'vocabulary_factory', None)
if factory_name is not None:
factory = component.getUtility(schema.interfaces.IVocabularyFactory, name=factory_name)
factory_context = content_instance
if factory_context is None:
factory_context = self
value = DisplayList([(t.value, t.title or t.token) for t in factory(factory_context)])
if not isinstance(value, DisplayList):
if content_instance is not None and isinstance(value, basestring):
# Dynamic vocabulary by method on class of content_instance
method = getattr(content_instance, value, None)
if method and callable(method):
args = []
kw = {'content_instance': content_instance,
'field': self}
value = mapply(method, *args, **kw)
elif content_instance is not None and \
# Dynamic vocabulary provided by a class that
# implements IVocabulary
value = value.getDisplayList(content_instance)
# Post process value into a DisplayList
# Templates will use this interface
sample = value[:1]
if isinstance(sample, DisplayList):
# Do nothing, the bomb is already set up
elif isinstance(sample, (list, tuple)):
# Assume we have ((value, display), ...)
# and if not ('', '', '', ...)
if sample and not isinstance((sample[0]), (list, tuple)):
# if not a 2-tuple
value = zip(value, value)
value = DisplayList(value)
elif len(sample) and isinstance(sample[0], basestring):
value = DisplayList(zip(value, value))
log('Unhandled type in Vocab: %s' % value)
if content_instance:
# Translate vocabulary
i18n_domain = (getattr(self, 'i18n_domain', None) or
getattr(self.widget, 'i18n_domain', None))
return Vocabulary(value, content_instance, i18n_domain)
return value
def checkPermission(self, mode, instance):
Check whether the security context allows the given permission on
the given object.
mode -- 'w' for write or 'r' for read
instance -- The object being accessed according to the permission
if mode in ('w', 'write', 'edit', 'set'):
perm = self.write_permission
elif mode in ('r', 'read', 'view', 'get'):
perm = self.read_permission
return None
return getSecurityManager().checkPermission(perm, instance)
def writeable(self, instance, debug=False):
if 'w' not in self.mode:
if debug:
log("Tried to update %s:%s but field is not writeable." % \
(instance.portal_type, self.getName()))
return False
method = self.getMutator(instance)
if not method:
if debug:
log("No method %s on %s." % (self.mutator, instance))
return False
if not self.checkPermission('edit', instance):
if debug:
log("User %s tried to update %s:%s but "
"doesn't have enough permissions." %
instance.portal_type, self.getName()))
return False
return True
def checkExternalEditor(self, instance):
""" Checks if the user may edit this field and if
external editor is enabled on this instance """
pp = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_properties')
sp = getattr(pp, 'site_properties', None)
if sp is not None:
if getattr(sp, 'ext_editor', None) \
and self.checkPermission(mode='edit', instance=instance):
return True
return None
def getWidgetName(self):
"""Return the widget name that is configured for this field as
a string"""
return self.widget.getName()
def getName(self):
"""Return the name of this field as a string"""
return self.__name__
def getType(self):
"""Return the type of this field as a string"""
return className(self)
def getDefault(self, instance):
"""Return the default value to be used for initializing this
dm = self.default_method
if dm:
if isinstance(dm, basestring) and shasattr(instance, dm):
method = getattr(instance, dm)
return method()
elif callable(dm):
return dm()
raise ValueError('%s.default_method is neither a method of %s'
' nor a callable' % (self.getName(),
if not self.default:
default_adapter = component.queryAdapter(instance, IFieldDefaultProvider, name=self.__name__)
if default_adapter is not None:
return default_adapter()
return self.default
def getAccessor(self, instance):
"""Return the accessor method for getting data out of this
if self.accessor:
return getattr(instance, self.accessor, None)
return None
def getEditAccessor(self, instance):
"""Return the accessor method for getting raw data out of this
field e.g.: for editing
if self.edit_accessor:
return getattr(instance, self.edit_accessor, None)
return None
def getMutator(self, instance):
"""Return the mutator method used for changing the value
of this field"""
if self.mutator:
return getattr(instance, self.mutator, None)
return None
def getIndexAccessor(self, instance):
"""Return the index accessor, i.e. the getter for an indexable
return getattr(instance, self.getIndexAccessorName())
def getIndexAccessorName(self):
"""Return the index accessor's name defined by the
'index_method' field property."""
if not hasattr(self, 'index_method'):
return self.accessor
elif self.index_method == '_at_accessor':
return self.accessor
elif self.index_method == '_at_edit_accessor':
return self.edit_accessor or self.accessor
# If index_method is not a string, we raise ValueError (this
# is actually tested for in test_extensions_utils):
elif not isinstance(self.index_method, (str, unicode)):
raise ValueError("Bad index accessor value : %r"
% self.index_method)
return self.index_method
def toString(self):
"""Utility method for converting a Field to a string for the
purpose of comparing fields. This comparison is used for
determining whether a schema has changed in the auto update
function. Right now it's pretty crude."""
# TODO fixme
s = '%s(%s): {' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__name__)
sorted_keys = self._properties.keys()
for k in sorted_keys:
value = getattr(self, k, self._properties[k])
if k == 'widget':
value = value.__class__.__name__
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = value.encode('utf-8')
s = s + '%s:%s,' % (k, value)
s = s + '}'
return s
def isLanguageIndependent(self, instance):
"""Get the language independed flag for i18n content
return self.languageIndependent
def getI18nDomain(self):
""" returns the internationalization domain for translation """
class ObjectField(Field):
"""Base Class for Field objects that fundamentaly deal with raw
data. This layer implements the interface to IStorage and other
Field Types should subclass this to delegate through the storage
implements(IObjectField, ILayerContainer)
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'object',
'default_content_type': 'application/octet-stream',
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
__traceback_info__ = (self.getName(), instance, kwargs)
kwargs['field'] = self
return self.getStorage(instance).get(self.getName(), instance, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# happens if new Atts are added and not yet stored in the instance
