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Last active April 25, 2024 19:55
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Ideal point model in stan
# Ideal point model in stan / R
# example taken & simplified from
# simulate data: 100 legislators, 150 votes
N_legislators <- 50
N_bills <- 150
vote_probs <- c(
rep(0.9, 21), # Liberals (majority Gov. party)
rep(0.7, 11), # Conservatives (uneasy coalition)
rep(0.3, 8), # Socialists (opposition)
rep(0.25, 5), # Greens (opposition)
rep(0.01, 3), # Religious (opposition)
rep(0.5, 2) # Independents (random)
votes_data <- tibble(
bill_id = rep(1:N_bills, each = N_legislators),
legislator_id = rep(1:N_legislators, N_bills),
vote_prob = rep(vote_probs, N_bills),
vote = rbinom(N_bills*N_legislators, 1, vote_prob),
legislator_party = as_factor(case_when(
legislator_id <= 20 ~ "The Classic Liberal Party",
legislator_id > 20 & legislator_id <= 32 ~ "The Conservative Party",
legislator_id > 32 & legislator_id <= 40 ~ "The Socialist Party",
legislator_id > 40 & legislator_id <= 45 ~ "The Green Party",
legislator_id > 45 & legislator_id <= 48 ~ "The Religious Party",
TRUE ~ "Independent"
# transform to stan data
stan_data <- list(
N_legislators = N_legislators,
N_bills = N_bills,
N_observations = nrow(votes_data),
idx_legi = votes_data$legislator_id,
idx_bill = votes_data$bill_id,
y = votes_data$vote
# compile and fit the model!
mod <- cmdstan_model("idealpoint.stan")
fit <- mod$optimize(data = stan_data, jacobian = TRUE)
# make a plot on how well we did!
votes_data |>
filter(bill_id == 1) |>
mutate(alpha = res$mle("alpha")) |>
ggplot(aes(x = legislator_id, y = alpha, color = legislator_party)) +
geom_point() +
geom_point(aes(y = -log(vote_prob) + mean(log(vote_prob))), color = "black", pch = 2) +
theme_linedraw() +
title = "Estimation accuracy of legislator parameter",
x = "Legislator ID",
color = "Legislator party",
y = "Log-odds ratio",
subtitle = "Inaccuracies due to regularization towards the mean (prior & scaling)"
ggsave("idealpoint.png", width = 9, height = 5)
data {
int<lower=1> N_legislators;
int<lower=1> N_bills;
int<lower=1> N_observations;
array[N_observations] int<lower=1, upper=N_legislators> idx_legi; // Legislator for observation n
array[N_observations] int<lower=1, upper=N_bills> idx_bill; // Bill for observation n
array[N_observations] int<lower=0, upper=1> y; // Vote of observation n
parameters {
vector[N_bills] gamma;
vector[N_legislators] alpha;
vector[N_bills] beta;
model {
//priors on parameters
alpha ~ normal(0, 1);
beta ~ normal(0, 10);
gamma ~ normal(0, 10);
// likelihood
y ~ bernoulli_logit(gamma[idx_bill] .* alpha[idx_legi] - beta[idx_bill]);
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