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Created November 24, 2023 09:58
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penalized synthetic control estimation (Abadie & L'Hour, 2021)
#' Penalized synthetic control estimator
#' Estimate synthetic control with penalization
#' according to Abadie & L'Hour.
#' @param X1 treated unit covariates
#' @param X0 donor units covariates
#' @param v variable weights
#' @param lambda penalization parameter
#' @param ... osqp settings using osqp::osqpSettings()
#' @return list of weights and the osqp optimizer object
#' @export
synthetic_control <- function(X1, X0, v, lambda = 0, opt_pars = osqp::osqpSettings(polish = TRUE)) {
N_donors <- ncol(X0)
X0v <- X0*sqrt(v)
X1v <- X1*sqrt(v)
# components for quadratic program
# see
X0VX0 <- crossprod(X0v)
X1VX0 <- crossprod(X1v, X0v)
Delta <- apply(X0v - c(X1v), 2, crossprod)
# linear constraint matrix
Amat <- rbind(rep(1, N_donors), diag(N_donors))
lbound <- c(1, rep(0, N_donors))
ubound <- rep(1, N_donors + 1)
# stop annoying printing with capture.output.
o <- capture.output({
solver <- osqp::osqp(
P = X0VX0,
q = -X1VX0 + lambda*Delta,
A = Amat,
l = lbound,
u = ubound,
pars = opt_pars
result <- solver$Solve()
return(list(w = result$x, solution = result, optim = solver))
X0 <- matrix(
c(1, 1.3,
0.5, 1.8,
1.1, 2.4,
1.8, 1.8,
1.3, 1.8), 2)
X1 <- matrix(c(0.8, 1.65), 2)
lam_seq <- seq(0, 12, length.out = 100)
res <- sapply(lam_seq, \(l) synthetic_control(X1, X0, rep(1, 2), lambda = l)$w)
round(res, 3)
data.frame(lam = lam_seq, w = t(res)) |>
filter(lam != 0) |>
pivot_longer(-lam, names_prefix = "w.") |>
ggplot(aes(x = lam, y = value, colour = name)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10") +
x = "Penalty parameter",
y = "Weight",
colour = "Donor unit",
title = "Weights path as a function of lambda"
) +
solpath <- data.frame(lam = lam_seq, x = t(X0%*%res))
data.frame(id = c("treated", rep("donor", ncol(X0))), x = t(cbind(X1, X0))) |>
ggplot(aes(x = x.1, y = x.2)) +
geom_line(data = solpath, col = "grey", linetype = 1) +
geom_point(aes(fill = id), size = 3, pch = 21, col = "white") +
theme_minimal() +
xlim(0, 2) +
ylim(1, 2.75)
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