# @@ and at every other possible occurence of an AttributeError?!!
default = self.getDefault(instance)
if not kwargs.get('_initializing_', False):
note = "'%s' field missing value on instance "
"'%s'; setting default value." %
self.set(instance, default, _initializing_=True, **kwargs)
return default
def getRaw(self, instance, **kwargs):
if self.accessor is not None:
accessor = self.getAccessor(instance)
# self.accessor is None for fields wrapped by an I18NMixIn
accessor = None
kwargs.update({'field': self,
'encoding': kwargs.get('encoding', None),
if accessor is None:
args = [instance]
return mapply(self.get, *args, **kwargs)
return mapply(accessor, **kwargs)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
kwargs['field'] = self
kwargs['mimetype'] = kwargs.get('mimetype', getattr(self, 'default_content_type', 'application/octet-stream'))
# Remove acquisition wrappers
value = aq_base(value)
__traceback_info__ = (self.getName(), instance, value, kwargs)
self.getStorage(instance).set(self.getName(), instance, value, **kwargs)
def unset(self, instance, **kwargs):
#kwargs['field'] = self
__traceback_info__ = (self.getName(), instance, kwargs)
self.getStorage(instance).unset(self.getName(), instance, **kwargs)
def setStorage(self, instance, storage):
if not IStorage.providedBy(storage):
raise ObjectFieldException, "Not a valid Storage method"
# raw=1 is required for TextField
value = self.get(instance, raw=True)
self.unset(instance) = storage
if shasattr(, 'initializeInstance'):
self.set(instance, value)
def getStorage(self, instance=None):
def getStorageName(self, instance=None):
"""Return the storage name that is configured for this field
as a string"""
return self.getStorage(instance).getName()
def getStorageType(self, instance=None):
"""Return the type of the storage of this field as a string"""
return className(self.getStorage(instance))
def setContentType(self, instance, value):
"""Set mimetype in the base unit.
def getContentType(self, instance, fromBaseUnit=True):
"""Return the mime type of object if known or can be guessed;
otherwise, return default_content_type value or fallback to
value = ''
if fromBaseUnit and shasattr(self, 'getBaseUnit'):
bu = self.getBaseUnit(instance)
if IBaseUnit.providedBy(bu):
return str(bu.getContentType())
raw = self.getRaw(instance)
mimetype = getattr(aq_base(raw), 'mimetype', None)
# some instances like OFS.Image have a getContentType method
if mimetype is None:
getCT = getattr(raw, 'getContentType', None)
if callable(getCT):
mimetype = getCT()
# try to guess
# guess_content_type can only handly ordinary strings, not unicode strings.
# recode in utf-8 if the binary(!) content is handed over to it.
if type(raw) == type(u'unicode'):
raw = raw.encode('utf-8')
if mimetype is None:
mimetype, enc = guess_content_type('', str(raw), None)
# mimetype may be an mimetype object
mimetype = str(mimetype)
# failed
if mimetype is None:
mimetype = getattr(self, 'default_content_type',
return mimetype
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
Should be overwritte by special fields like FileField. It's safe for
fields which are storing strings, ints and BaseUnits but it won't return
the right results for fields containing OFS.Image.File instances or
data = self.getRaw(instance)
return len(data)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
return len(str(data))
class StringField(ObjectField):
"""A field that stores strings"""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'string',
'default': '',
'default_content_type': 'text/plain',
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
value = ObjectField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
if getattr(self, 'raw', False):
return value
return encode(value, instance, **kwargs)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
kwargs['field'] = self
# Remove acquisition wrappers
if not getattr(self, 'raw', False):
value = decode(aq_base(value), instance, **kwargs)
self.getStorage(instance).set(self.getName(), instance, value, **kwargs)
class FileField(ObjectField):
"""Something that may be a file, but is not an image and doesn't
want text format conversion"""
implements(IFileField, ILayerContainer)
_properties = ObjectField._properties.copy()
'type': 'file',
'default': '',
'primary': False,
'widget': FileWidget,
'content_class': File,
'default_content_type': 'application/octet-stream',
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def setContentType(self, instance, value):
"""Set mimetype in the base unit.
file = self.get(instance)
# file might be None or an empty string
setattr(file, 'content_type', value)
except AttributeError:
self.set(instance, file)
def getContentType(self, instance, fromBaseUnit=True):
file = self.get(instance)
return getattr(file, 'content_type', self.default_content_type)
def _process_input(self, value, file=None, default=None, mimetype=None,
instance=None, filename='', **kwargs):
if file is None:
file = self._make_file(self.getName(), title='',
file='', instance=instance)
if IBaseUnit.providedBy(value):
mimetype = value.getContentType() or mimetype
filename = value.getFilename() or filename
value = value.getRaw()
elif isinstance(value, self.content_class):
filename = getattr(value, 'filename', value.getId())
mimetype = getattr(value, 'content_type', mimetype)
return value, mimetype, filename
elif isinstance(value, File):
# In case someone changes the 'content_class'
filename = getattr(value, 'filename', value.getId())
mimetype = getattr(value, 'content_type', mimetype)
value =
elif isinstance(value, FileUpload) or shasattr(value, 'filename'):
filename = value.filename
elif isinstance(value, FileType) or shasattr(value, 'name'):
# In this case, give preference to a filename that has
# been detected before. Usually happens when coming from PUT().
if not filename:
filename =
# Should we really special case here?
for v in (filename, repr(value)):
# Windows unnamed temporary file has '<fdopen>' in
# repr() and full path in ''
if '<fdopen>' in v:
filename = ''
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
# Let it go, mimetypes_registry will be used below if available
elif (isinstance(value, Pdata) or (shasattr(value, 'read') and
shasattr(value, 'seek'))):
# Can't get filename from those.
elif value is None:
# Special case for setDefault
value = ''
klass = getattr(value, '__class__', None)
raise FileFieldException('Value is not File or String (%s - %s)' %
(type(value), klass))
filename = filename[max(filename.rfind('/'),
filename.rfind(':')) + 1:]
if mimetype is None or mimetype == 'text/x-unknown-content-type':
body =
if not isinstance(body, basestring):
body =
mtr = getToolByName(instance, 'mimetypes_registry', None)
if mtr is not None:
kw = {'mimetype': None,
'filename': filename}
# this may split the encoded file inside a multibyte character
d, f, mimetype = mtr(body[:8096], **kw)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
d, f, mimetype = mtr(len(body) < 8096 and body or '', **kw)
mimetype = getattr(file, 'content_type', None)
if mimetype is None:
mimetype, enc = guess_content_type(filename, body, mimetype)
# mimetype, if coming from request can be like:
# text/plain; charset='utf-8'
mimetype = str(mimetype).split(';')[0].strip()
setattr(file, 'content_type', mimetype)
setattr(file, 'filename', filename)
return file, mimetype, filename
def _migrate_old(self, value, default=None, mimetype=None, **kwargs):
filename = kwargs.get('filename', '')
if isinstance(value, basestring):
filename = kwargs.get('filename', '')
if mimetype is None:
mimetype, enc = guess_content_type(filename, value, mimetype)
if not value:
return default, mimetype, filename
return value, mimetype, filename
elif IBaseUnit.providedBy(value):
return value.getRaw(), value.getContentType(), value.getFilename()
value = aq_base(value)
if isinstance(value, File):
# OFS.Image.File based
filename = getattr(value, 'filename', value.getId())
mimetype = value.content_type
data =
if len(data) == 0:
return default, mimetype, filename
return data, mimetype, filename
return '', mimetype, filename
def _make_file(self, id, title='', file='', instance=None):
"""File content factory"""
return self.content_class(id, title, file)
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
value = ObjectField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
if value and not isinstance(value, self.content_class):
value = self._wrapValue(instance, value)
if (shasattr(value, '__of__', acquire=True)
and not kwargs.get('unwrapped', False)):
return value.__of__(instance)
return value
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
Assign input value to object. If mimetype is not specified,
pass to processing method without one and add mimetype returned
to kwargs. Assign kwargs to instance.
