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Created June 13, 2017 15:50
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set shortmess=a
set t_Co=256
syntax on
set background=dark
set nowrap
set showmatch
set showcmd
set number
set tabstop=2 " The width of a TAB is set to 2.
" Still it is a \t. It is just that
" Vim will interpret it to be having
" a width of 2.
set shiftwidth=2 " Indents will have a width of 2
set softtabstop=2 " Sets the number of columns for a TAB
set expandtab " Expand TABs to spaces
set mouse=a " Enable Mouse Support
:highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
:match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
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