if value == "DELETE_FILE":
if shasattr(instance, '_FileField_types'):
delattr(aq_base(instance), '_FileField_types')
ObjectField.unset(self, instance, **kwargs)
if 'mimetype' not in kwargs:
kwargs['mimetype'] = None
kwargs['default'] = self.getDefault(instance)
initializing = kwargs.get('_initializing_', False)
if not initializing:
file = self.get(instance, raw=True, unwrapped=True)
file = None
factory = self.content_class
if not initializing and not isinstance(file, factory):
# Convert to same type as factory
# This is here mostly for backwards compatibility
v, m, f = self._migrate_old(file, **kwargs)
kwargs['mimetype'] = m
kwargs['filename'] = f
obj = self._wrapValue(instance, v, **kwargs)
# Store so the object gets a _p_jar,
# if we are using a persistent storage, that is.
ObjectField.set(self, instance, obj, **kwargs)
file = self.get(instance, raw=True, unwrapped=True)
# Should be same as factory now, but if it isn't, that's
# very likely a bug either in the storage implementation
# or on the field implementation.
value, mimetype, filename = self._process_input(value, file=file,
kwargs['mimetype'] = mimetype
kwargs['filename'] = filename
# remove ugly hack
if shasattr(instance, '_FileField_types'):
del instance._FileField_types
if value is None:
# do not send None back as file value if we get a default (None)
# value back from _process_input. This prevents
# a hard error (NoneType object has no attribute 'seek') from
# occurring if someone types in a bogus name in a file upload
# box (at least under Mozilla).
value = ''
obj = self._wrapValue(instance, value, **kwargs)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, obj, **kwargs)
def _wrapValue(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
"""Wraps the value in the content class if it's not wrapped
if isinstance(value, self.content_class):
return value
mimetype = kwargs.get('mimetype', self.default_content_type)
filename = kwargs.get('filename', '')
obj = self._make_file(self.getName(), title='',
file=value, instance=instance)
setattr(obj, 'filename', filename)
if IBaseUnit.providedBy(obj):
if mimetype:
obj.setContentType(instance, mimetype)
setattr(obj, 'content_type', mimetype)
setattr(obj, 'content_type', mimetype)
delattr(obj, 'title')
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return obj
def getBaseUnit(self, instance, full=False):
"""Return the value of the field wrapped in a base unit object
filename = self.getFilename(instance, fromBaseUnit=False)
if not filename:
filename = '' # self.getName()
mimetype = self.getContentType(instance, fromBaseUnit=False)
value = self.getRaw(instance) or self.getDefault(instance)
if isinstance(aq_base(value), File):
value =
if full:
# This will read the whole file in memory, which is
# very expensive specially with big files over
# ZEO. With small files is not that much of an issue.
value = str(value)
elif not isinstance(value, basestring):
# It's a Pdata object, get only the first chunk, which
# should be good enough for detecting the mimetype
value =
bu = BaseUnit(filename, aq_base(value), instance,
filename=filename, mimetype=mimetype)
return bu
def getFilename(self, instance, fromBaseUnit=True):
"""Get file name of underlaying file object
filename = None
if fromBaseUnit:
bu = self.getBaseUnit(instance)
return bu.getFilename()
raw = self.getRaw(instance)
filename = getattr(aq_base(raw), 'filename', None)
# for OFS.Image.*
if filename is None:
filename = getattr(raw, 'filename', None)
# might still be None
if filename:
# taking care of stupid IE and be backward compatible
# BaseUnit hasn't have a fix for long so we might have an old name
filename = filename.split("\\")[-1]
return filename
def setFilename(self, instance, filename):
"""Set file name in the base unit.
bu = self.getBaseUnit(instance, full=True)
self.set(instance, bu)
def validate_required(self, instance, value, errors):
value = getattr(value, 'get_size', lambda: value and str(value))()
return ObjectField.validate_required(self, instance, value, errors)
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'download')
def download(self, instance, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, no_output=False):
"""Kicks download.
Writes data including file name and content type to RESPONSE
file = self.get(instance, raw=True)
if not REQUEST:
REQUEST = aq_get(instance, 'REQUEST')
if not RESPONSE:
filename = self.getFilename(instance)
if filename is not None:
filename = IUserPreferredFileNameNormalizer(REQUEST).normalize(
unicode(filename, instance.getCharset()))
filename = unicode(filename, instance.getCharset())
header_value = contentDispositionHeader(
RESPONSE.setHeader("Content-Disposition", header_value)
if no_output:
return file
return file.index_html(REQUEST, RESPONSE)
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
file = self.get(instance)
if isinstance(file, self.content_class):
return file.get_size()
# Backwards compatibility
return len(str(file))
def getIndexAccessor(self, instance):
name = self.getIndexAccessorName()
if name in (self.edit_accessor, self.accessor):
return lambda: self.getIndexable(instance)
return ObjectField.getIndexAccessor(self, instance)
def getIndexable(self, instance):
# XXX Naive implementation that loads all data contents into
# memory. To have this not happening set your field to not
# 'searchable' (the default) or define your own 'index_method'
# property.
orig_mt = self.getContentType(instance)
# If there's no path to text/plain, don't do anything
transforms = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_transforms')
if transforms._findPath(orig_mt, 'text/plain') is None:
return ''
f = self.get(instance)
datastream = ''
datastream = transforms.convertTo(
filename=self.getFilename(instance, 0),
except (ConflictError, KeyboardInterrupt):
except Exception, e:
log("Error while trying to convert file contents to 'text/plain' "
"in %r.getIndexable() of %r: %s" % (self, instance, e))
value = str(datastream)
return value
class TextField(FileField):
"""Base Class for Field objects that rely on some type of
_properties = FileField._properties.copy()
'type': 'text',
'default': '',
'widget': StringWidget,
'default_content_type': None,
'default_output_type': 'text/plain',
'allowable_content_types': None,
'primary': False,
'content_class': BaseUnit,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def defaultView(self):
return self.default_output_type
def setContentType(self, instance, value):
"""Set mimetype in the base unit.
bu = self.get(instance, raw=True)
if shasattr(bu, 'setContentType'):
bu.setContentType(instance, value)
self.set(instance, bu)
log('Did not get a BaseUnit to set the content type',
getContentType = ObjectField.getContentType.im_func
def getAllowedContentTypes(self, instance):
""" returns the list of allowed content types for this field.
If the fields schema doesn't define any, the site's default
values are returned.
act_attribute = getattr(self, 'allowable_content_types', None)
if act_attribute is None:
return getAllowedContentTypesProperty(instance)
return act_attribute
def _make_file(self, id, title='', file='', instance=None):
return self.content_class(id, file=file, instance=instance)
def _process_input(self, value, file=None, default=None,
mimetype=None, instance=None, **kwargs):
if file is None:
file = self._make_file(self.getName(), title='',
file='', instance=instance)
filename = kwargs.get('filename', None)
body = None
if IBaseUnit.providedBy(value):
mimetype = value.getContentType() or mimetype
filename = value.getFilename() or filename
return value, mimetype, filename
elif isinstance(value, self.content_class):
filename = getattr(value, 'filename', value.getId())
mimetype = getattr(value, 'content_type', mimetype)
return value, mimetype, filename
elif isinstance(value, File):
# In case someone changes the 'content_class'
filename = getattr(value, 'filename', value.getId())
mimetype = getattr(value, 'content_type', mimetype)
value =
elif isinstance(value, FileUpload) or shasattr(value, 'filename'):
filename = value.filename
# TODO Should be fixed eventually
body =
elif isinstance(value, FileType) or shasattr(value, 'name'):
# In this case, give preference to a filename that has
# been detected before. Usually happens when coming from PUT().
if not filename:
filename =
# Should we really special case here?
for v in (filename, repr(value)):
# Windows unnamed temporary file has '<fdopen>' in
# repr() and full path in ''
if '<fdopen>' in v:
filename = ''
# TODO Should be fixed eventually
body =
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
# Let it go, mimetypes_registry will be used below if available
elif isinstance(value, Pdata):
elif shasattr(value, 'read') and shasattr(value, 'seek'):
# Can't get filename from those.
body =
elif value is None:
# Special case for setDefault.
value = ''
klass = getattr(value, '__class__', None)
raise TextFieldException('Value is not File or String (%s - %s)' %
(type(value), klass))
if isinstance(value, Pdata):
# TODO Should be fixed eventually
value = str(value)
if isinstance(filename, basestring):
filename = filename[max(filename.rfind('/'),
) + 1:]
if mimetype is None or mimetype == 'text/x-unknown-content-type':
if body is None:
body = value[:CHUNK]
mtr = getToolByName(instance, 'mimetypes_registry', None)
if mtr is not None:
kw = {'mimetype': None,
'filename': filename}
d, f, mimetype = mtr(body, **kw)
mimetype, enc = guess_content_type(filename, body, mimetype)
# mimetype, if coming from request can be like:
# text/plain; charset='utf-8'
mimetype = str(mimetype).split(';')[0]
file.update(value, instance, mimetype=mimetype, **kwargs)
file.setContentType(instance, mimetype)
return file, str(file.getContentType()), file.getFilename()
def getRaw(self, instance, raw=False, **kwargs):
If raw, return the base unit object, else return encoded raw data
value = self.get(instance, raw=True, **kwargs)
if raw or not IBaseUnit.providedBy(value):
return value
kw = {'encoding': kwargs.get('encoding'),
'instance': instance}
args = []
return mapply(value.getRaw, *args, **kw)
def get(self, instance, mimetype=None, raw=False, **kwargs):
""" If raw, return the base unit object, else return value of
object transformed into requested mime type.
If no requested type, then return value in default type. If raw
format is specified, try to transform data into the default output type
or to plain text.
If we are unable to transform data, return an empty string. """
kwargs['field'] = self
storage = self.getStorage(instance)
value = storage.get(self.getName(), instance, **kwargs)
if not IBaseUnit.providedBy(value):
value = self._wrapValue(instance, value)
except AttributeError:
# happens if new Atts are added and not yet stored in the instance
if not kwargs.get('_initializing_', False):
note = "'%s' field missing value on instance "
"'%s'; setting default value." %
self.set(instance, self.getDefault(instance),
_initializing_=True, **kwargs)
value = self._wrapValue(instance, self.getDefault(instance))
if raw:
return value
if mimetype is None:
mimetype = self.default_output_type or 'text/plain'
if not shasattr(value, 'transform'): # oldBaseUnits have no transform
return str(value)
data = value.transform(instance, mimetype,
encoding=kwargs.get('encoding', None))
if not data and mimetype != 'text/plain':
data = value.transform(instance, 'text/plain',
encoding=kwargs.get('encoding', None))
return data or ''
def getBaseUnit(self, instance, full=False):
"""Return the value of the field wrapped in a base unit object
return self.get(instance, raw=True)
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
return len(self.getBaseUnit(instance))
class DateTimeField(ObjectField):
"""A field that stores dates and times"""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'datetime',
'widget': CalendarWidget,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def validate_required(self, instance, value, errors):
except DateTimeError:
result = False
# None is a valid DateTime input, but does not validate for
# required.
result = value is not None
return ObjectField.validate_required(self, instance, result, errors)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
Check if value is an actual date/time value. If not, attempt
to convert it to one; otherwise, set to None. Assign all
properties passed as kwargs to object.
if not value:
value = None
elif not isinstance(value, DateTime):
value = DateTime(value)
if value.timezoneNaive():
# Use local timezone for tz naive strings
# see
zone = value.localZone(safelocaltime(value.timeTime()))
parts =[:-1] + (zone,)
value = DateTime(*parts)
except DateTimeError:
value = None
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
class LinesField(ObjectField):
"""For creating lines objects"""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'lines',
'default': (),
'widget': LinesWidget,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
If passed-in value is a string, split at line breaks and
remove leading and trailing white space before storing in object
with rest of properties.
__traceback_info__ = value, type(value)
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.split('\n')
value = [decode(v.strip(), instance, **kwargs)
for v in value if v and v.strip()]
value = tuple(value)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
value = ObjectField.get(self, instance, **kwargs) or ()
data = [encode(v, instance, **kwargs) for v in value]
return tuple(data)
return data
def getRaw(self, instance, **kwargs):
return self.get(instance, **kwargs)
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
size = 0
for line in self.get(instance):
size += len(str(line))
return size
class IntegerField(ObjectField):
"""A field that stores an integer"""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'integer',
'size': '10',
'widget': IntegerWidget,
'default': None,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def validate_required(self, instance, value, errors):
except (ValueError, TypeError):
result = False
result = True
return ObjectField.validate_required(self, instance, result, errors)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
if value == '':
value = None
elif value is not None:
# should really blow if value is not valid
__traceback_info__ = (self.getName(), instance, value, kwargs)
value = int(value)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
class FloatField(ObjectField):
"""A field that stores floats"""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'float',
'default': None
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def validate_required(self, instance, value, errors):
except (ValueError, TypeError):
result = False
result = True
return ObjectField.validate_required(self, instance, result, errors)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
"""Convert passed-in value to a float. If failure, set value to
if value == '':
value = None
elif value is not None:
# should really blow if value is not valid
__traceback_info__ = (self.getName(), instance, value, kwargs)
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.replace(',', '.')
value = float(value)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
class FixedPointField(ObjectField):
"""A field for storing numerical data with fixed points
Test for fix for Plone issue #9414: '0' and '0.0' should count as values
when validating required fields. (A return value of None means validation
>>> f = FixedPointField()
>>> f.validate_required(None, '0', [])
>>> f.validate_required(None, '0.0', [])
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'fixedpoint',
'precision': 2,
'default': None,
'widget': DecimalWidget,
'validators': ('isDecimal'),
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def _to_tuple(self, instance, value):
"""Turn the value into a tuple that we will store.
We will test some inputs.
>>> f = FixedPointField()
>>> instance = object()
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '0')
(0, 0)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '1.0')
(1, 0)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '-1.0')
(-1, 0)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '0.5')
(0, 50)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, None)
Negative numbers between -1 and -0 need to be handled
differently as there is no difference between +0 and -0.
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '-0.5')
(0, -50)
Commas are accepted too:
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '1,23')
(1, 23)
You can also start with a dot or comma:
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '.23')
(0, 23)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, ',23')
(0, 23)
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '-.23')
(0, -23)
Now for some precision:
>>> f._to_tuple(instance, '1,2345')
(1, 23)
>>> g = FixedPointField(precision=4)
>>> g._to_tuple(instance, '1,2345')
(1, 2345)
>>> g._to_tuple(instance, '10')
(10, 0)
>>> g._to_tuple(instance, '9.0001')
(9, 1)
if not value:
value = self.getDefault(instance)
if value is None:
return value
# XXX :-(
# Decimal Point is very english. as a first hack
# we should allow also the more contintental european comma.
# The clean solution is to lookup:
# * the locale settings of the zope-server, Plone, logged in user
# * maybe the locale of the browser sending the value.
# same should happen with the output.
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.replace(',', '.')
value = value.split('.')
__traceback_info__ = (self, value)
if len(value) < 2:
value = (int(value[0]), 0)
fra = value[1][:self.precision]
fra += '0' * (self.precision - len(fra))
# Handle leading comma e.g. .36
if value[0] == '' or value[0] == '-':
value[0] += '0'
front = int(value[0])
fra = int(fra)
# Handle values between -1 and 0.
if front == 0 and value[0].startswith('-'):
fra = -1 * fra
value = (front, fra)
return value
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
value = self._to_tuple(instance, value)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
template = '%%s%%d.%%0%dd' % self.precision
value = ObjectField.get(self, instance, **kwargs)
__traceback_info__ = (template, value)
if value is None:
return self.getDefault(instance)
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = self._to_tuple(instance, value)
front, fra = value
sign = ''
# Numbers between -1 and 0 are store with a negative fraction.
if fra < 0:
sign = '-'
fra = abs(fra)
return template % (sign, front, fra)
class ReferenceField(ObjectField):
"""A field for creating references between objects.
get() returns the list of objects referenced under the relationship
set() converts a list of target UIDs into references under the
relationship associated with this field.
If no vocabulary is provided by you, one will be assembled based on
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'reference',
'default': None,
'widget': ReferenceWidget,
'relationship': None, # required
'allowed_types': (), # a tuple of portal types, empty means allow all
'allowed_types_method': None,
'vocabulary_display_path_bound': 5, # if len(vocabulary) > 5, we'll
# display path as well
'vocabulary_custom_label': None, # e.g. "b.getObject().title_or_id()".
# if given, this will
# override display_path_bound
'referenceClass': Reference,
'referenceReferences': False,
'keepReferencesOnCopy': False,
'referencesSortable': False,
'callStorageOnSet': False,
'index_method': '_at_edit_accessor',
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
referencesSortable = False
def get(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
"""get() returns the list of objects referenced under the relationship
res = instance.getRefs(relationship=self.relationship)
# singlevalued ref fields return only the object, not a list,
# unless explicitely specified by the aslist option
if not self.multiValued:
if len(res) > 1:
log("%s references for non multivalued field %s of %s" % (len(res),
if not aslist:
if res:
res = res[0]
res = None
if not self.referencesSortable or not hasattr(aq_base(instance), 'at_ordered_refs'):
return res
rd = {}
[rd.__setitem__(IUUID(r, None), r) for r in res]
refs = instance.at_ordered_refs
order = refs.get(self.relationship)
if order is None:
return res
return [rd[uid] for uid in order if uid in rd.keys()]
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
``value`` is a either a list of UIDs or one UID string, or a
list of objects or one object to which I will add a reference
to. None and [] are equal.
>>> for node in range(3):
... _ = self.folder.invokeFactory('Refnode', 'n%s' % node)
Use set with a list of objects:
>>> nodes = self.folder.n0, self.folder.n1, self.folder.n2
>>> nodes[0].setLinks(nodes[1:])
>>> nodes[0].getLinks()
[<Refnode...>, <Refnode...>]
Use it with None or () to delete references:
>>> nodes[0].setLinks(None)
>>> nodes[0].getLinks()
Use a list of UIDs to set:
>>> nodes[0].setLinks([n.UID() for n in nodes[1:]])
>>> nodes[0].getLinks()
[<Refnode...>, <Refnode...>]
>>> nodes[0].setLinks(())
>>> nodes[0].getLinks()
Setting multiple values for a non multivalued field will fail:
>>> nodes[1].setLink(nodes)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Multiple values ...
Keyword arguments may be passed directly to addReference(),
thereby creating properties on the reference objects:
>>> nodes[1].setLink(nodes[0].UID(), foo='bar', spam=1)
>>> ref = nodes[1].getReferenceImpl()[0]
>>>, ref.spam
('bar', 1)
Empty BTreeFolders work as values (#1212048):
>>> _ = self.folder.invokeFactory('SimpleBTreeFolder', 'btf')
>>> nodes[2].setLink(self.folder.btf)
>>> nodes[2].getLink()
tool = getToolByName(instance, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
targetUIDs = [ref.targetUID for ref in
tool.getReferences(instance, self.relationship)]
if value is None:
value = ()
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = value,
elif not self.multiValued and len(value) > 1:
raise ValueError, \
"Multiple values given for single valued field %r" % self
#convert objects to uids if necessary
uids = []
for v in value:
if isinstance(v, basestring):
uids.append(IUUID(v, None))
add = [v for v in uids if v and v not in targetUIDs]
sub = [t for t in targetUIDs if t not in uids]
# tweak keyword arguments for addReference
addRef_kw = kwargs.copy()
addRef_kw.setdefault('referenceClass', self.referenceClass)
if 'schema' in addRef_kw:
del addRef_kw['schema']
for uid in add:
__traceback_info__ = (instance, uid, value, targetUIDs)
# throws IndexError if uid is invalid
tool.addReference(instance, uid, self.relationship, **addRef_kw)
for uid in sub:
tool.deleteReference(instance, uid, self.relationship)
if self.referencesSortable:
if not hasattr(aq_base(instance), 'at_ordered_refs'):
instance.at_ordered_refs = {}
instance.at_ordered_refs[self.relationship] = tuple(filter(None, uids))
if self.callStorageOnSet:
#if this option is set the reference fields's values get written
#to the storage even if the reference field never use the storage
#e.g. if i want to store the reference UIDs into an SQL field
ObjectField.set(self, instance, self.getRaw(instance), **kwargs)
def getRaw(self, instance, aslist=False, **kwargs):
"""Return the list of UIDs referenced under this fields
rc = getToolByName(instance, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
brains = rc(sourceUID=IUUID(instance, None),
res = [b.targetUID for b in brains]
if not self.multiValued and not aslist:
if res:
res = res[0]
res = None
if not self.multiValued or not self.referencesSortable or not hasattr(aq_base(instance), 'at_ordered_refs'):
return res
refs = instance.at_ordered_refs
order = refs.get(self.relationship)
if order is None:
return res
return [r for r in order if r in res]
def Vocabulary(self, content_instance=None):
"""Use vocabulary property if it's been defined."""
if self.vocabulary or getattr(self, 'vocabulary_factory', None):
return ObjectField.Vocabulary(self, content_instance)
return self._Vocabulary(content_instance).sortedByValue()
def _brains_title_or_id(self, brain, instance):
""" ensure the brain has a title or an id and return it as unicode"""
title = None
if shasattr(brain, 'getId'):
title = brain.getId
if shasattr(brain, 'Title') and brain.Title != '':
title = brain.Title
if title is not None and isinstance(title, basestring):
return decode(title, instance)
raise AttributeError, "Brain has no title or id"
def _Vocabulary(self, content_instance):
pairs = []
pc = getToolByName(content_instance, 'portal_catalog')
uc = getToolByName(content_instance, config.UID_CATALOG)
purl = getToolByName(content_instance, 'portal_url')
allowed_types = self.allowed_types
allowed_types_method = getattr(self, 'allowed_types_method', None)
if allowed_types_method:
meth = getattr(content_instance, allowed_types_method)
allowed_types = meth(self)
skw = allowed_types and {'portal_type': allowed_types} or {}
brains = uc.searchResults(skw)
if self.vocabulary_custom_label is not None:
label = lambda b: eval(self.vocabulary_custom_label, {'b': b})
elif self.vocabulary_display_path_bound != -1 and len(brains) > self.vocabulary_display_path_bound:
at = _(u'label_at', default=u'at')
label = lambda b: u'%s %s %s' % (self._brains_title_or_id(b, content_instance),
at, b.getPath())
label = lambda b: self._brains_title_or_id(b, content_instance)
# The UID catalog is the correct catalog to pull this
# information from, however the workflow and perms are not accounted
# for there. We thus check each object in the portal catalog
# to ensure it validity for this user.
portal_base = purl.getPortalPath()
path_offset = len(portal_base) + 1
abs_paths = {}
abs_path = lambda b, p=portal_base: '%s/%s' % (p, b.getPath())
[abs_paths.update({abs_path(b):b}) for b in brains]
pc_brains = pc(path=abs_paths.keys(), **skw)
for b in pc_brains:
b_path = b.getPath()
# translate abs path to rel path since uid_cat stores
# paths relative now
path = b_path[path_offset:]
# The reference field will not expose Refrerences by
# default, this is a complex use-case and makes things too hard to
# understand for normal users. Because of reference class
# we don't know portal type but we can look for the annotation key in
# the path
if self.referenceReferences is False and \
path.find(config.REFERENCE_ANNOTATION) != -1:
# now check if the results from the pc is the same as in uc.
# so we verify that b is a result that was also returned by uc,
# hence the check in abs_paths.
if b_path in abs_paths:
uid = abs_paths[b_path].UID
if uid is None:
# the brain doesn't have an uid because the catalog has a
# staled object. THAT IS BAD!
raise ReferenceException("Brain for the object at %s "\
"doesn't have an UID assigned with. Please update your"\
" reference catalog!" % b_path)
pairs.append((uid, label(b)))
if not self.required and not self.multiValued:
no_reference = _(u'label_no_reference',
default=u'<no reference>')
pairs.insert(0, ('', no_reference))
__traceback_info__ = (content_instance, self.getName(), pairs)
return DisplayList(pairs)
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
return 0
class ComputedField(Field):
"""A field that always returns a computed."""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'computed',
'expression': None,
'widget': ComputedWidget,
'mode': 'r',
'storage': ReadOnlyStorage(),
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def set(self, *ignored, **kwargs):
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
"""Return the computed value."""
return eval(self.expression, {'context': instance, 'here': instance})
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data.
Used for get_size in BaseObject.
return 0
class BooleanField(ObjectField):
"""A field that stores boolean values."""
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'boolean',
'default': None,
'vocabulary': (('True', 'Yes', 'yes'), ('False', 'No', 'no')),
'widget': BooleanWidget,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
value = super(BooleanField, self).get(instance, **kwargs)
if value is None:
return value
return bool(value)
def getRaw(self, instance, **kwargs):
value = super(BooleanField, self).getRaw(instance, **kwargs)
if value is None:
return value
return bool(value)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
"""If value is not defined or equal to 0, set field to false;
otherwise, set to true."""
if not value or value == '0' or value == 'False':
value = False
value = True
ObjectField.set(self, instance, value, **kwargs)
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
return True
class CMFObjectField(ObjectField):
_properties = Field._properties.copy()
'type': 'object',
'portal_type': 'File',
'default': None,
'default_mime_type': 'application/octet-stream',
'widget': FileWidget,
'storage': ObjectManagedStorage(),
'workflowable': True,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def _process_input(self, value, default=None, **kwargs):
__traceback_info__ = (value, type(value))
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
if ((isinstance(value, FileUpload) and value.filename != '') or \
(isinstance(value, FileType) and != '')):
# OK, its a file, is it empty?, 2)
size = value.tell()
if size == 0:
# This new file has no length, so we keep
# the orig
return default
return value
if value is None:
return default
if value == '':
return default
return value
raise ObjectFieldException('Value is not File or String')
def get(self, instance, **kwargs):
return self.getStorage(instance).get(self.getName(), instance, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# object doesnt exists
tt = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_types', None)
if tt is None:
msg = "Coudln't get portal_types tool from this context"
raise AttributeError(msg)
type_name = self.portal_type
info = tt.getTypeInfo(type_name)
if info is None:
raise ValueError('No such content type: %s' % type_name)
if not shasattr(info, 'constructInstance'):
raise ValueError('Cannot construct content type: %s' % \
args = [instance, self.getName()]
for k in ['field', 'schema']:
del kwargs[k]
return mapply(info.constructInstance, *args, **kwargs)
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
obj = self.get(instance, **kwargs)
value = self._process_input(value, default=self.getDefault(instance), \
if value is None or value == '':
# do nothing
# The object should be already stored, so we dont 'set' it,
# but just change instead.
# ObjectField.set(self, instance, obj, **kwargs)
# Written in 2003 by Christian Scholz (
# version: 1.0 (26/02/2002)
class Image(BaseImage):
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
def title(self):
parent = aq_parent(aq_inner(self))
if parent is not None:
return parent.Title() or parent.getId()
return self.getId()
title = ComputedAttribute(title, 1)
alt = title_or_id = title
def isBinary(self):
return True
class ImageField(FileField):
""" implements an image attribute. it stores
it's data in an image sub-object
sizes is an dictionary containing the sizes to
scale the image to. PIL is required for that.
sizes={'mini': (50,50),
'normal': (100,100), ... }
syntax: {'name': (width,height), ... }
the scaled versions can then be accessed as
e.g. object/image_mini
where <imagename> is the fieldname and <scalename>
is the name from the dictionary
original_size -- this parameter gives the size in (w,h)
to which the original image will be scaled. If it's None,
then no scaling will take place.
This is important if you don't want to store megabytes of
imagedata if you only need a max. of 100x100 ;-)
max_size -- similar to max_size but if it's given then the image
is checked to be no bigger than any of the given values
of width or height.
sizes={ 'mini': (80,80),
'normal': (200,200),
'big': (300,300),
'maxi': (500,500)})
will create an attribute called "image"
with the sizes mini, normal, big, maxi as given
and a original sized image of max 600x600.
This will be accessible as
and the sizes as
the official API to get tag (in a pagetemplate) is
obj.getField('image').tag(obj, scale='mini')
sizes may be the name of a method in the instance or a callable which
returns a dict.
Don't remove scales once they exist! Instead of removing a scale
from the list of sizes you should set the size to (0,0). Thus
removeScales method is able to find the scales to delete the
Scaling will only be available if PIL is installed!
If 'DELETE_IMAGE' will be given as value, then all the images
will be deleted (None is understood as no-op)
_properties = FileField._properties.copy()
'type': 'image',
'default': '',
'original_size': None,
'max_size': None,
'sizes': {'thumb': (80, 80)},
'swallowResizeExceptions': False,
'pil_quality': 88,
'pil_resize_algo': PIL_ALGO,
'default_content_type': 'image/png',
'allowable_content_types': ('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'),
'widget': ImageWidget,
'storage': AttributeStorage(),
'content_class': Image,
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
default_view = "view"
def set(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
# Do we have to delete the image?
if value == "DELETE_IMAGE" or value is None:
self.removeScales(instance, **kwargs)
# unset main field too
ObjectField.unset(self, instance, **kwargs)
if not value:
kwargs.setdefault('mimetype', None)
default = self.getDefault(instance)
value, mimetype, filename = self._process_input(value, default=default,
instance=instance, **kwargs)
# value is an OFS.Image.File based instance
# don't store empty images
get_size = getattr(value, 'get_size', None)
if get_size is not None and get_size() == 0:
kwargs['mimetype'] = mimetype
kwargs['filename'] = filename
data = self.rescaleOriginal(value, **kwargs)
except (ConflictError, KeyboardInterrupt):
if not self.swallowResizeExceptions:
data = str(
# TODO add self.ZCacheable_invalidate() later
self.createOriginal(instance, data, **kwargs)
self.createScales(instance, value=data)
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'getAvailableSizes')
def getAvailableSizes(self, instance):
"""Get sizes
self.sizes as dict
A method in instance called like sizes that returns dict
A callable
sizes = self.sizes
if isinstance(sizes, dict):
return sizes
elif isinstance(sizes, basestring):
method = getattr(instance, sizes)
data = method()
return data
elif callable(sizes):
return sizes()
elif sizes is None:
return {}
raise TypeError, 'Wrong self.sizes has wrong type: %s' % type(sizes)
security.declareProtected(permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'rescaleOriginal')
def rescaleOriginal(self, value, **kwargs):
"""rescales the original image and sets the data
for self.original_size or self.max_size
value must be an OFS.Image.Image instance
data = str(
if not HAS_PIL:
return data
mimetype = kwargs.get('mimetype', self.default_content_type)
if self.original_size or self.max_size:
if not value:
return self.default
w = h = 0
if self.max_size:
if value.width > self.max_size[0] or \
value.height > self.max_size[1]:
factor = min(float(self.max_size[0]) / float(value.width),
float(self.max_size[1]) / float(value.height))
w = int(factor * value.width)
h = int(factor * value.height)
elif self.original_size:
w, h = self.original_size
if w and h:
__traceback_info__ = (self, value, w, h)
fvalue, format = self.scale(data, w, h)
data =
data = str(
return data
def createOriginal(self, instance, value, **kwargs):
"""create the original image (save it)
if value:
image = self._wrapValue(instance, value, **kwargs)
image = self.getDefault(instance)
ObjectField.set(self, instance, image, **kwargs)
def removeScales(self, instance, **kwargs):
"""Remove the scaled image
sizes = self.getAvailableSizes(instance)
if sizes:
for name, size in sizes.items():
id = self.getName() + "_" + name
# the following line may throw exceptions on types, if the
# type-developer add sizes to a field in an existing
# instance and a user try to remove an image uploaded before
# that changed. The problem is, that the behavior for non
# existent keys isn't defined. I assume a keyerror will be
# thrown. Ignore that.
self.getStorage(instance).unset(id, instance, **kwargs)
except KeyError:
security.declareProtected(permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'createScales')
def createScales(self, instance, value=_marker):
"""creates the scales and save them
sizes = self.getAvailableSizes(instance)
if not HAS_PIL or not sizes:
# get data from the original size if value is None
if value is _marker:
img = self.getRaw(instance)
if not img:
data = str(
data = value
# empty string - stop rescaling because PIL fails on an empty string
if not data:
filename = self.getFilename(instance)
for n, size in sizes.items():
if size == (0, 0):
w, h = size
id = self.getName() + "_" + n
__traceback_info__ = (self, instance, id, w, h)
imgdata, format = self.scale(data, w, h)
except (ConflictError, KeyboardInterrupt):
if not self.swallowResizeExceptions:
# scaling failed, don't create a scaled version
mimetype = 'image/%s' % format.lower()
image = self._make_image(id, title=self.getName(), file=imgdata,
content_type=mimetype, instance=instance)
# nice filename: filename_sizename.ext
#fname = "%s_%s%s" % (filename, n, ext)
#image.filename = fname
image.filename = filename
delattr(image, 'title')
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# manually use storage
self.getStorage(instance).set(id, instance, image,
mimetype=mimetype, filename=filename)
def _make_image(self, id, title='', file='', content_type='', instance=None):
"""Image content factory"""
return self.content_class(id, title, file, content_type)
def scale(self, data, w, h, default_format='PNG'):
""" scale image (with material from ImageTag_Hotfix)"""
#make sure we have valid int's
size = int(w), int(h)
original_file = StringIO(data)
image =
if image.format == 'GIF' and size[0] >= image.size[0] and size[1] >= image.size[1]:
try: + 1)
# original image is animated GIF and no bigger than the scale requested
# don't attempt to scale as this will lose animation
return original_file, 'gif'
except EOFError:
# image is not animated
# consider image mode when scaling
# source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)'
# convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling
# preserve palletted mode (but not pallette)
# for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF
# PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails
original_mode = image.mode
img_format = image.format and image.format or default_format
if img_format in ('TIFF', 'EPS', 'PSD'):
# non web image format have jpeg thumbnails
target_format = 'JPEG'
target_format = img_format
if original_mode == '1':
image = image.convert('L')
elif original_mode == 'P':
image = image.convert('RGBA')
elif original_mode == 'CMYK':
image = image.convert('RGBA')
image.thumbnail(size, self.pil_resize_algo)
# decided to only preserve palletted mode
# for GIF, could also use image.format in ('GIF','PNG')
if original_mode == 'P' and img_format == 'GIF':
image = image.convert('P')
thumbnail_file = StringIO()
# quality parameter doesn't affect lossless formats, target_format, quality=self.pil_quality)
return thumbnail_file, target_format.lower()
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'getSize')
def getSize(self, instance, scale=None):
"""get size of scale or original
img = self.getScale(instance, scale=scale)
if not img:
return 0, 0
return img.width, img.height
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'getScale')
def getScale(self, instance, scale=None, **kwargs):
"""Get scale by name or original
if scale is None:
return self.get(instance, **kwargs)
id = self.getScaleName(scale=scale)
image = self.getStorage(instance).get(id, instance, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
return ''
image = self._wrapValue(instance, image, **kwargs)
if shasattr(image, '__of__', acquire=True) and not kwargs.get('unwrapped', False):
return image.__of__(instance)
return image
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'getScaleName')
def getScaleName(self, scale=None):
"""Get the full name of the attribute for the scale
if scale:
return self.getName() + "_" + scale
return ''
def get_size(self, instance):
"""Get size of the stored data used for get_size in BaseObject
TODO: We should only return the size of the original image
sizes = self.getAvailableSizes(instance)
original = self.get(instance)
size = original and original.get_size() or 0
if sizes:
for name in sizes.keys():
id = self.getScaleName(scale=name)
data = self.getStorage(instance).get(id, instance)
except AttributeError:
size += data and data.get_size() or 0
return size
security.declareProtected(permissions.View, 'tag')
def tag(self, instance, scale=None, height=None, width=None, alt=None,
css_class=None, title=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a tag including scale
image = self.getScale(instance, scale=scale)
if image:
img_width, img_height = self.getSize(instance, scale=scale)
img_height = 0
img_width = 0
if height is None:
height = img_height
if width is None:
width = img_width
url = instance.absolute_url()
if scale:
url += '/' + self.getScaleName(scale)
url += '/' + self.getName()
if alt is None:
alt = instance.Title()
if title is None:
title = instance.Title()
values = {'src': url,
'alt': escape(alt, quote=True),
'title': escape(title, quote=True),
'height': height,
'width': width,
result = '<img src="%(src)s" alt="%(alt)s" title="%(title)s" '\
'height="%(height)s" width="%(width)s"' % values
if css_class is not None:
result = '%s class="%s"' % (result, css_class)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if value:
result = '%s %s="%s"' % (result, key, value)
return '%s />' % result
__all__ = ('Field', 'ObjectField', 'StringField',
'FileField', 'TextField', 'DateTimeField', 'LinesField',
'IntegerField', 'FloatField', 'FixedPointField',
'ReferenceField', 'ComputedField', 'BooleanField',
'CMFObjectField', 'ImageField',
description='Used for storing simple strings')
description='Used for storing files')
description=('Used for storing text which can be '
'used in transformations'))
title='Date Time',
description='Used for storing date/time')
description=('Used for storing text which can be '
'used in transformations'))
description='Used for storing integer values')
description='Used for storing float values')
title='Fixed Point',
description='Used for storing fixed point values')
description=('Used for storing references to '
'other Archetypes Objects'))
description=('Read-only field, which value is '
'computed from a python expression'))
description='Used for storing boolean values')
title='CMF Object',
description=('Used for storing value inside '
'a CMF Object, which can have workflow. '
'Can only be used for BaseFolder-based '
'content objects'))
description=('Used for storing images. '
'Images can then be retrieved in '
'different thumbnail sizes'))
registerPropertyType('required', 'boolean')
registerPropertyType('default', 'string')
registerPropertyType('default', 'integer', IntegerField)
registerPropertyType('default', 'boolean', BooleanField)
registerPropertyType('default', 'datetime', DateTimeField)
registerPropertyType('vocabulary', 'string')
registerPropertyType('enforceVocabulary', 'boolean')
registerPropertyType('multiValued', 'boolean', LinesField)
registerPropertyType('searchable', 'boolean')
registerPropertyType('isMetadata', 'boolean')
registerPropertyType('accessor', 'string')
registerPropertyType('edit_accessor', 'string')
registerPropertyType('mutator', 'string')
registerPropertyType('mode', 'string')
registerPropertyType('read_permission', 'string')
registerPropertyType('write_permission', 'string')
registerPropertyType('widget', 'widget')
registerPropertyType('validators', 'validators')
registerPropertyType('storage', 'storage')
registerPropertyType('index', 'string')
registerPropertyType('old_field_name', 'string')
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